"We haven't been discovered until now, and we still come out to be mercenaries like this, it's ridiculous!"

While driving the car to follow and monitor Jiang Feng's people, he complained in the headset.

"As far as these yellow-skinned monkeys are concerned, I don't know how many of them have been killed. They are really the most rubbish existence."

Listening to the words in the headset, other militants immediately followed suit.

"I really don't understand why the general asked us to get these children. It's a waste of time!"

"Indeed, General, this is really cannon typing."

"Just do it when you come. They're all brats anyway. After a while, you can go back and do business!"

"This may be the weakest person I've ever killed. These Longguo dogs have lowered my lower limit!"

Everyone chatted with each other in the headset, with relaxed faces.

He didn't take Jiang Feng and the others seriously.

"You should be more vigilant, and be careful not to lose it!"

As the commander-in-chief of this operation, Muhammad did not say anything to them, but he still reminded them.

Captain, don't worry, these little lambs will never escape from my palm!"

The driver who drove the car said confidently.

"At their driving speed, if Sac loses track, let him fuck the dog tonight, hahaha!"

A team member sitting in the back row of the car laughed wildly.

The car drove forward all the way, and everyone followed it nonchalantly.

In their eyes, Jiang Feng and the others are lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and they are constantly driving towards their graves.

Muhammad, who already knew the path they had to pass, had set a trap for a large number of team members on the way to the small town of Zeke.

As long as Jiang Feng and the others come in, they will immediately attack them.

At that time, Jiang Feng will definitely be wiped out.

After being scolded by Sean, he is very impatient now.

The sooner he gets these guys out of the way, the sooner he can go back to work before he gets scolded by Sean again.

"Captain, they have entered the encirclement and are heading towards the target direction."

"However, their speed is very slow, and sometimes they stop for several minutes, which is really annoying.

The black car following behind Jiang Feng and the others transmitted information through the headset.

"okay, got it!"

"Attention everyone, they are about to come in, do you understand the speed cleaning?"

Muhammad said 06 impatiently.

"Received!" The other team members responded one after another.

They couldn't wait, they couldn't wait to kill Jiang Feng and the others.

From their point of view, the whole day was a waste of time. If there were no obstacles in Sadhu City, they would have killed Jiang Feng and others long ago.

Sure enough, after a while, Jiang Feng's car slowly drove into the encirclement circle set by Muhammad.

The speed of the car is quite slow, like a turtle crawling, slowly driving in.

Everyone who saw this situation with their own eyes couldn't help laughing.

"No wonder Sac is so irritable, if I drive to chase this snail-like car, I will explode too!"

"Haha, they can't even drive a car, how do they work as mercenaries, and they haven't even taken their driver's license yet!"

"It's a pity that this military vehicle is gone, we have to capture him when it's over, haha!"

Everyone laughed, secretly looked at the military vehicle driving ahead, and said with a relaxed face.

When the car continues to move forward.

In the middle of the road ahead, a broken dead tree suddenly appeared, blocking their way forward.

According to normal logic, they will inevitably come down and carry the dead wood away, and then continue driving on the road.

Muhammad thought so too.

He knew that the bullets of this military vehicle were impenetrable, but when they got out of the vehicle and lost the protection of the iron shell, they would be shot dead by the team members hiding in the surrounding bunkers in an instant.

According to his estimation, this process may only take a few seconds to complete.

So when everyone saw Jiang Feng's car approaching, they all quietly observed behind the surrounding bunkers through the gaps in the bunkers.

Everyone waited for Jiang Feng to get off the car, and then sent them to the west.

But beyond their expectation, Jiang Feng's car didn't stop at all, but accelerated suddenly and drove forward.

"These idiots of the Dragon Kingdom, don't they want to force their way through, hahaha!"

"With such a big dead tree, tanks can't get through it, so they should stop thinking about it!"

"Okay, okay, wait for the body to be collected!"

"Come on baby, my owl's dagger is ready!"

Seeing this scene, everyone laughed.

Some people are even ready to take the heads of Jiang Feng and others back to pay their errands.


The bumper of the military vehicle slammed into the dead tree, and the engine was turned off immediately.

However, they, who would come down to carry the tree with Xiang Jiang Feng and others, did not see the car door open for a long time.

"They shouldn't be fooling their brains? Why don't they move now!"

Everyone looked at the motionless military vehicle in bewilderment and said.

