Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 45 Losing To Him Is No Shame

After listening to Qin Feng's words, everyone in the conference room showed shock on their faces.

Because Qin Feng's detailed explanation of the difference in time between dreams at different layers really surprised them.

No one expected that Qin Feng's research in this area would be so profound.

His ideas are unheard of.

At the same time, from the bottom of my heart, I have infinite admiration for Qin Feng.

"Director Qin Feng, I read the script, there are settings about the totems that each character needs.

Can you explain a little more for us in this regard?

To be honest, I am very curious about my totem and can't wait to meet it. "

Tom Hardy, the actor of Eames the Pretender in the play, asked Qin Feng curiously while flipping the script of "Inception" in his hand.

Qin Feng smiled slightly after hearing this.

"Don't worry, everyone here has a unique soul totem that belongs to you.

I have asked the Warner Prop Group to start building it according to the plan I designed for you, and I believe I will meet you soon.

This seemingly inconspicuous thing will be your very important partner in the film.

Because it's about whether you really woke up from your dream! "

Qin Feng looked at everyone present and continued.

After listening to his words, the interest of all the actors was aroused again, and they stared at Qin Feng.

At the same time, prepare a pen and paper, and plan to record everything that you will hear later.

Because it's about, they understand the script better!

Only the story written by Qin Feng can be truly understood from the inside out.

Only in the performance process, they can achieve calmness!

"You remember, whenever you come out of a dream.

All use the totems in your hands to discern your current situation.

This is extremely important, because you need to know whether you have actually come out of it, or are you still in the world of consciousness! "

Qin Feng walked to the front of the stage, looked down at everyone off the field, and said solemnly.

After his words, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

Everyone stared at Qin Feng intently, waiting for his next words.

As professional Hollywood actors, these stars have already substituted themselves into the characters.

At this moment, they are sitting in the conference room, as if they are not actors, but real characters in the play!

Their souls are already linked together!

"I'm going to teach you now how the characters in the show can tell the situation.

After waking up from a dream, we normal people are sometimes slightly drowsy, and the brain temporarily stays in the dream world.

After a short period of recovery, you can gradually wake up.

Likewise, the longer the pirate is in the dream state, the fuller the frame and the closer to reality.

It will cause the Pirates to be unable to distinguish whether he is in reality or in a dream!

This is also the reason why the protagonist Cobb has always emphasized that familiar scenes cannot be used to dream frames. "

Qin Feng put his hands on the table, leaned forward, looked at the people under the stage, and said loudly.

Girard, CEO of Warner Films, who had been listening in the conference room, also nodded.

Although he has nothing to do with the shooting of the whole drama, he has read the script of "Inception" countless times.

Why don't you want to understand everything about "Inception"!

And Leonardo, who is the leading actor in "Inception", nodded silently after listening.

He had realized this last night while reading the script through the night.

This is also a huge conflict in the inner world of the protagonist Cobb.

His wife, "Phantom" Mel, is the killer in his subconscious world.

In this play, he and Marion Cotillard have a heavy rivalry.

The emotional entanglement between the two will last from the beginning of the film to the end of the film.

Thinking of this, Leonardo couldn't help but look back at the French actress, Marion Cotillard, who was sitting not far from him.

The latter is now staring at Qin Feng with his eyes fixed.

His eyes were full of love and admiration.

Seeing this, Leonardo couldn't help turning his head, patted his forehead helplessly, and sighed.

To be honest, it was the first time in his life that the actress was more interested in the director than in him.

You know, in the past when he was shooting a movie, the entire crew went from top to bottom, which actress was not fascinated by him.

But the play "Inception" is completely different.

Not only Marion Cotillard, Leonardo found that Alan Peggy, the second female lead in the play, looked at Qin Feng a bit wrongly.

But Leonardo can also understand, after all, a talented director like Qin Feng is really rare in the world.

The most important thing is that he is still very young, only 23 years old, and he is in full bloom.

Leonardo didn't find it difficult to accept losing to Qin Feng.

Instead, it was expected.

Because he knew that Qin Feng's counterattack in this world had just begun.

The man standing on the podium at this time will definitely become the king of the world in the future!

(ps: Kneeling for flowers to break 5,000! Kneeling for evaluation to break 500! Kneeling for all kinds of data support!)

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