Gennaruto struggled desperately.

However, all the acupoints were sealed, and all the true qi could not function, and at this moment, he was not only a martial artist without any ability, but also a pure waste.

But he still didn't give in.

Instead, he asked in a deep voice, "How did your father die?"

Xiang Ningci said coldly: "Do you want to know?"

"I can tell you. "

"When I was five or six years old, my father once took me to visit the Zong's family, and it was the first time I met the eldest lady......

"It's a pity that at that time, I thought I was really a blood relative to her, a brother and sister, and a family......"

"But then, my father, just because he was dissatisfied with the clan family because of one thought, was immediately suppressed by the patriarch with the power of the caged bird curse mark, which made him extremely painful, and he kept rolling on the ground~ !

"And I can only watch in despair as it happens......"

"At that time, I realized that I was not a clansman, brother, or family member of the Xiang family, but just a tool, a puppet, and a pawn of the clan!"

"Our lives are completely firmly in the hands of the Zong family, and even with a single thought, we will be sentenced to death by them!!"

Xiang Ningci's words made everyone in the entire stand silent.

Xiang Hinazu didn't say much.

Just a long sigh.

Xiang Ningci continued: "Later, one day, the envoy group of the Cloud Hidden Alliance came to the Konoha League and stayed here on the grounds of discussing an armistice agreement. "

"Who knows, later, the leader of the envoy group actually took advantage of the night to sneak into my Xiangjia station, and also kidnapped the eldest lady Xiangtian......"

"Their purpose is naturally the Xiang family's natural martial arts, which is the secret of the white eyes!"

"It's just that he was still discovered by the patriarch and blocked the way, the two immediately started a war without saying a word, the patriarch is naturally the master of the masters, but it's a pity that one of them was merciless, and he beat the other party to death!"

"Who knows, those envoys of the Yunyin Alliance, even the wicked people sued first, saying that we killed the leader of the envoy group to the family, and asked the patriarch to pay for his life!"

"Otherwise, we will tear up the armistice agreement and fight again with our Konoha Alliance!"

"For the sake of the hard-won peace just now, even the Konoha Alliance, even Lord Huo Tianzun, agreed to their request and handed over the patriarch ......"

"It's just that it was my father who died in the end!!"

Gennaruto couldn't help but sigh with emotion at this tragic encounter.

He couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

Xiang Ningci clenched his fists violently.

"Because, my father and patriarch are actually twin brothers!"

"It's just that because Mr. Patriarch has been a few minutes, he has become a clan, and even a patriarch!"

"And my father, although he is his twin brother, was born only a few minutes later, and then he became a family separation, a substitute for the !! of death"

"That's right, for the sake of the Xiang family, for the sake of the Konoha League, and for the peace of the entire Jianghu martial arts......"

"My father, who was forced to become a scapegoat, was sent to death in place of the patriarch, and became a victim of the Yunyin Alliance to calm the anger and calm the war!!"

"You say...... Is such a fate fair to our family members?!"

After hearing this, Gennaruto was also silent for a long time.

Eventually, he shook his head.

"No, it's absolutely not fair. "

"But, because of that, shouldn't you have to rebel against all this?!"

Xiang Ningci laughed: "Resistance?!"

"How can I resist? I am here today to say these words, and I am ready for everything!"

"Those people from the high-ranking sect family, as long as they have one thought, I will be killed on the spot!"

"You say, how can I resist?!"

Xuan Naruto said: "Although you say so, I believe that you still have the heart to resist, otherwise...... Why do you practice so hard, even if you are a genius, but I know..."

"As a split family, if you don't work hard, it is impossible for you to learn the mysteries that only belong to the sect family......

Xiang Ningci was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "What do you want to say?!"

Xuan Naruto said: "I want to say ......"

"You're obviously just like me, and you don't believe in this bullshit fate at all!"

"Why are you deceiving yourself here?!"

Xiang Ningci was furious: "Don't think you know me very well!"

"You don't understand anything at all!"

"A guy who drags his feet, he can't do anything here, he can only talk empty-handed, it's really funny!"

Xuan Naruto said, "Are you really planning to do nothing?!"

Xiang Ningci said coldly: "It's that you don't understand what fate is!"

