Let You Take Charge Of The Student Union, All Mercenaries?

0059 Execute The Task Of Obliterating The Student Union

And just when Jiang Feng registered the task.

On the other side, Muhammad has led Sean's elite team to carry out the task of obliterating the student union!

A team of 60 people is equipped with uniform equipment.

M416 automatic rifle, sniper rifle, submachine gun, grenade, flash bomb, smoke bomb, tactical vest, portable rocket launcher, night vision device...

It can be said that it is quite sophisticated and complete equipment, which is much better than Jiang Feng's equipment.

All are equipped with tactical headsets to communicate anytime, anywhere.

This team is a medium-strength team under Sean's hands. After two years of professional training, their strength is extraordinary.

And they have been performing various assassination and assassination missions all year round.

Helped Sean get rid of quite a few enemies.

At this moment, they are already monitoring Jiang Feng and others in Sadhu City.

As long as there is a suitable opportunity, they will immediately launch an attack and wipe out everyone in one fell swoop.

At the same time, when Jiang Feng registered for this task, Sean received a text message on his cell phone.

Sean was disgusted immediately when he heard the news.

Immediately after that, he called Muhammad.

"What's the matter with you, haven't killed that student union, a group of brats, have you taken so much time?"

Sean got on the phone, and he opened his mouth and cursed.

"General, we have already monitored him in Sadhu City, but today he went to the mercenary guild, the background there is too big, we are not good at killing people, we can only wait for him to come out to find opportunities!"

"Don't worry, general, we will definitely get rid of them today!"

Muhammad heard that Sean was angry, and quickly answered, making a promise.

Then Sean hung up the phone.

It also makes Mohammed Xinqiang very bad that a student union should lead Sean to such fanfare.

"Long Jiusan" even called and scolded them because of him, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Wait for them to come out later, find an opportunity, and annihilate them as soon as possible. The general is already urging you, understand?"

Muhammad said into the headset.


Everyone responded in unison.

They also couldn't wait to kill Jiang Feng and the others.

It's really upset that a small team let them mobilize their teachers.

Sean, who hung up the phone, was still a little gloomy.

Drive directly to the place where Chen Xinyi is being held.

Ota City, a city with very little wind, is located deep in the tropical rainforest.

The biggest thing in this rainforest is not the local government department, but a building that occupies a very large area in the depths of the rainforest, which is far away from the city.

This is where En imprisoned important people. They are isolated from the outside world all year round, and they will come out of Ota City regularly every month to purchase supplies.

Drive all the way to this large prison.

There is a wall more than three meters high on the outside, and there are circles of power grids on the wall, so no one can climb over it.

There is a horse refusal set up at the gate, and a few small sentry posts, all of which are equipped with heavy machine guns, and anyone who comes will have to beat you into a sieve.

And after entering the gate, there are two more six-meter-high sentry posts inside, with searchlights constantly patrolling on them, inspecting everything around them in all directions without dead ends.

After entering the camp, several patrolling teams, a team of more than a dozen people, continued to investigate the camp, and not a single fly could hide.

And there are three luxurious-looking houses in three directions of the camp, where the guards of this large prison live, and they are the top experts under Sean.

They used to be from the special forces, and later worked as mercenaries for many years, and finally became Sean's subordinates.

With them guarding here, Sean is the most at ease!

Just like this building, the inside is still ring-shaped, and the center is the place where important hostages are held.

Sean's driver drove the car all the way and took Sean into it.

At one of the deepest houses stopped.

The guard at the door unlocked it immediately and saluted Sean.

Sean walked in without saying a word, and Chen Xinyi, who was sitting on the chair inside, stood up immediately when she heard the sound.

"I have good news and bad news for you!"

Sean walked inside, stood in front of the steel fence, looked at Chen Xinyi inside, and said coldly.

"Fart off!"

Seeing Sean coming in, Chen Xinyi turned her head to the side, not wanting to see his dark and disgusting face.

"Haha, the good news is that someone is ready to save you!"

Sean laughed and said, as if he was still very happy.

Hearing this, Chen Xinyi's heart twitched violently.

