After determining that this was another simulated case of a dead person, Su Yilin, Su Ruoxia, Liu Dong, and Xu Yang began to analyze and investigate this case, and their faces gradually became solemn.

All the way to the cafeteria, there is only one footprint, and around the canteen, there is only one footprint, the beams are too high and far apart, unless it is Spider-Man, it is impossible to move on the roof.

That is to say, only the dead have walked here before.

In other words, it is again impossible to commit a crime.

So, suicide again?

If the first suicide case is just a little strange, then adding this is very strange, this time even Liu Dong and Xu Yang are biased to feel that there is a problem.

Two disappeared at the same time and then committed suicide one after another.

This situation is not normal no matter how you look at it.

The audience in the live broadcast room also felt more and more abnormal, Zhou Shuyu and Charlotte were suspicious before, and now it is even more needless to say.

“Quickly check the surroundings for traces of a second person, and the cameramen try to move as little as possible and don’t cause unnecessary disturbance.” Xu Yang said.

They examined the surroundings in detail.

Even the second person walked through the beam, taking into account, but after checking, it was confirmed that there was no trace of the second person around, and it seemed that only the deceased came here to hang himself.

They wanted to examine the body, but it hung two or three meters high and could not be lowered.

“Look at his chest pocket, with a post-mortem report stuffed in.” Su Ruoxia said.

Everyone took a closer look, and sure enough, in the chest pocket, there was a note revealing a little, it was the paper of the post-mortem report, but it was folded and most of it was in the pocket, and the contents could not be seen.

Xu Yang took a stick and tried to get the note down.

And it doesn’t poke at all, as if the paper strip was sewn inside.

“The program team is also true, can’t the autopsy report be placed on the ground, put it in the pocket of the corpse hanging at such a height, how can we see it.” Liu Dong complained again.

“The meaning of the program group is obvious, normally you can’t perform an autopsy if you don’t put the body down, naturally you can’t see the autopsy report, we have to find a way to put the body down first, everyone be careful and pay attention to the knot, that may be an important clue, we have to find out how he died here.” Xu Yang said.

The roof of the canteen is very high, and the people are also hanging very high, and their feet are two or three meters off the ground.

Without a ladder, it is difficult to untie the knot above, and if the rope is cut from below with a knife extended with a stick, it may break the knot and destroy important clues.

And the body fell from two or three meters, which may cause additional injuries.

This may have a negative impact on the results of the autopsy.

In order to solve the case, they can’t do this, not to mention that this is not a real corpse, just a simulation, if they do this, the simulated victim above will have to fall.

They had to divide into two more groups, Su Ruoxia and Liu Dong went to find the ladder, while Su Yilin and Xu Yang stayed here to stare at the corpse while investigating the clues around.

“I am a little puzzled, if the deceased committed suicide, why did he deliberately go here, why did he hang himself to such a high place, a dying person, why did he make such trouble?” Xu Yang looked up at the corpse hanging in the air and asked a question.

When Su Yilin heard this, he also showed a thoughtful look.

She suddenly turned around, walked towards the girl and the tall boy and asked

“When I first saw the corpse, I heard you say, curse or something, what do you mean? Why do you panic like this every time you see them die? ”

Xu Yang immediately followed when he heard this, and also felt a little strange.

At first, I felt that it was normal for them to mistakenly think that their companions jumped off the building and felt afraid, but afterwards, they should not be so afraid, and even maybe, they would complain about the program group.

But they seemed to be scared out of a little psychological shadow, and when they saw the second corpse, they were even more frightened out of their souls, and the girl was still muttering something.

The eyes of the girl and the tall boy flickered and did not speak.

Su Yilin and Xu Yang saw through their lies at a glance, and Xu Yang said: “Even if you don’t say it, it’s not difficult for us to ask from your classmates, it’s better for you to say it yourself, it’s better to look better.” ”

The tall boy didn’t speak with a cold face, unwilling to reason, but the girl was entangled in her heart for a moment, and said: “This crime team must know the things of this school very well, and also know a few of us, he is expressing that the death of the two is a curse.” ”

“I don’t know if you’ve heard of what happened in this school.”

“There have been many students who have been bullied, and four of them have agreed to commit suicide together, but they don’t want to just die in vain, and they want to drag their bullies into the water.”

“So they learned a curse from a warlock, I don’t know how to do it exactly, but in the end, four people from four directions, just formed a formation, the same year, the same month, the same day, the same minute, the same second, jumped off the building together to commit suicide, after death, they will become fierce ghosts to make the life of bullying them worse than death.”

“After they die, there are still many classmates who laugh at their stupidity, what a bullshit formation, but just a coward who jumps off a building to commit suicide and deceives himself, and the classmates who bully them will live well.”

“What I didn’t expect was that one of the classmates who bullied them died, one was seriously injured and disabled, and one became crazy. Even the vice principal, who molested the girl, was punished, fell into a well, and never climbed up again. ”

“Their curse worked…”

“It is said that they turned into powerful ghosts and are still here.”

“Two of our companions committed suicide, as if the curse had come into effect again.”


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