The nine survivors of Xia Country appeared again."

"Oh, the ninth survivor of Xia Country appeared again."

"Huh? He actually chose the human race? He didn't even dare to participate in the National Fortune Arena, so he deliberately chose this weak race and wanted to fail before the National Fortune Arena started?"

"To be honest, the mythological world of Xia Country is really too weird, and the time span is too large. If the growth rate of these heroic races could be faster, they would not have lost eight games in a row."

"The human race is a newly born race, somewhat similar to humans, but the race has just been born, and even civilization has not been reincarnated. This kind of The tribe is a pure waste of time. "

"Who says it's not? Back then, Xia was almost the world's strongest country. Although it is still in the top three, their potential has been exhausted and the spirit of the people is on the verge of collapse. If they continue to lose, they will probably continue to decline. "

"The Xia people themselves don't want to comment, right? Haha, the decline of Xia is irreversible. "


In the past four and a half years, the decline of Xia has been carried out at a speed visible to the naked eye, even foreigners have deeply experienced it.

But the material decline is far less than the spiritual blow. After eight consecutive defeats, many Xia people are almost like zombies.

They are even too lazy to pay attention to this matter and are all immersed in their own affairs.


[Congratulations on your successful entry into the mother's body and entering the gestation...]

[Congratulations on your successful delivery and birth in the prehistoric world...]

[You were named Feng Hao and successfully survived five winters under the care of your tribe members. However, there are unexpected events. Before the sixth winter, the strong men of the witch and demon tribes fought for a spiritual object upstream of your reincarnated tribe, causing a terrible flood that swept across the tribe. ]

[You managed to escape the flood by holding a dead tree. When you woke up, you found yourself in a completely unfamiliar area. The spiritual object that the masters of the witch and demon tribes fought for had turned into fragments, and a part of it happened to be integrated into your body. ]

[The first step to survive is to survive in the primitive jungle outside Buzhou Mountain and find the nearest human tribe. ]

[Main line of survival: The masters of the witch and demon tribes are looking for the broken spiritual fragments. You need to obtain the power to cover the spiritual fragments as soon as possible, otherwise your tribe, including yourself, will suffer a catastrophe! 】


The previous information flowed through his heart. In the cooler weather, Feng Hao felt his body again, and slowly opened his eyes and began to breathe again.

The smell of soil mixed with grass rushed into his nose. The surroundings were almost all towering trees that blocked out the sun, and even the sun was hard to see.

In the dark forest, the sound of unknown beasts came from time to time, distant and terrifying.

And he was at the moment, on the branch of a big tree covered with mud after the flood receded.


There was also a non-lethal beast covered with mud, looking skinny and weak.

Feng Hao couldn't call out the name of this beast, but he could feel that this guy was hungry and had already regarded himself as prey.

Guarding under the tree, a pair of eyes full of fierce light, staring at him without blinking.

On the blue star.

A small number of Xia people activated the survival videos bound to them and looked at Feng Hao's current situation. Their faces, which were already ugly, became even uglier.

"This person... does he have a serious illness?"

"Hey, brothers, let's go. I said there is no reversal."

"Who said there is no reversal? This will definitely break the world survivor death speed record."

"Life is already so difficult, and I have to choose such a stupid survivor. I really... have nothing to say."

"It's better to choose a dog than a human, hey."

"Xia pill."


Sigh, sigh, and sigh again.

These people didn't even have the energy to be angry, only sighed helplessly.

On the survival forum, the picture of the ninth survivor of Xia country after reincarnation soon appeared.

Foreigners who paid much attention to Xia country couldn't help laughing wildly after watching it.

"Is there something wrong with the brain of this Xia survivor? Why did he choose a human race when there are so many powerful races?"

"This is very Xia people. They are already desperate."

"Xia is finished. It was already extremely weak. This guy probably won't last long enough to participate in the national destiny competition."

"Xia used to be a respectable country, but now... it's no longer respectable."

"With such a survivor, what future do they have? All Xia people will become refugees in the future."


Feng Hao didn't panic.

He first checked his own condition. Although he was only six years old, the Honghuang people were obviously much stronger than the Blue Star people.

He is now about 1.6 meters tall. Although he has no muscles and is a little depressed.

But at least he is not a toddler with no resistance.

In addition, he is currently hanging on the tree, and the non-lethal beast on the ground cannot threaten him for the time being.

Take your time and read the prompts first.

[Game is official! ]

[Please read this prompt carefully! ]

[In the Honghuang world, the strong are respected. If you want to live longer in this dangerous world, please improve your cultivation and combat power at all costs, and strive to become the superior of your own tribe! 】

【Merit is a very good auxiliary force with many miraculous effects, but it is extremely difficult to obtain. You need to do something beneficial to the prehistoric world or to a certain ethnic group to obtain it.

Possessing merit can improve your luck to a certain extent, making you more likely to get a chance.

If you have great merit, even those with great supernatural powers will not dare to kill you easily. 】

【The acquisition of merit is related to the positive impact of what you do. The greater the impact, the more merit you will gain.

At the same time, it is not recommended to consider obtaining great merit when you are of low status. Even if you do the right thing, it is useless if you don’t get the recognition of any party! 】

【Doing evil in the prehistoric world will also generate karma. The luck of those who are entangled in karma will be weakened, and it is easy to encounter various accidents and provoke various enemies.

Karma can only be solved by merit, otherwise the luck will become lower and lower, and everything will go wrong and encounter various unforeseen disasters until it falls. 】


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