"Don't be too happy, the bad news is that they can't come, my men will kill them today!"

Having said that, Sean laughed even louder.

"Hahaha, I really don't understand why you Dragon Kingdom trash still want to challenge me!"

"Your father's 100 million bounty is really tempting, to actually let such rubbish delusions like Yin come to save you.

"Things that are beyond their means, I will let them taste what death is!"

After Sean finished speaking, he walked out without looking back.

The gate was closed again, and locked again by the guards outside.

Chen Xinyi, who heard these words, was in great pain at this moment.

The days here have been very tormenting, and she has lost more than ten catties in these days.

And this incident made her feel even more painful, the doctor is kind.

Many mercenaries had died to save her before, and every time Sean would show her, it made her suffer even more, and her mind was on the verge of collapse.

But those were still foreigners, so she didn't feel particularly sad.

But this time when she heard that it was the people from Long Kingdom who were coming to rescue her, she couldn't help but feel sad.

Because she knew very well that Sean would kill them all.

Holding her knees and curling up in the corner of the bed, tears welled up in Chen Xinyi's eyes again.

"Please, God, let them not come, let them all live!"

She silently prayed in her heart [I hope Jiang Feng and others don't come to rescue her.

Because she knew that it was dangerous here.

And all of it is a..... huge trap!

After the registration was completed, Jiang Feng waited for everyone to leave the VIP room and walked towards the outside of the castle.

While walking, he told everyone about the relevant situation.

"Everyone has seen this mission. In the past week, someone went to perform the mission again, but all of them died without exception."

"According to what Harrison said, and comparing the information, it's all true. That means this Sean is the king of Paland."

"The mission this time is quite arduous, the huge leap from B-level to S-level is quite difficult!"

"The enemies we are facing this time are not those little bandits, but well-trained militants, and their strength will definitely not be inferior to ordinary mercenaries.

"Because of the several times of rescue by these mercenaries, Sean must have strengthened the defense of the place of detention. This is even more difficult for us, so we must train hard this time and go all out!"


Hearing what Jiang Feng said, everyone agreed very much and nodded in agreement.

Sean is definitely not an easy guy, they still don't know any details about Sean, they are just making rough guesses based on this information.

"Okay, let's go buy some materials, and we also have to make a unified battle uniform, and we need a battle emblem!"

Walking out of the castle, Jiang Gang objected to everyone and said the next arrangement.

"Unified battle uniform?"

"What is the battle emblem?"

Listening to Jiang Feng's words, everyone was surprised and puzzled.

They have long been used to buying materials, which are used to make some bombs, poisons and so on.

The battle uniform can also understand, but what is this battle emblem used for!

Looking at their puzzled looks, Jiang Feng explained:

"Making uniform uniforms will make our team look more orderly. As for the battle emblem, that is what we use to promote the country's prestige!"

"Wherever we go in the future, we will bring our battle emblem. Every time we complete a mission, we will leave our battle emblem to let people know who did the mission and who killed these villains.

"In the future, we will become stronger and stronger, and we have done more and more tasks. Everyone will remember this battle emblem representing the student union and the Dragon Kingdom!"

"When the bad guys who invaded the people of the Dragon Kingdom saw this battle emblem, they would be scared out of their wits, and when they were defeated, our wish to promote the country's prestige will be realized!"

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, everyone's blood boiled again.

"This is really a good way. It can be famous and promote the country's prestige. It can kill two birds with one stone!"

"Great, the president is too smart to come up with such a good idea!"

"Haha, seeing each other is like seeing someone in the future, who dares to touch my compatriots in the Dragon Kingdom!"

The crowd chatted happily for a while.

Jiang Feng, on the other hand, looked around at the surrounding environment outside the castle.

After some observation, there is not much to say.

Jiang Feng led the crowd out of the castle quickly, and after driving a military vehicle in the parking lot, they drove all the way to various material stores.

Taking advantage of this free time in the car, Jiang Feng began to learn what the system rewarded before.

"Learn all!"

Jiang Feng gave instructions to the system in his mind.

