"Listen, the dream level normally set by the Inception team is two layers.

That is, from reality to dream 1 and then to dream 2, it will terminate when it reaches two levels at most.

If you want to wake up in a dream with more than one layer or more, you can choose suicide in dream 2 and wake up in dream 1.

Continue to commit suicide in dream 1 and wake up in reality.

There are two other ways to wake up.

The time node set before entering the dream state ends normally, you can wake up and then the dream state collapses,

The second coordinated fall, that is, arranging physical fall on the first floor and the second floor at the same time, so that you can wake up layer by layer when you fall. "

Qin Feng walked slowly to the center of the long table in the conference room, looked at the more than ten important actors in "Inception" sitting in front of him, and said solemnly.

However, what Qin Feng said at this time was just the dream level under normal settings.

In the later stages of the film, there are also abnormal dream levels.

That is to enter the fourth layer, and even the fifth layer of dreams.

And when Qin Feng talked about it, these Hollywood professional actors were sitting.

All of them took out the notebook they carried with them and recorded what Qin Feng said so that they could study at any time.

"It doesn't matter what you don't understand now, you can ask me any questions at any time.

I'll be there for you at any time during the shoot. "

Qin Feng stretched out his hand and continued to speak while trying to pick up the mineral water on the table in front of Leonardo.

Leonardo, on the other hand, was very discerning and took the initiative to pick up the water bottle for Qin Feng, unscrew the bottle cap, and hand it to Qin Feng.


Leonardo actor. "

After Qin Feng thanked the future Oscar winner, he raised his head and took a big mouthful.

Although in the earth period, Leonardo did not rely on this "Inception" to hold the Oscar statue that symbolizes supreme acting skills.

But in this world, Qin Feng is confident that Leonardo will win the coveted trophy in his heart with "Inception"!

Qin Feng is also full of confidence in this.

Because he knows that this world is a parallel world of the earth.

However, the research on hypnosis is far less than that of the earth, and the understanding can be said to be poorly understood.

And in terms of film culture, it is also a lot behind the earth.

Therefore, after the release of "Inception", Qin Feng believes that it can not only conquer global fans, but also conquer the strict Oscar judges!

Create a one-of-a-kind award-winning record!

Not only Leonardo, including Tom Hardy, Marion Cotillard and others.

Qin Feng is also confident in helping them win some important awards at the Oscars.

When I heard the word "actor" in Qin Feng's mouth.

Leonardo was stunned at first, and then a big smile appeared on his face.

Because of these two days of contact, Leonardo has a clearer understanding of Qin Feng, a 23-year-old student who has not yet graduated from the American Film Academy.

That is, don't look at Qin Feng's young age.

But the director's temperament, and the control and unique insights of a movie.

It is Leonardo who has never seen one of those so-called world directors who have become famous.

According to Leonardo's experience, he judged that the strength revealed by Qin Feng is far beyond those people!

In a 23-year-old film rookie, there is such a strong strength.

I have to say, this is a very scary thing.

Qin Feng's strength is somewhat unfathomable.

No one knows how deep this 23-year-old boy from the Dragon Kingdom has a deep understanding of movies!

But what Leonardo knows is that participating in "Inception" is definitely the closest to the Academy Awards in his life!

"Director Qin Feng, I saw an important message you wrote in the script.

That is, the time field related to each layer of dreams is different.

Can you give us a brief introduction to this.

I think other actors should also have doubts in this regard. "

At this time, Leonardo looked at Qin Feng and raised another question in his mind.

And after he finished speaking, he was also echoed by other actors in the conference room.

Said that they also have some doubts about this aspect.

"You have to remember that the time in the dream will have a different flow rate from the reality.

And the ratio of the flow rate of each person's dream to reality is different, which is related to the activity of the cerebral cortex.

Under normal circumstances, when the agent is not used, the time-to-flow ratio is 12 to 1 for each next layer.

That is, one day in reality corresponds to 12 days in dream 1 and 144 days in dream 2.

However, when the dose of sedatives increases, the activity of the cerebral cortex accelerates, and this ratio will be increased to about 20. "

Qin Feng looked at the people present and explained to them clearly the setting of the dream time in "Inception".

(ps: The data is full, and the author is full! Brothers, I beg for all kinds of data support!)

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