Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 122 Sorry, I'm a Policeman

Now that Media Asia Films has agreed to produce "Infernal Affairs", it will be easier to handle.

With the participation of professional film companies, the shooting speed of the film will also be greatly improved.

Qin Feng then sent the production list of costumes and props needed for "Infernal Affairs" to Xu Guanwen, president of the Hong Kong Film Association.

Let the props team of Media Asia Company create the things that "Infernal Affairs" needs as quickly as possible according to their own requirements.

In order to start the shooting of "Infernal Affairs" as soon as possible!

At 12 noon on June 6, Xu Guanwen also sent him a message about the actor.

That is Guanxi and Wenle, who are inseparable from water and fire in the Xiangjiang area.

Everyone else agreed to be in Infernal Affairs!

This result was not what Qin Feng expected.

After all, Qin Feng knows in his heart that not only film companies all over the world are eager to cooperate with him.

There are also countless actors around the world who all want to display their talents under his direction and make breakthroughs and achievements in their acting careers.

Therefore, when the actors of "Infernal Affairs" on his list heard that he wanted 690 to find them for filming, they naturally agreed without any hesitation.

For the time being, Guanxi and Wenle, who have not yet agreed to appear in "Infernal Affairs".

It's not that I don't want to work with him.

But because of the grievances and hatreds between each other, it is impossible to let go of the so-called man's face between the media and the public.

After all, the two have publicly stated that if the other is in a movie, the other will not participate.

But in the face of Guanxi and Wenle's refusal to perform at this time, Qin Feng is not worried.

Because he has his own way to control these two people.

As long as he goes out, these two will obediently join the crew of "Infernal Affairs".

Qin Feng was not in a hurry at this time.

After all, Guanxi and Wenle have not many roles in "Infernal Affairs".

Just go through the motions.

Even after the filming of the entire "Infernal Affairs" (chej), it's okay to make up the two of them.

Qin Feng's attention is now focused on the two protagonists of this film, Liu Dehua and Liang Chaowei.

As the soul of the movie, the rivalry between Liu Tianwang and Liang Yingdi is the top priority of "Infernal Affairs".

Qin Feng decided to officially shoot the film this afternoon.

On the one hand, it was for Liangyingdi's role to be completed as soon as possible, so that he could devote himself to the movies he had signed.

On the other hand, it is also for "Infernal Affairs" to meet people in this world as soon as possible.

Sitting in the room at the Xiangjiang Hotel, Qin Feng turned his head and looked out.

When you see the bright weather outside.

Qin Feng immediately knew in his heart which scene in "Infernal Affairs" he was going to shoot later.

It was on the roof of the Hong Kong North Point Government Offices, 'Sorry, I'm a policeman. !

And the reason why he chose to shoot this scene.

On the one hand, the weather today is very suitable.

On the other hand, the roof of the government in North Point of Heung Kong is also the fastest filming location for the film.

Compared with other filming locations in Hong Kong, it is indeed possible to requisition and clear the scene faster here.

In the movie, there are only two people in this play, Liu Tianwang and Liang Yingdi.

So Qin Feng only needs two of them in place.

And knowing that he made this film is to save the Hong Kong film market.

I believe that the Xiangjiang Zhengfu will also generously let him use the roof.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng did not hesitate, and immediately called Liu Tianwang and Liang Yingdi.

Let them get ready to shoot their opposite scenes on the rooftop of "Infernal Affairs" this afternoon.

And this scene can be said to be one of the most classic scenes in the whole film.

When I learned that "Infernal Affairs" is about to open this afternoon.

Liu Tianwang and Liang Yingdi, the two leading actors in the film, also seemed very excited.

From the moment they got the "Infernal Affairs" script and decided who they were going to play.

In their hearts, they brought themselves into the role countless times.

And can't wait to be on the set, really into the world of "Infernal Affairs".

So at this point they are also fully prepared!

June 6, 3 pm.

On the roof of the government in North Point, Hong Kong.

"Infernal Affairs" rooftop drama officially started!

At this time, Liu Tianwang and Liang Yingdi, with the help of the makeup team, are creating the film and television look that Qin Feng needs.

The costumes of the two were also made by Media Asia Film Company in accordance with Qin Feng's request.

It has to be said that as a well-known film company in Hong Kong, MediaAsia's efficiency is still acceptable.

To a great extent, he followed Qin Feng's footsteps.

They did what Qin Feng pointed out.

While the two actors were putting on makeup, Qin Feng was also explaining to the photographers the camera effects he needed for the next scene.

After all, in this rooftop rivalry between Liang Yingdi and Liu Tianwang, the angle of the camera and the picture presented are extremely important!

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