Immediately, a warm current flowed through Jiang Feng's body, pouring into his limbs and bones.

It took a while for Jiang Feng to relax.

The level 2 body strengthening potion made Jiang Feng's body undergo another huge strengthening......

Feeling the power in his body, Jiang Feng felt that he could even be beaten to death now.

Thinking of the rainforest one-on-one Nile crocodile and the deep mountain blasting the Siberian tiger, it seems that it is no longer just talk.

Immediately afterwards, a lot of knowledge was poured into his mind.

Jiang Feng, who has been strengthened by medicine, has such a huge amount of knowledge quickly digested and absorbed by him, and stored in his brain.

And his eyes have undergone a systematic transformation in this moment.

At this moment, his eyes can see the surrounding things in the dark night environment, just like in the daytime, which is more than a hundred times stronger than the night vision device.

After learning this, Jiang Feng also naturally knew what materials needed to be purchased to modify weapons and equipment.

Along the way, the car stopped several times one after another to buy various materials in major shops.

After the last purchase, everyone happily prepared to return with their things.

"Falcon, reduce the speed to forty, and walk slowly!"

But Jiang Feng suddenly asked Lei Haoyu to slow down the car.

Jiang Feng's words immediately

The horse aroused everyone's doubts.

"What happened to the president? Why did you slow down?"

Lei Haoyu complied with a bewildered expression, but also asked in doubt.

"President, is there something wrong?"

When Lin Miaoxue heard Jiang Feng call Lei Haoyu Falcon as usual, she immediately reacted and asked.

"Yes, there is something wrong! We are being watched!"

Jiang Feng said in a cold tone.

As soon as these words were uttered, the fiery atmosphere in the entire military vehicle immediately turned cold.

"What? Why didn't I find out that someone was following us?"

Everyone looked towards the rear window almost unanimously, but they didn't notice the slightest difference.

All of them looked at Jiang Feng in bewilderment.

But Jiang Feng didn't have time to explain these things to them.

He opened his mouth directly and arranged the next countermeasures.

"Wait a minute we..."

In fact, Jiang Feng had already noticed that he was being followed when he was in the mercenary guild.

With the Sky Eye ability rewarded by the system, Jiang Feng can clearly see anything within a thousand meters.

It was when he was looking around in the castle.

He found that on a building seven or eight hundred meters outside the castle, there was a black man observing their situation in the mercenary guild with a telescope.

The moment Jiang Feng saw this person, he immediately turned his head away without showing any flaws.

However, an ominous premonition rose in his heart, and the whole person became fully alert and became vigilant.

He didn't know if the man was after them, but the police must be right.

So Jiang Feng didn't say much, and immediately led everyone into the military vehicle.

On the military vehicle, Jiang Feng found that shortly after they set off, a black car was following up behind them.

Always keep the same speed as them, and wherever Jiang Feng stops to buy things, they will stop there, and wherever Jiang Feng starts, they will start there.


This directly made Jiang Feng realize the idea of ​​being targeted.

But in order not to expose their flaws, Jiang Feng did not tell everyone along the way.

Now that they've bought everything, they're heading back to the town of Zeke.

They won't be out of the military vehicle, and they won't be able to see the situation, which is the best time to make plans.

Therefore, Jiang Feng raised this question at this time.

These guys are definitely coming for them, and judging from the situation, it is estimated that the comers are not good!

He has to find a way to get rid of this follower, and then lure them out to launch a gorgeous counterattack!

On the other side, the elite team sent by Sean followed Muhammad's order along the way, closely monitoring Jiang Feng and the others.

In their eyes, every move is in his eyes.

In this wave, they were in the dark, Jiang Feng was in the light, and the opponent's actions were completely controlled, they took advantage of the right time and place.

Originally, they were Sean's relatively powerful assassination team. They have never failed in various missions over the years, and they can successfully complete the mission every time.

Even assassinating hundreds of people to protect the enemy has been easy.

From the very beginning they despised the mission.

After all, using them to deal with fledgling students like Jiang Feng, sixty people to annihilate eighteen people, is really killing a chicken with a butcher's knife.

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