The new life is coming, and the new life is coming.

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Robbery! Hand over your brain!

[Xia Country VS South Korea, South Korea wins! ]

[Xia Country's eighth survivor dies, Xia Country suffers eight consecutive defeats, deprives Xia Country of 80% of its basic rewards, punishes Xia Country's citizens to reduce their lifespan by three years, and punishes Xia Country's total resources by 5%! ]

[South Korea wins three consecutive victories, all rewards obtained during the winning streak are increased by 30%, rewarding all South Korean citizens to increase their lifespan by five years, and rewarding South Korea's total resources by 8%! 】


A mysterious and huge voice was stirring in the sky.

At this moment, South Korea was boiling, but Xiaguo was silent.

It was not because the people of Xiaguo did not care, but because they had completely lost hope and courage in failure after failure.

Since the National Destiny Survival Game came more than four years ago, the game has selected a survivor from each country to enter the corresponding mythological world to survive and gain power.

Every six months, the National Destiny Arena comes, and the survivors of each country will be randomly paired to fight in the arena. The winner can get rewards for his country and himself.

If the loser dies, the corresponding country will take back most of the rewards and suffer terrible punishment!

The first failure will reduce the life expectancy of all citizens by one year.

Xiaguo lost nearly one million people at once, and the whole people held their breath, but they did not think they would continue to lose.

The second failure.

Xiaguo lost more than one million people again, and everyone began to feel uneasy.

The third failure.

Xiaguo lost more than two million people this time, the emotions of the people were ignited, and social security was damaged to a certain extent.

The fourth, fifth, sixth... successive defeats had a huge impact on Xiaguo.

The number of deaths of the elderly has also increased due to the successive punishments, and it is no longer limited to the elderly population. Social panic has intensified and consumer hedonism has risen again.

After all, no one knows when they will die, so it is better to do something while they can still breathe.

At the same time, there have been huge changes in social security. People can no longer tolerate things that they could tolerate in the past, and fights and brawls have occurred in large numbers.

And this time, the life expectancy of the whole people has been reduced by three years at once. After the punishment came, more than ten million people in Xiaguo died immediately.

The surviving Xia people are also exhausted.

"It's really too difficult to survive in the prehistoric world, and to survive in the current Xia Kingdom."

"Dragon, Phoenix, Qilin, demon, witch... I have tried all these races, but no survivor can get enough power."

"I just want to die early and be free."

"Forget it, I don't want to say anything. I'm tired, let's destroy it."


Take your eyes away from the picture on the sky, Feng Hao exhaled a long breath.

He traveled through time.

Traveled to a planet called Blue Star.

Four and a half years ago, the myth survival game suddenly came, and suitable survivors were drawn from 197 countries around the world to enter their corresponding worlds to survive.

The culture of the Xia Kingdom on this planet is quite different from his previous life. The most intuitive thing is that many ancient myths and legends have disappeared, and the masterpiece Shanhaijing has never appeared.

Similarly, the prehistoric flow has never appeared.

It just so happens that the mythological world corresponding to the Xia Kingdom is the prehistoric world in Feng Hao's memory.

After entering the prehistoric world, the previous eight survivors chose to reincarnate into many mainstream races, but the results were all unsatisfactory.

Because the prehistoric world is so vast and the concept of time is so broad, the time flow rate in the survival game is one to ten compared to that on Blue Star.

Six months on Blue Star is only five years in the survival game.

Among the many prehistoric races, both cultivation and growth require a lot of time.

For example, the dragon race takes hundreds or even thousands of years just to be born.

The five years that the survivors have spent in the prehistoric world are almost equivalent to one or two months for humans, and they can't gain any growth at all.

Moreover, the survivors who are reincarnated are usually the lowest-level babies with mixed bloodlines among the powerful races. After five years, they go to the battlefield... No wonder the eight consecutive defeats.

"How miserable!"

"The prehistoric world is so vast that time is generally not measured in years but in Yuanhui, and one Hui is 10,800 years."

"Prehistoric world is so vast that time is generally measured in Yuanhui instead of years, and one Hui is 10,800 years."


A short while in the wilderness means that almost 10,800 years have passed. What can five years do in the wilderness?"

"But there is a way to break the deadlock. At present, the timeline of the wilderness has jumped eight times and entered the period when the saints were born and the human race first appeared."

"If I can be chosen, I will definitely choose the human race first, and then... do merits, and then think of other ways to gain power!"

"And this game has a career system, but different systems have different ways to activate the career system."

Feng Hao sorted out his memories and felt a sense of emotion in his heart.


A blue light fell from the sky and enveloped him directly.


"Am I really chosen? ! "

Feng Hao was slightly stunned.

[Congratulations on being selected as a survivor of Xiaguo in the online game of Honghuang Survival.]

[Are you willing to participate in this online game of Honghuang Survival and bind yourself to Xiaguo?]


As the only person on the Blue Star who has a deep understanding of the direction of the prehistoric world, Feng Hao chose yes without much hesitation.

Take a chance and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle!

[Please choose your reincarnated race within ten minutes. If you have not made a choice by the end of the deadline, you will be regarded as giving up the chance to survive and stepping into death directly!]

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