Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 123 The extremely important lens language of Infernal Affairs!

As we all know, what people usually say is to "watch" movies, not "listen to" movies.

The film emphasizes watching, and the picture is the most intuitive impression the film gives the audience.

The person who decides the success or failure of a movie is the director, and a good director must be someone who can tell the story in the language of the camera lens.

The director expresses his meaning through the lens, and the audience understands the character's heart and feels the world in which the movie is located.

That is, I understand the language of the lens of the film.

This crucial "rooftop drama" in "Infernal Affairs" is about the undercover Chen Yongren, who knew Liu Jianming's identity as a black policeman and asked Liu Jianming to negotiate on the rooftop.

Although the whole play is only 2 minutes and 06 seconds, it left a deep impression on the hearts of countless audiences.

And why is this rooftop drama a classic?

A very important reason is its lens language!

This scene begins, - is a panoramic shot.

1 Panoramic shot: The whole body of Liu Jianming is given by the mirror, and the mirror is distorted.

Reflecting Liu Jianming's heart, it is also distorted due to the long-term indiscrimination of black and white.

Then came the second bust shot: the out-of-focus bust of Liu Jianming walked forward until it became clearer.

It means that he has changed from hesitation to certainty about the purpose of this trip.

3. Large panoramic shot: Given the sea in the distance, it proves that the scene is on a rooftop.

This is a setting shot, not just where the scene takes place.

It is also necessary to establish the mood of the whole scene, showing all the details that are important for the following paragraphs.

Then the camera circles around, constantly changing.

The lens is like Liu Jianming's eyes.

The audience stood from the same perspective as Liu Jianming and felt that the crisis was coming.

The fourth large close-up shot: a close-up of a pistol, which made the audience immediately understand that Liu Jianming was under control.

Chen Yongren's appearance is fantastic.

It appeared like a ghost from behind Liu Jianming, which was in line with his undercover character.

Every shot can give the audience a hint, and a good shot can make the audience integrate into the inner world of the characters.

Immediately after Chen Yongren crouched down, Liu Jianming took a look.

Confuse the audience, what is this for?

Then the handcuffs and the pistol were pulled out.

The two close-ups can tell the audience the reason without language, and make the audience firmly believe that Chen Yongren absolutely took the initiative to control Liu Jianming.

Liu Jianming: Very neat.

Chen Yongren: I also went to the police academy.

The dialogue between the two is responsible for reminding the audience of the scene of the two police academies at the beginning of the movie.

In the movie "Infernal Affairs", what is important is karma, fate and reincarnation!

Liu Jianming: "You undercover all like to be on the rooftop",


The lines of this sentence, undercover and rooftop, have also become a bridge for many movies to follow in the earth period.

Chen Yongren tightened the handcuffs.

This is a strong foreshadowing of Liu Jianming's turn in the next scene.

Chen Yongren: I'm not like you, I see the light.

And in the film, he is indeed in the sun.

The next shot is to Liu Jianming, Liu Jianming is not in the light, he bows his head.

Because he felt that he was a bad guy's secret identity, he instinctively inferior to Chen Yongren.

Liu Jianming turned around.

Visually, the audience will not feel the hostile relationship between the two, as well as the threatening relationship.

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