Let You Take Care Of The Contents, You Scared The Whole World To Tears

Chapter 76 Worship From The Goblins! His Footprints!

As soon as Su Xiaojiu and the others entered the underground castle, they were surrounded by a group of existences beyond the rules.

They look exactly like humans in appearance, but they are short in stature, and the tallest is less than one meter.

The beard on his face is very long.

The whole space is filled with the refreshing aroma of wine.

As soon as the leader of the foreign race opened his mouth, everyone was shocked.

They actually know about the Foundation!

"That's right, this is the president of our foundation!"

Mo Sihu introduced Su Xiaojiu.

His expression is not as nervous as before, he has already felt that there is the breath of His existence here!

"I finally waited for you. If it was a few days later, I'm afraid we would never meet again."

An old man with a gray beard walked up to Su Xiaoer.

Like a tour guide, he introduced this place to Su Xiaojiu.

They are goblins, but they are just a branch of goblins. "263" has lived here for countless years.

"Has my brother been here?"

Su Xiaojiu got straight to the point, the old guy spoke vigorously, she didn't have time to delay, the evil god has already begun to recover!

"He! Saved our family!"

"He! Just like a god, no, to say he is a god is an insult to him, he is the top man!"

"His wisdom, strength, and will are the only things I have ever seen in my life."

Speaking of him, the patriarch of the goblins looked solemn, and his admiration was like a torrent of water, endless.

This time, Xiao Wu couldn't interrupt at all.

Finally, the goblin patriarch finished speaking.

"You said you won't be able to see me in a few days later? Is it the evil god?"

Su Xiaojiu looked up, it was quiet and peaceful, and there was no sign of being destroyed by the evil god.

"That's right, according to our ancient records, the creator of this cellar is Abhos.

"And, it's just a clone that it randomly produced! It's used to keep prey in captivity."

"He is a real god, his power comes from evil, and the sources of evil in this world are endless."

"If it weren't for the protective shield he left behind, we would have been destroyed by the evil god, and now the energy of the protective shield has been exhausted.

When mentioning the evil god, the patriarch of the goblins could not restrain the panic in his eyes, as if he had just been awakened from a nightmare.

Because the energy shield has disappeared, Xuanguo's live broadcast technology has successfully entered here.

The performance of the goblin patriarch made the people before the live broadcast terrified!

"A strong man who transcends the rules, just mentioning the name of the evil god is like a mouse meeting a cat!"

"Mad! Didn't you hear that even the entire cellar was created by the evil god! How can we live like this!"

"The gods of the heavens and gods bless Xuan Kingdom through this disaster! The only one who can solve the crisis at this moment is the true god."

"Even if there is a real God, he is definitely not the opponent of this bastard! Wash your neck and wait for death."

The content of the live broadcast room was spread at an extremely fast speed, and the entire Xuan Kingdom was filled with negative and gloomy emotions.

And even, the whole world.

Hangcheng, Xu's family.

Xu Yunqing's originally rosy and rich face now looked very pale and colorless.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at the live broadcast screen without blinking.

He hadn't closed his eyes all day and night, watching Su Xiaojiu's movements in the live broadcast room.

For his age, it is very easy to die suddenly.

"Grandpa, you must rest!"

Xu Hebai said distressedly, although he knew that his words were useless.

"The president is powerful, but what he is facing is a real god! The power of a god is beyond the imagination of us mortals."

"I must not miss it, otherwise I will die in peace!"

Like Xu Yunqing, there are many people who are exhausted and waiting to witness the results.

In the Demon Suppressing Bureau, Director Wang's condition is not much better than Xu Yunqing's "The current situation makes him feel powerless.

Officials can control people, but they cannot control people's hearts.

Right now, there is no way to mobilize the will of the people.

Perhaps, only she can create such a miracle.

The scene of Su Xiaojiu fighting against the evil gods once again appeared in Director Wang's mind,

Some people are looking forward to Su Xiaojiu's victory, while others are waiting for her demise.

Country R.

The mysterious man watched the live broadcast with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Taste slowly the gift I have carefully prepared for you, Chairman."

"This is not a simple evil god. Even if he faces it personally, he may not be able to deal with it, let alone a young woman."

"Although I have prepared several big meals, they are only out of respect for the position of the president. It is enough to deal with you."

"Soon, the Foundation will be in control of me! The contents and troops will all be under my command! Only I can lead the Foundation to its peak!"

After the mysterious man finished speaking, he crushed the crystal ball in his hand...

Immediately, in many places in the cellar world, some human beings wearing armor appeared out of thin air.

These humans are doing the same thing in sync.

"Execute the 001 order and release the destroyer!"

Powerful creatures were released, wreaking havoc on the cellar space.

At this time, Su Xiaojiu had come to a stone room under the leadership of the goblin patriarch.

"This stone room, no one has entered since He left."

"What He left behind is inside."

After the goblin patriarch finished speaking, he left with everyone.

Just as Su Xiaojiu touched the stone gate with one hand, suddenly the whole stone gate burst into dazzling light.

In the ear, a familiar voice sounded.

"Recognition succeeded, welcome home."

After entering, Su Xiaojiu was stunned, her eyes were moist.

Inside, the layout is exactly the same as at home.

The corners of the mouth raised, revealing a smile.

This guy, who hasn't come back for a long time, actually remembers the layout of the house pretty well.

The light flashed, and Ridao's figure appeared in the stone room.

It is him!

Of course, this is just a pre-recorded hologram.

"Girl, it's great that you can come here. The situation must be very serious at this time."

"According to my detection, this cellar is extremely difficult. There is a terrifying energy in its deepest part, but I haven't waited for the opportunity for it to awaken."

"For human beings, this is Crisis 2.1, and it is also hope. I hope you can use the things I left for you.

"At any time, don't forget the purpose of the foundation, control, containment, and protection!"

The image disappeared, Su Xiaojiu opened the black box left by her brother, and a piece of news flooded into her mind.

Ten minutes later, Su Xiaojiu came out.

I saw that the old goblins were having a lot of fun with Dr. Muscle and others.

"Don't look at my age, if you drink the whole jar of wine, you will be my grandfather!"

"Boy, don't be stubborn. The wine of our goblins is a supernatural item. If you drink too much, your body will burst, and there will be no dregs left!"

"Captain, come on! These old things must be fooling people! This is obviously wine, but it's a bit too fragrant.

Under the booing of everyone, Mo Sihu picked up a large jar of wine and poured it into his mouth. .

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