Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 108 This is the real rescue work to save the Hong Kong film market!

"Well, that's right.

This is the essence of the movie "Infernal Affairs". "

Qin Feng looked at Liu Dehua and Xu Guanwen with shock written on their faces, nodded and said.

After listening to Qin Feng's words, Liu Dehua and Xu Guanwen looked at each other.

Then I couldn't wait to pick up the "Infernal Affairs"-script on the table and read it!

The whole process, - neither said a word.

From the very beginning, I was deeply attracted by the new setting of "Infernal Affairs".

Indeed, the "Infernal Affairs", which was once known as the ceiling of the world's police and gangster films in the earth period, is outstanding because of its setting of adding undercover to the police.

In 2003, when "Infernal Affairs" was just broadcast, it quickly shocked the audience who watched it.

Everyone has to admit, this is the type of cop movie they've never seen!

"Infernal Affairs" is different from the usual police and gangster films.

It starts with a twisted and bizarre psychological confrontation. In addition to a large number of entertainment elements, there are also some philosophical and thought-provoking things.

The film abandons the way of the previous Hong Kong movie gangster films, no longer puts the loyalty of the rivers and lakes, grudges and hatreds in the first place, but focuses on depicting the psychological changes of the characters.

No longer blindly pursuing big scenes and big bangs, but focusing on describing how things will go.

In the film, Liu Jianming wants to be a good person, but he is full of helplessness and hesitation because of this, and finally he has a split personality.

In the endless black and white, it is difficult to make the right choice. This is the most painful moment in life.

Infernal Affairs does not move people's actions, but the inner struggles of the little ones.

I want to be a really good person, but the past cannot be erased.

It truly expresses the idea that people can't help themselves when they are in the rivers and lakes!

This is not a simple film that relies on star accumulation, its success lies in the fact that it has made a great breakthrough compared with the previous Hong Kong police and bandit films.

This film does not only rely on heroes to appear like other police and gangster films, but infects the audience with exquisite plots and neat and neat lens editing.

The ups and downs of the plot are used to express the contradictions and conflicts between the characters.

This film shows the complex relationship between the police and the criminals, but it is not limited to the intrigue between each other.

In particular, Chen Yongren's tragic death at the end of the line made "Infernal Affairs" out of the ordinary police and bandit movies, and justice will eventually defeat evil.

In addition, the excellence of this film is also reflected in the application of many other film technologies.

For example, in the rebroadcast of the film from time to time, Liu Jianming watched Chen Yongren leave the police academy.

Using their misplaced starting points to push the story forward is undeniably clever.

Before "Infernal Affairs", almost all the undercover images that appeared in Xiangjiang police and bandit movies were police undercover agents.

In those movies, the undercover men usually have a strong heart, and they are unshakable even when they suffer all kinds of pain, and finally they subdue the bandit leader and put on the police uniform again, and they are honored.

But "Infernal Affairs" is an alternative, it shows to the audience that the underworld also has undercover in the police.

Even undercover police officers have fragile hearts.

Even the underworld wants to make progress.

Good people are not rewarded.

These things are not in the previous Xiangjiang movies.

Most of the police and gangster films in the prosperous period of Hong Kong movies are black and white.

The positive characters occupy a lot of space in the film from beginning to end, and the end result is that justice triumphs over evil.

But in Infernal Affairs, it starts with the villain and ends with the villain.

The first person to appear in the film is Liu Jianming, a gangster in his youth, and the camera gives him a long close-up.

What the audience saw was a thin young man with shining eyes. In his eyes, the audience saw his admiration, envy and eagerness to try the boss Han Chen.

At the end of the film, the camera is also a close-up of Liu Jianming, but at this time he is middle-aged, his eyes have no light, and he is confused and contemplative.

Just from the echo of the details at the beginning and the end, you can see how different this movie is.

In addition to the surprises in the plot, "Infernal Affairs" also surpassed the stereotype of ordinary Hong Kong police and bandit movies in form.

Just like in Young and Dangerous movies, there will definitely be scenes of street beatings, and the conflicting Hong Kong police and bandit movies will definitely have fierce shooting scenes.

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But in Infernal Affairs, the regular item "shootout" was all but wiped out.

Only after Officer Huang fell from the building, there was a scene of a gunfight between the police and the bandits, and this shootout only lasted for more than thirty seconds.

It stands to reason that there is no gunfight in the Hong Kong police and bandit film, just like cooking without oil, it will arouse strong disgust from the audience.

But Infernal Affairs went its own way.

The change from "martial opera" to "literary opera" not only did not make the audience not buy it, but it was more in line with the content of the story and made the story thrilling.

Let the audience devote more energy to paying attention to the protagonists Liu Jianming and Chen Yongren.

This unique approach also opens up a new path for Hong Kong police and bandit movies.

That is, it does not rely on the hot action scenes to attract the audience, but relies on the excellent plot and character performance to attract the audience.

Because of its unique approach in form and content, "Infernal Affairs" has gone out of its own way and brought a breath of fresh air to the Xiangjiang movies at that time.

Since then, no matter in Hong Kong or the mainland, everyone will more or less learn from "Infernal Affairs" when making police and gangster films.

But unfortunately, although everyone is vying to imitate and learn, none of the same type of film and television works after this can surpass "Infernal Affairs".

Even "Infernal Affairs 2" and "Infernal Affairs 3: Ultimate Infernal Affairs" struggle to reproduce the "Infernal Affairs" style.

This is also the reason why Qin Feng chose to create only "Infernal Affairs" in this world.

Leave this world film history an insurmountable classic!

Half an hour later, in the business suite of the Hong Kong Hotel.

Liu Tianwang and Xu Guanwen put down the "Infernal Affairs" script in their hands, raised their heads, and looked at each other.

Liu Tianwang opened his mouth and kept breathing heavily.

Still haven't come out of the soul-stirring and majestic plot of "Infernal Affairs".

As the chairman of the Hong Kong Film Association, Xu Guanwen, his hands are shaking with excitement!

Both of them completely understood one thing at this time.

That is, what they have in their hands at this time is the rescue work that really saves the Hong Kong film market! Fan.

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