After reading the extremely long reminder, Feng Hao quickly extracted three points that were closely related to him.

First, merit is not something that can be obtained by making something and shouting twice to prove it to the Heavenly Dao, as written in some prehistoric novels he had read in his previous life.

When you are of low status, have no influence, and have no endorsement from big people, no one will take you seriously, and the Heavenly Dao is even less likely to resonate with you.

So if you want to create characters, there is no way to do it now.

But if it is something that does not need to be recognized by people, but only needs to determine the functionality, it should be possible to directly obtain merit.

Second, merit and luck should be related to each other, and they may complement each other.

As a creature of a certain tribe, when the tribe's luck is weak, even if you make a saving contribution to the tribe, you will not get much merit.

But if the tribe's luck is strong, it is possible that you can get a lot of merit just by making some small push to make the tribe stronger.

Third, most of the time, the acquisition of merit is not a one-time deal. If the things you invent are continuously changing a tribe, then there will be some merit coming in the future.

The last two points are not what he needs to pay attention to at the moment, but the first point is closely related to him.

After all, among the key nodes for the prehistoric human race to obtain merit, creating characters seems to be the easiest and the largest merit.

But now it seems that it is impossible to rely on creating characters to obtain a large amount of merit at the beginning.

Feng Hao was a little disappointed but not too much. After all, if merit is so easy to obtain, it is indeed unreasonable that the way of heaven can be so easily triggered.

He forced himself to calm down and see if there is anything around that can be used.

The trees around were extremely tall, and there was no end to each one. The shortest ones were probably at least several hundred meters high.

Although it was already autumn, the weather was still hot.

Because of the flood, there were still many dead branches and dry grass hanging on the branches where he was hiding.

After thinking for a while, he picked up a handful of dead leaves and two dead branches and started to make fire.

"Hmm? Are you drilling wood to make fire?"

"I have some ideas but not much. This is during the day, and the deterrent effect of fire on ferocious beasts is far less than at night."

"Yes, and this ferocious beast is extremely hungry at first glance, and fire alone cannot drive it away."

"If the dead leaves on the ground are dry, you can directly light them with fire and there may be a glimmer of hope, but it should not be too long before the flood recedes. The leaves hanging on the trees are dry, but the ones on the ground are still wet."

"I won't die as soon as I come out."


Feng Hao picked up the broken dry grass and blew it gently a few times. Sparks quickly emerged, and then he used the fire to light some dead leaves.

When the flames burned fiercely, he pursed his lips and showed a glimmer of hope.

Unfortunately, no merit power descended.

So it is certain that Suiren has completed the drilling of wood to make fire and has harvested this merit.

But Feng Hao is not panicking, he still has a backup plan!

I hope my guess is right!

I hope the first post-natal pen in the prehistoric world has not appeared yet, so maybe I can get merit directly.

He took a deep breath, picked up the simple charcoal pencil after burning, and began to write on the tree trunk.

Heaven and earth...

"Huh? What's wrong with this brother? At this time, he still has the leisure to write?"

"I'm almost dying of anxiety that this buddy still has the leisure to practice calligraphy here."

"To be honest, this handwriting is really good!"

"Is he stupid? Just now he said he was fierce, but now he starts to play with literature?"


On the tree.

After Feng Hao wrote a few paragraphs casually, the charcoal on the dead branch should have been used up, but a fine golden light suddenly flashed.

The charcoal consumed on the dead branch was restored, and even continued writing without any consumption!

"Just now... did you see the golden light on the branch?"

"What golden light? Where is the golden light?"

"Nonsense, you are dazzled."

"Wait! Something is wrong! This guy has written so many words, why hasn't the carbon on the branch been exhausted yet!"

"This line, "The setting sun and the solitary wild goose fly together, the autumn water and the long sky are the same color", is so beautiful, and I have never heard of this poem before."

"This brother... is also a literary giant!"


Feng Hao let his thoughts fly. As long as it didn't involve the future of the prehistoric world, he would write whatever he thought of.

He felt that he was getting smoother and faster as he wrote, and he was getting more and more focused. He didn't notice that the straightest and most pleasing dead wood in his hand, which he had specially selected as a pen, was already flashing with strong golden light.

"Let it go. He's gone crazy."

"Wait! There's golden light! There's golden light coming out!"

"Golden light! There's really golden light. I saw it clearly this time."

"No, this guy just wrote a few words casually. Where did this golden light come from?"

"Isn't this... the golden light of merit?"

"Hiss! This golden light really looks like the golden light of merit described in the survival game!"


Feng Hao's operation directly shocked the Xia people who were paying attention to him.

It was actually the golden light of merit!

It has been four and a half years since the advent of the survival game. Many people have already had a concept of the various powers in the prehistoric system.

Among them, the power of merit is undoubtedly the most mysterious power.

It is extremely difficult to obtain. Even before today, none of the first eight survivors who reincarnated into the prehistoric world had ever obtained it.

But Feng Hao actually obtained a portion of the power of merit as soon as he descended into the prehistoric world, which made them extremely shocked.

At the same time, it also made them lose hope and fall into despair. Suddenly, a ripple appeared in their calm hearts.

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