Gennaruto took a deep breath.

He didn't despair.

On the contrary, at such times, he completely calmed down.

"White eyes, soft fist method, gossip sixty-four palms, mysteries return to the sky......"

"This guy is indeed a real genius, and a genius among geniuses!"

"Perhaps, in terms of talent, even Sasuke can't compare to him......"

"It's just that I'm still never going to lose here, I'm never going to lose to anyone!!"

Gennaruto closed his eyes instantly.

Suddenly, he recalled what Jiang Zilai had said......

"The demonic power of the nine-tailed demon fox in your body is a double-edged sword, which can not only hurt yourself, but also become a help to yourself, the key is how to control it and how to use it ......"

Gennaruto's eyes lit up.

He understood what Jiang Zilai meant.

Moreover, the situation in front of him was exactly the same as when Jiang Zilai taught himself to summon Dafa that day!!

It's just that at that time, he took the initiative to exhaust all his true qi.

And now, he was forced to seal all the acupoints by Xiang Ningci, causing the true qi to be completely unusable!


He still has the demonic power of the nine-tailed demon fox!!

This moment.

Suddenly, Gennaruto struggled to get back to his feet!

And, that's not all......

He lowered his head, as if he was speaking to someone.

"Stinky Demon Fox...... Lend me your power once more!!"

"I absolutely ...... I want to take down the guy in front of me!!"

This moment.

Boom Rumble!!



On the top of Gennaruto's body, it suddenly seemed to be on fire, and it burst out with a true qi that was far more intense and terrifying than before!

And this time, it is directly transformed into a substantial color visible to the naked eye!

It's just that, unlike Xiang Ningci's blue true qi, what Xuan Naruto is bursting out at this moment is a complete blood-red true qi, extremely hideous, evil, terrifying, and violent!!

For a while, just the explosion of true qi made the entire earth seem to start shaking!

The earth shakes the mountains, and the sand and rocks are flying!!


Xuan Naruto roared even more angrily, his hair and clothes flew up wildly, and the surroundings were shrouded in crimson true qi demonic power, and the flying sand and gravel flew around him wildly!

Xiang Ningci was shocked: "This, this is impossible!"

"I have obviously sealed all his acupoints with his white eyes and sixty-four palms of rubbing circle gossip, and my true qi should be completely unusable!"

"Moreover, this does not belong to the true qi of the martial artist at all, what kind of power is this?!"

And at this moment, Qi Muxi's face couldn't help but change.

"That's the power of the nine-tailed demon fox in Naruto's body......"

"He's able to control it, it's just a little bit, but it's ......."

"The power taught by Lord Jiang Zilai?!"

Ye Chunying was also taken aback: "That is, the terrifying power that Naruto of the Storm Country broke out at that time......"

Su Tiantian was even more shocked: "Impossible! It is impossible for Ning Ci's soft fist gossip sixty-four palms to fail!"

"Naruto, what the hell did you do?!"

Hinata also frowned: "Indeed, it wasn't Naruto's own strength, but ......"

Xiang Hinata clasped his hands together: "Naruto......"


Xuan Naruto suddenly burst out with new power, all the sealed true qi didn't matter, the demon power of this nine-tailed demon fox far exceeded his own strength!


Boom !! (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


Under the furious power of Xuan Naruto, Xiang Ningji couldn't help frowning, and his face turned pale.

But he still didn't give up.

"Even if you have this kind of inexplicable strength, you will still be held back, and it is impossible to defeat me, a true genius!!"

Gennaruto ignored him, and instead rushed forward and burst out with a final blow!

"Since you don't plan to do anything, then wait for me to become Huo Tianzun, and then come to change all the fate of your Xiang family!!"

This sentence shocked Xiang Ningci and all the people of the Xiang family!

But Xiang Ningci still snorted coldly, and in the face of Xuan Naruto's violent blow, he once again burst out his stunt of pressing the bottom of the box......

"Rouquan Baguazhang Mystery ......"

"Back to the !!!"

In an instant, the demonic power of the nine-tailed demon fox collided with the fierce bombardment of the soft fist gossip palm back to the sky!


A terrifying roar exploded on the ring, and the entire ring was instantly torn apart and completely shattered!