"Narrow the encirclement, block it, they will get off sooner or later, get off and kill them.

There was a gloomy look in Muhammad's eyes, and he gave orders to everyone.

Immediately everyone hid behind the bunker and slowly moved towards the military vehicle.

And when they were all within ten meters of the military vehicle.


Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded from everyone's earphones.

Hearing this voice, everyone involuntarily turned their heads to look at the black car.

The huge explosion blazed into the sky, and the black car was burning with raging fire.

The few people inside had already been burned to charred corpses.

"You are surrounded!"

And at the moment when they were stunned, several voices suddenly came from around them.

The sound immediately caused everyone to turn their heads to look.

Behind them, more than a dozen people suddenly appeared at some point, and they were hiding behind the bunker. At this time, it was equivalent to pointing their backs at other people's guns.

Before they could react, a series of grenades were thrown in like rain.

Immediately afterwards, light machine guns and automatic rifles fired frantically from behind.

"Lie down, look for a bunker to hide!"

At this time, Muhammad finally reacted and shouted hastily.

But it was too late, a dozen grenades exploded around them, blowing up many people in an instant.

And the hail of bullets that followed was like a meat grinder, reaping the lives of dozens of people.

The Mohammed dozen or so who reacted quickly turned around and hid behind the bunker, only to escape the catastrophe by chance.

But they are now besieged inside.

Jiang Feng and others were besieged outside, and they had just experienced such an explosion, so no one dared to show their faces.

Muhammad, who was hiding behind the bunker, was even more ashamed, with horror in his eyes.

Aren't these people in the car? How did they suddenly appear in the back?

Didn't we surround them? How come they surrounded us?

He couldn't figure out what was going on at all.

Everyone in Jiang Feng was under his own surveillance the whole time. Sac followed closely behind in a small car. He never saw them get off the car. How did they appear? What is going on?

Muhammad was stunned, completely stunned.

He couldn't figure out that the encirclement circle he set up originally was surrounded by others.

And while they were panting behind cover.

Their backs were again hanging in front of the military vehicle.

They had been bombarded for a long time, and they never thought that they were surrounded by people inside and out.

"Let you try Lao Tzu's new equipment!"

Behind the rear of the military vehicle, Zhang Hao had a wild smile on his face and a portable rocket launcher on his shoulder.

"Hello, Fuck the squid!"

After aiming, Zhang Hao cursed loudly and pulled the trigger in his hand at the same time.


A rocket shot at the bunker where Muhammad and others were hiding in an instant.

Muhammad, who heard the voice, threw himself to the side without any hesitation.


A second later, there was a violent explosion, and the bunker for them to hide in was destroyed instantly.

And almost all the people who were directly bombed were blown out, and many people were directly blown into pieces, with broken limbs and legs flying all over the sky.

"Oh! Wow! So cool!"

Zhang Hao, who was knocked backward by the recoil of the bazooka, shouted excitedly watching the explosion in the distance.

"Why did the light machine gun in my hand lose its fragrance all of a sudden!"

Shen Wen looked at the power of Zhang Hao's bazooka from a distance, and immediately dimmed.

Jiang Feng, on the other hand, stood indifferently and watched the situation on the court from a distance.

This group of militants were killed and injured instantly under their thunderous strike.

Only Muhammad, who was still wriggling on the ground, was left with a trace of breath!

He was knocked into the air by the impact of the rocket, and now he was lying on the ground, struggling to stand up, but his body was no longer in control.

With the last of his strength, Muhammad pressed a small button on his necklace.

Immediately, he passed out completely.

After easily killing everyone, Jiang Feng led everyone into the battlefield and began to check the situation.

There were broken arms and legs all over the place, and the mixture of gunpowder smoke and bloody smell made people feel a little nauseous.

"This guy is not dead yet!"

Suddenly, Luo Peng turned Muhammad's body over from the ground, touched his breath, and shouted excitedly.

Hearing this, everyone moved closer to the past.

Surrounded by Muhammad who fell to the ground, his face already covered by scorched dust.

"It's really not dead, bring a bottle of water and wake this guy up!"

Jiang Feng said to the person next to him.

"Don't waste water, my urine is yellow, let me wake him up!"

Lei Haoyu next to him made a joke directly.

"Haha, I'm afraid your diabetes will give him a taste of the sweetness!"

All the victorious people were very happy, chattering and joking.

