Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 152 Making money? It doesn't exist!

"Director Qin Feng, you are going to Hong Kong to film Infernal Affairs this time.

Is it just your simple act of making money?"

"It is reported that this film was made by MediaAsia with a investment of 40 million Hong Kong dollars.

After the release of "Inception", he is now the hottest director in the world.

We want to know, how much of your personal income do you take?

Is your director's fee higher than the combined salary of Liu Tianwang and Liang Yingdi?"

"That's right, 40 million Hong Kong dollars is a sky-high figure in today's Hong Kong film market.

It is very likely that any Hong Kong film company will go bankrupt.

You let MediaAsia pay such a large price, but only made one, a type of police and gangster film that you have never set foot in before.

It's hard not to let us suspect that this is your quick money-making behavior after your popularity.

And you threatened to complete "Infernal Affairs" in 707 days in three days, which also confirmed this.

A movie that cost 40 million Hong Kong dollars to build and brought together most of the movie stars in Hong Kong.

You just want to shoot it in three days.

We want to know, can a movie like this be good?

Can your actions be called the most irresponsible behavior in the history of global film?!""

When Qin Feng got off the bus.

Countless reporters swarmed up, holding microphones, and surrounded him at the entrance of the Hong Kong Hotel.

Looking at this scene, Liang Yingdi and Liu Tianwang, who were on the side, tried to call the security guards to drive the 'bees' away.

(chej) However, Qin Feng smiled at the two of them and waved his hand.

Said he could handle it all.

Then Qin Feng turned his head and looked at the countless reporters who were also watching him.

He knows, in the two days that he disappeared while filming "Infernal Affairs".

The outside world has never stopped discussing that he spent 40 million yuan in Xiangjiang, but only made a police and bandit movie.

Everyone expresses incomprehension of his behavior.

After all, his current status is that of a world-renowned director.

The representative of the director of Dragon Man.

The savior of Hong Kong.

Before he came, people in Xiangjiang were all looking forward to it.

It is eager for him to stand up and create an earth-shattering movie in Hong Kong.

This will stop the decline of the Hong Kong film industry.

Lead Xiangjiang to glory again.

But I never imagined that the film he made in Xiangjiang was not only a bad street police and gangster film.

And it also cost 40 million Hong Kong dollars!

It's hard not to let the outside world understand that this is his money-making behavior after he became popular.

Never thought about saving the Hong Kong film market.

At this time, the Hong Kong media all thought that he had deceived them.

"You listen up.

I, Qin Feng, are standing here and can tell you in a responsible manner.

This "Infernal Affairs", I did not charge anyone any fees!

Media Asia's 40 million Hong Kong dollars was also used for the filming of the film and the remuneration of the actors.

I personally, Qin Feng, won't charge a penny for this movie made to save the Hong Kong film market!"

Qin Feng looked around at the people present, looked at them, and said loudly.

His words were like a thousand-ton boulder thrown into the calm sea.

Among the media reporters at the entrance of the Hong Kong Hotel, there was an uproar.


Qin Feng didn't charge a penny for the filming of "Infernal Affairs"?!

"The 40 million Hong Kong dollars of MediaAsia were all used for the production of the film?! 35

"Qin Feng, who is the director of the world's top pyramid, actually made this film for Xiangjiang for free?!

"how can that be?!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Shocked at this time, more than a group of reporters at the entrance of the Hong Kong Hotel.

There are countless viewers watching the news.

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