Along with the entire arena, huge cracks opened one after another, spreading madly in all directions!!

For a while, all the spectators in the stands even stood up directly, waiting for the ending of this scene with great anticipation......

In the end, who wins and who loses?!

The red and blue colors of true qi collided wildly, impacted, and competed......




Finally, Xuan Naruto seemed to have reached the limit, and the red demonic power was shattered in an instant, and he was violently shocked out by Xiang Ningji's return to the sky, and was violently thrown away.


With a loud sound, Gennaruto collapsed to the ground again.

The whole venue was silent and deadly.

"Naruto, or ...... Can't you?"

Xiang Ningci was gasping for breath, at that moment just now, he had already reached his limit, and he almost thought that he was going to fall......

But in the end, I still had the last laugh!!

He slowly approached Gennaruto, who was lying on the ground.

He sneered and said, "Naruto, is this the end after all?"

"You fell to the ground, and I'm still standing here!"

"So, no matter how much you talk nonsense, you still can't change your fate after all!!"


In this moment.


Suddenly, the Gennaruto on the ground suddenly turned into a puff of white smoke!



Xiang Ningci was shocked, and then he saw a hole in the big pit that Xuan Naruto fell out of on the ground, and he didn't know when a hole appeared......

"That's, that's ......"

At this moment, because his true qi was exhausted and close to his limit, even his white eyes had been closed, so he naturally couldn't detect the last mechanism of Xuan Naruto......


Gennaruto suddenly roared angrily, and with a fist, he slammed through the earth, broke through the ground, and rose from the ground!

Like a rocket, it suddenly shot straight towards the sky, bursting out!


This blow hit Xiang Ningci's chin fiercely, and it erupted with unparalleled terrifying power!


Xiang Ningci didn't have time to react at all, he was hit hard by this punch, and his entire body was knocked into the air, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, losing his last strength......

His body, like a scarecrow, fell lightly to the ground, collapsed to the ground, unable to move.

There's nothing wrong with that.

In this moment, the winner ......

Suddenly there was a complete reversal!!

Genaruto, who had just fallen into a desperate situation, suddenly burst out, and completely knocked down Xiang Ningji!!

"What the hell happened?!"

Ye Chunying and Yamaino couldn't help but cover their mouths.

"Naruto, what the hell did you do?!"

Xiang Hinata was even more excited, "Naruto, Naruto......"

Xiang Sunfoot and Xiang Hanabi were also dumbfounded.

Su Tiantian was even more shocked: "Ning, Ning Ci would actually ...... Defeated at the hands of Naruto?!"

Qi Muxi, Maite Kai and the others also frowned.

"Saimushi, what the hell did that Naruto guy do?"

"What should I say, I really deserve to be the most unexpected martial artist......"


At this moment, in the face of the noise and boiling of all the audience, I was stunned and puzzled.

As an examiner, Huo Genma is naturally the one who can see it most clearly.

"I see......"

Naruto's final outburst, although he didn't defeat Ninji as he wished, he didn't give up either. "

"The moment he seemed to be knocked to the ground, he had already separated into another incarnation outside his body, and the main body took the opportunity to burrow into the ground......"

"At this time, Xiang Ningci, because his true qi was exhausted, turned off the White Eyes Secret Technique, so he didn't see through his tactics. "

"And when he came to him, thinking that he had been completely defeated, the moment he took it lightly, he suddenly broke through the ground and broke out with this last fierce punch!"

"Completely turned the tide of ......"

"Naruto, well done!!"


Only then did everyone understand what Gennaru had done, and for a moment they were all shocked and admired.

Ye Chunying and Yamaino glanced at each other: "Naruto, that guy, is so smart......"

"Moreover, he, he actually really defeated Xiang Ningci?!"

"That real genius, the strongest contemporary martial artist of the Konoha League?!"

Su Tiantian was also shocked: "How, how can it be ......?"

Xiang Hinata was both happy and emotional: "Naruto, Brother Ningji ......"

And at the moment.

Gennaruto walked over to Xiang Ningji's side.

The tide turned.

This time, Xiang Ningji fell to the ground, but Gennaruto was still standing.


The audience was completely boiling!!

Outside the story, all the readers cheered and applauded like !!thunder!

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