Let You Take Care Of The Contents, You Scared The Whole World To Tears

Chapter 75: The Evil God Hasn't Appeared Yet! The Whole World Is In Turmoil!

The news sent by Director Wang said that the city is undergoing changes, just around the entrance of the cellar, and the scope is expanding rapidly.

Su Xiaojiu immediately sent the information about the evil god to Director Wang.

Then, take people to the mysterious place to explore.

If Su Xiaojiu saw the scene in the city at this time, she would know that Director Wang's description was not exaggerated.

The sky for a hundred miles turned dark gray.

The dense clouds rolled and made a sound of boiling.

Suddenly, a huge face appeared in the air.

What makes people shudder is that pair of pond-like eyes.

In the eyes, there is a frightening power ~ trembling and swelling.

For a time, countless people looked up at the sky.

Pairs of eyes gradually lost their expression, replaced by beast-like ferocity.

All these people have one sentence repeated in their mouths: Evil, destroy!


These people are like devils without reason and humanity, destroying wildly in the city.

The entire Dongquan Province fell into extreme turmoil.

In the Town Demon Bureau, the bigwigs are like ants on a hot pot, anxious to work, but rich and helpless.

In my heart, I am terrified!

This evil god is even more awesome than the last one!

Just the ritual before going on stage can destroy one side.

And it's bewitching destruction, which is even more terrifying than direct destruction.

The tragic situation here appeared on Xuan Kingdom's live broadcast platform.

It shocked countless people for a while.

"God! The power of the evil god is not something we humans can contend with!"

"If Dongquan is finished, it will be our turn next, and no one will be spared before God!"

"Where are those great people who keep claiming to be the saviors! They run faster than anyone else in the face of disasters!"

"Stop shouting, they are all in the cellar, if you watch the live broadcast, the situation in the cellar is much more serious than outside.

Just when everyone was at a loss in the Demon Suppression Bureau, Director Wang's face became happy. It was Su Xiaojiu who sent the news!

"Broadcast this news to the entire Dongquan Province immediately!"

Immediately afterwards, the entire Dongquan province reverberated with the sound of the official broadcast.

[Abuhoth is one of the Outer Gods, known as "the source of the indisputable" and "the ancestor of demons"]

[It is the creator of all abnormal bugs and abominable creatures, in the form of terrible, light gray huge pools of some kind of liquid. 】

[The gray object in it trembled and swelled, producing a hideous deformed object known as the "Son of Abhoth", including upper and lower limbs without a body, and a rolling head

Struggling finned stomachs, etc.]

【Abhoth also has the ability of telepathy and can communicate with people close to him, but his spirit is full of hatred for the external world. 】

"Everyone return to the residence immediately!"

"Don't watch the images of evil gods in the sky, get rid of distracting thoughts! Watching the live broadcast honestly is the greatest contribution to society!"

"Repeat again!"

The hysterical roar of the Town Demon Bureau echoed in the city.

All the team members dispatched and detained all the people who were deluded.

The city finally gradually settled down.

However, everyone knows that peace is only short-lived.

When the evil god descends, all maintenance is futile, and what awaits everyone is death.

Countless people, a beautiful figure emerged in their minds.

It was a little girl in her twenties, she just waved her hand lightly, and the evil god representing death was destroyed.

Like a savior.


she is!

Will she come this time?

While countless people were praying, Xuan Kingdom officials immediately shared the image of the evil god with other countries.

It brought about a series of chain reactions.

Beautiful Country, Headquarters of the Unusual Persons Union.

Everyone was staring at the picture of the evil god intently, their faces full of shock.

"This is a real demon. It must have come from the kingdom of gods. Only true gods can possess such power to destroy heaven and earth."

"It is said that someone from Xuan Kingdom once killed an evil god, I absolutely do not believe it!"

"This country has always been mysterious, and it is likely to be its killer weapon!"

"I can tell you with certainty that if evil gods appear in our country, I am afraid we will only have a dead end."

Country R, ​​in a mansion in the hinterland.

All the high-level people are here, discussing how to deal with God.

"We are neighbors with Xuan Country, if something happens to Xuan Country, we will face a catastrophe.

"I suggest dispatching the most secret technological weapons to help Xuanguo fight against evil gods together!"

"And, to send half of our troops there, this is a great opportunity!"

Just when the summit organization made up its mind, a sudden message made them obediently change their mind immediately.

That command, in their eyes, is the will of God!

……ask for flowers…

Wait and see!

Country Y.

Blue Star was in turmoil due to the appearance of the evil god.

Fortunately, the Xuan Kingdom official made the live broadcast public. This is the first time in history that the global live broadcast is synchronized.

With the beginning of the Xuan Kingdom, all countries responded to join in one after another.

Live channel, share with the world!

At this time, the powerhouses of the Xuan Kingdom who were exploring in the cellar were unaware of the turmoil in the outside world.

Su Xiaojiu led the team through a forest and arrived at the destination, an old castle with a sense of age.

Although it was a forbidden area, there was no obstacle encountered along the way.

"It shouldn't be. According to what I know, the ten miles around this ancient castle are all dangerous and desperate. Even the strong who are above the rules have fallen again!"

"Is it because I'm so handsome? That may be the only reasonable explanation."

Mo Sihu said narcissistically,

Under the disdainful gaze of everyone, he took out a mirror and took a picture in a serious manner.

"You are so handsome as a bear? I think Danger is disgusted by you. You are more dangerous than Danger. y

Wells was disgusted.

"Okay, stop making trouble, come out.

Su Xiaojiu interrupted the quarrel between a pair of live treasures. This place made her feel extremely dangerous, even more serious than being targeted by the contained objects.

"Don't hide in the dark! Get out to the uncle! One-on-one if you have the ability."

Mo Sihu yelled, looking carefree, but he paid attention to his surroundings with all his energy.

The rustling sound reached everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, the sound became louder and louder.

It's like the loud sound of rolling wheels rubbing against each other.

But looking up, the gate of the castle has not moved at all.

"Underground! Be careful, everyone!"

Su Xiaojiu's complexion changed, and she spoke to remind her, but it was already a bit late.

I just felt empty under my feet, and then fell down.

Then, the scene in front of them stunned everyone.

Even Su Xiaojiu was stunned by it.

The sky above the head turned out to be the forbidden forest.

Even every plant and tree can be seen very clearly.

This space is built underground! The one above ground is just a front.

Looking around, you can see the endless space at a glance, and every building is beautiful.

"Level 1 alert! A strong man who surpasses the rules!"

"Damn! Two!"


"Excuse me, is the person here six from the Foundation?"

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