It's up to you to decide which way to go

This scene is what the big drug lord Han Chen said to his opponent: "It's up to you to decide which way to go."


At that time, Liu Jianming drank Han Chen's wine and obeyed the arrangement.

Become a drug gang planted ~ undercover in the police.

Liu Jianming's fate has also changed since then.

This choice of his, - makes him ten years later.

From a small gangster, he turned into a senior inspector.

However, did Liu Jianming have a choice at that time?


In the shot, Han Chen's open five fingers, like the black hand of fate, firmly grasped Liu Jianming's fate.


Qin Feng has completed the filming of the scene in front of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, "One will succeed and ten thousand bones will die"!

And young actor Liu Dehua's performance in it can be called remarkable.

It can only be said that it is very good.

If cultivated, there is a lot of room for development in the future.

After completing the role of gangster Liu Jianming before entering the police academy.

The young actor Liu Dehua and the young actor Liang Chaowei are about to film their relationship in the police academy.

Liu Jianming: I want to exchange with him

This scene is when Chen Yongren was expelled from the police academy.

The instructor reprimanded the students, do any of you want to exchange with him?

Liu Jianming, an undercover agent of a drug gang, said, "I want to change with him"


"Why did Liu Jianming say this.

Doesn't Liu Jianming want to be a policeman?

Of course the answer is no!

If it is an upright policeman, Liu Jianming will seize the opportunity firmly.

But he knew that it was Han Chen who arranged for him to enter the police academy.

Then he is on this road, no matter how high he goes.

He is a tool that is restrained by others, and his identity is false.

The identity of an undercover drug cartel is like a ticking time bomb.

It was a matter of time before the explosion, when he lost more than honor.

And it will disappoint those who like him! 35

Qin Feng held the script in his hand, stood in front of the young actor Liu Dehua, looked at him, and explained to him Liu Jianming's mentality at this time.

And young actor Liu Dehua also listened carefully.

From time to time nod in agreement.

Qin Feng then used several close-up shots, respectively, of Chen Yongren, who left the police academy and went to be an undercover gangster.

And Liu Jianming, who stayed in the police academy as an undercover police officer, gave a close-up of big expressions and actions.

Especially for the two of them, one turned their heads backwards and the other turned their heads forwards.

A close-up shot was taken.

...... ask for flowers ......

And in this, the portrayal of eyes is also vividly expressed by means of close-up.

This scene is the starting point for the fate of the two protagonists.

It is also the beginning of the splitting and staggering of the fate of the two people.

In the eyes of the two protagonists in different directions, there is a little confusion, a little loneliness, and some unwillingness.

The emotions conveyed in these eyes, more or less, also metaphorize the respective personalities of the two protagonists.


and are closely linked to their destiny.

And this turning of their heads is a symbolic expression of the huge contrast between the fates of the two.

Turn your head, and your fate is gone.

And for the last panoramic shot, the door closes.

Chen Yongren came out, and Liu Jianming stayed inside.

This gate is a metaphor for the meaning of the gate of destiny.

Inside and outside the door, from then on are two worlds that are no longer different.

I have to say that the meaning of the movie "Infernal Affairs" in the earth period is very deep.

In the process of building it in this world, Qin Feng also paid great attention to these details.

Because he knows, these seemingly inconspicuous details.

It is the indispensable thing that promotes "Infernal Affairs" and walks to the ceiling of the world's police and gangster movies! Fan.

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