Shen Wen ran to the side and brought a bottle of water, unscrewed the cap, and poured it on Muhammad's head.

Shocked by the cold water, Muhammad slowly woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a dozen or so triumphant faces.

Before he could react, several people carried him to the side of the military vehicle and leaned on the wheels, and then everyone gathered around him to ask questions.

"Say, who

Who sent you to sneak attack us? Don't tell me, Lord Tiger will kill you!"

Luo Peng looked like a scorpion, pointed a pistol at Muhammad and asked viciously.

"Kill so many of us, General Sean will not let you go!"

Muhammad woke up from a coma, looked at the crowd, with a look of grief and indignation on his face, and said angrily.

So many people were killed by Jiang Feng in one go, his heart was bleeding.

Looking at Jiang Feng's people now, Muhammad wished he could cramp them all.

"General Sean? It really is this guy!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Jiang Feng's mouth, and he asked, "Why did Sean attack us?"

"You killed Harrison, do you just want to go away like this? Sean will not let anyone offend him, you will all die sooner or later!"

"You trash from the Dragon Kingdom, you can't escape from the Paran Kingdom!"

Muhammad's expression was a bit ferocious, he stared at Jiang Feng with wide eyes and cursed viciously.

"Damn it, you're still swearing at people!"

Zhang Hao went up and slapped Muhammad's face fiercely, and immediately a bright red palm print appeared.

"Okay, got it, you can go on the road!"

Jiang Feng smiled coldly, and immediately prepared to shoot Muhammad.

"Wait a minute, I have a question to ask you before I die!"

Hearing that Jiang Feng was going to kill him, Muhammad didn't have much fear, and said suddenly.

"Do you have any questions to ask?"

Hearing his words, Jiang Feng knelt down and said calmly.

"I'm curious, how did you achieve anti-siege?"

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Muhammad stared at Jiang Feng with a confused face and asked his own question.

*390 Oh, it’s too easy to deal with you stupid pigs!”

Jiang Feng smiled contemptuously: "Before you die, I will give you this answer!"

"Do you think your car can keep an eye on us by following us?

Not long after leaving the city, we accelerated and drove into several small bends next to us.

It's a pity that your black car driver's skills are too poor, don't slow down after a few bends.

And that gives us a solid ten seconds.

During these ten seconds, you have no vision.

And my team members were already fully armed in the car, taking advantage of the ten-second gap.

When the car was driving slowly, he had already jumped out of the car and hid in the bushes on the side of the road!

At that time, there were only two people left in the car.

But your stupid driver didn't think much of those ten seconds and probably didn't report it to you!

He must have felt that he couldn't do anything for ten seconds.

But it is precisely this insignificant ten seconds that cost you your life!

So all along the way you thought we were all in the car, setting up barricades, waiting to surround us.

In fact, we have been chasing after the car all the way in and surrounded you!

Otherwise, why do you think the car runs so slowly and sometimes stops for a few minutes, it is because he is waiting for us.

It's a pity that you niggers, with strong limbs and simple brains, don't realize this at all.

There is an old saying in China that Jingzhou is lost in carelessness, and it is about you!"

Jiang Feng spoke out his anti-encirclement strategy in one breath, looking at Muhammad in front of him, his eyes were full of contempt.

"1++ [What a bunch of trash!"

After listening to Jiang Feng's words, Muhammad cursed angrily, feeling sorry for these arrogant guys.

If I knew it earlier, I should have been more vigilant, this time they were too careless!

They thought they could easily eliminate Jiang Feng and the others, but they overestimated themselves and underestimated the enemy!

This allowed Jiang Feng to find an opportunity to catch them all!

But it's too late to regret now.

"Okay, now that the story is over, you should go to hell with your brother!"

"Black Panther, kill him!"

Jiang Feng looked at him indifferently, turned around, and spoke.

Immediately, there was a gunshot behind him.

At the same time, a clear system prompt sounded in Jiang Feng's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the master for successfully completing an anti-sneak attack and gaining the crisis warning ability (5 seconds in advance, level 1).

Hearing the voice in his head, a smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Feng's mouth.

And the people behind them, after solving all the enemies

With a face full of cheers, he began to pack up the spoils on the battlefield.

Sean's team is really not ordinary rich, a lot of equipment is what they need.

Everyone threw one piece of equipment after another into the military vehicle.

On the other side, a piece of domestic news detonated the entire network!.

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