The words slowly dissipated.

The blue light spread out and turned into independent holographic projections.

[Demon Clan] [Witch Clan] [Human Clan] [Asura Clan] [Dragon Clan] [Random of other 100 clans]

[Racial Characteristics]

Demon Clan: One of the two overlords of the prehistoric world, the race is powerful and overbearing, composed of multiple different races, with high affinity for spiritual energy but relatively slow cultivation speed, but extremely high upper limit, and strong clan.

Witch Clan: One of the two overlords of the prehistoric world, born from the blood of the twelve ancestor witches, divided into twelve inheritances and many tribes, is a natural warrior of the prehistoric world, born strong, but the degree of cultivation improvement is relatively low.

Human race: Nuwa became a saint by creating the human race. She was born with a very high upper limit of the Tao body but was born weak. She survived in the gap between the witches and liches.

Asura race: Created by the leader of the Styx, born in the blood sea of ​​the netherworld, they are naturally warlike and bloodthirsty. The males are strong and powerful, and the females are charming and sexy.

Dragon race: The overlord of the last era, after the decline at the end of the era, they still occupy the four seas. They have a strong foundation and are born strong. Every descendant of the dragon race is a natural warrior.

Information about each race flashed, not only Feng Hao could see it, but all the Xia people could see it.

But at this moment, they no longer had the energy to care about this matter.

Eight consecutive defeats, their mentality had already collapsed.

Feng Hao lay on a bench on the street, recalled it several times and compared it with the information given by the prehistoric survival online, and decisively chose to reincarnate into the human race!

[You chose the human race as the reincarnation race, are you sure? ]


Feng Hao took a deep breath, raised his hand and poked Yes.

[You have completed the reincarnation race selection, please draw talents. ]


Looking at a lottery-like roulette wheel in front of him, it was filled with thousands of different talents that were so dense that they were almost completely invisible.

Feng Hao raised his hand and poked Start, then quickly poked Stop.

[Ding! ]

[Congratulations on drawing the top talent, the Body of Merit! ]

The cold mechanical voice sounded in his ears, and the specific situation of the talent of the Body of Merit automatically emerged in his mind.

Blood leads to blood, and merit leads to merit.

The function of the Body of Merit is very simple, that is, it can restore 2% of the upper limit of merit every hour according to the upper limit of merit obtained.

For example, if Feng Hao has obtained a total of 100,000 merit points, then he can restore 2,000 merit points every hour, and 24,000 merit points a day.

This talent would not be very meaningful to other survivors, but it is very meaningful to Feng Hao who has chosen the merit route!

"This is the rhythm of being invincible!"

[You have completed the talent extraction, please select the reincarnation gender. ]


Of course it is male!

[You have completed the reincarnation prerequisite selection. ]

[Please read the precautions below! ]

The blue light gathered and turned into lines of text.


1. Do not reveal your true origins to any native creatures in the prehistoric world. Even if you just have such an idea, you will be directly wiped out before you take action!

2. It is recommended to carefully explore and abide by the unspoken rules of the reincarnation group. Do not bring your understanding of the rules of the current human society into the prehistoric world. You need to adapt to this different world instead of letting the world adapt to you.

3. Many creatures in the prehistoric world have long lives and mysterious powers. Don't show your arrogance from other worlds. Even if you just look at them, they may notice and kill you!

4. This is a barbaric world without laws, where the strong are respected. If you want to survive, you must make yourself stronger, regardless of the cost!


[Have you read the precautions carefully and kept them in mind? ]


Feng Hao read it carefully and nodded yes.

[Do you want to start the reincarnation program immediately? ]

Feng Hao checked it again and reviewed the logic of his entire choice. After confirming that there was no problem, he chose to start the program.

[Start the reincarnation program of the prehistoric human race. ]

The text and blue light slowly dissipated in front of him, and his vision gradually darkened.

Only the mysterious voice in his ears reminded him that all this was real.

[The true spirit passed through the fetal membrane of the prehistoric world and read the genetic information...]

[The own gene was read successfully, carrying

The true soul travels through the six reincarnations...]

At the same time.

The first beam of light from the sky on the blue planet quickly rushed into the depths of the universe and disappeared.

A huge voice also sounded.

[Announcement: The ninth survivor of Xia Country has completed the survivor pre-selection and started the reincarnation process. It is expected that the reincarnation will be completed in three minutes! ]

When the Xia people heard this announcement for the first time, they were quite excited.

The second and third times were also full of hope.

But now it is the ninth time to hear this announcement, everyone seems very calm, even with a hint of sadness.

The fate of a country actually fell on such a person.

It is really ironic!

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