Su Yilin and Xu Yang looked at each other when they heard it, they didn’t know that this school still had this kind of history, no wonder it was closed, and no wonder it was so gloomy here.

The audience in the live broadcast room also heard such detailed information for the first time.

Thinking of four students jumping from four directions, the same year, the same month, the same day, the same time, the same minute, and the same second, forming a curse, I feel a strange atmosphere.

“Damn, this school can’t be so terrifying.”

“Those four students are stupid, how can there really be a curse.”

“If not, then why do bullies die, are they seriously injured and crazy?”

“It’s better to trust what you have, not to trust nothing.”

“Why are you talking about it more and more terrifying, I dare not look at it.”

Liu Qinyi was frightened, and Lin Hai was also a little afraid.

Charlotte and Zhou Shuyu were concentrated, feeling that there would be important clues here.

Su Yilin asked, “Since you believe in the curse and are afraid, why do you come here?” ”

The girl said: “We didn’t believe it at first, so we deliberately came to prove that the curse did not exist, but we didn’t expect that two companions jumped off the building and hanged themselves, and the moment we saw it, we didn’t know that it was a simulation, we didn’t know that there was an air cushion and a steel wire, and we thought they were really cursed to death.” ”

Xu Yang heard some of the questions in the words and asked

“If that’s all, why did you hide in the first place? Why do you know how many of you are this task force? Is there a reason why the curse is only against you? ”

The girl hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth and said: “In fact, there is nothing that cannot be said, a few of us have also bullied others, but we have been punished by the school, and we apologize to the bullied.” Everyone can scold if they want, but we haven’t done bullying anymore. ”

Xu Yang and Su Yilin completely understood. The curse of this school is that several bullies specifically deal with bullies, and several of them have bullied others, so they naturally care about it.

This is also why they are so scared when they see their companions commit suicide, and even after knowing that it is simulated, there are still some shadows, because they have subconsciously felt that there is really a curse.

And they also clearly felt that the crime team should be fully aware of their affairs, and was deliberately targeting them, as if cursing them in a simulated way.

The audience in the live broadcast room finally understood.

“So it is, these are bullies.”

“No wonder from the beginning, I thought they were a little annoying.”

“This kind of bully, death is not a pity.”

“Don’t abuse the Internet, people have already been punished and apologized.”

“Do you think that apologizing will offset past mistakes?”

“Of course it can’t be counteracted, but does it really kill them? Of course I am against bullying, but they have already been punished, and if we want to continue online violence, what is the difference between online bullying? ”

“Let’s stop arguing about this, let’s go back to the case itself.”

“In my opinion, it is very clear, that is, the two were cursed to commit suicide.”

At this time, Liu Dong and Su Ruoxia came back, but they did not bring back the ladder, they searched all over the neighborhood, and did not find the ladder or even a high table, went to the teaching building to move, and it was too far away, and the desk was stacked up, how many of them, the table left in this abandoned school was basically broken.

To come back is to discuss whether to move the table.

Xu Yang and Su Yilin informed them of the curse information they had just received, and Liu Dong and Su Ruoxia were a little stunned, they didn’t quite believe this statement.

Use curses to be their suicide motives, the program team will not recognize it, right?

“Curse or something, I feel like it’s a bit.” Liu Dong said.

“But from the current situation, Sun Qiang suddenly jumped off the building to commit suicide, and the person in front of him also suddenly hanged himself, which is too weird, what if the program group accepts the setting of curse?” Xu Yang said.

They all turned their heads and looked at the staff.

However, the staff looked at the nose and nose and did not give tips.

“We didn’t find the ladder, are we going to move the table and put the body down?” Su Ruoxia asked.

“It’s too far to move the tables to the school building, and it’s estimated that it will take many tables to fold.” Su Yilin looked up, the height of the rope was four or five meters, pyramid-shaped stacked tables, no matter how to do more than ten or twenty, I really didn’t want to move.

And on the corpse, it is estimated that there is not much important information.

It can be roughly seen from below that the other party should not have any injuries on his body, that is, hanged, the only thing he cares about is the knot, how to hang so high.

Just when they were a little entangled, suddenly there was a bang in the distance, and the two crime-solving teams were startled, and quickly walked out of the cafeteria to look in the direction of the sound.

Soon in that direction, there was another bang.

After about two seconds, there was another bang.

The sound was loud and resounded throughout the school.

It should be heard outside the school.

“There were strange noises coming from inside the school…”

The two crime-solving teams thought of this report prompt, and their eyes suddenly burst with ejaculation.

At this time, the girl also exclaimed: “When we first came, this is what we heard. ”

The two crime-solving teams agreed and ran in the direction of the sound.

In order to prevent girls and tall boys from committing suicide, they were also brought with them.

Before leaving, they also applied for a mock school closure, and the program team agreed, after all, according to the actual situation, it is reasonable for the dead two people to send police forces to block the campus.

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