"Damn! Naruto has such a witty mind, it's amazing!!"

"yes, this final reversal is just a blast!"

"I thought that after Naruto was sealed in the acupoint, he remembered Jiang Zilai's words and opened the demon power of the nine-tailed demon fox, no matter how it can be said, it can be regarded as open, and then he should defeat Xiang Ningji......"

"Hey, if it's written like that, then Xuan Naruto is purely open, and Ye Yu's handling is much more clever...... Although the nine-tailed demon fox is a double-edged sword, but at this time, it is open, but even so, it did not win against Xiang Ningci, and in the end, it still relied on Xuan Naruto's own mind and wit, and relied on his own strength!!"

"Damn, that makes sense...... At that time, Naruto was actually exhausted and his true qi was exhausted, but he still didn't despair, didn't give up, and could usher in such an earth-shattering reversal in the end!"

"And at that time, Ningji had already given up, or rather, he was too careless, and he underestimated Naruto too much, so that even the white eyes were closed, and Naruto's last conspiracy was not discovered......"

"Anyway, this battle is really exciting!!


The audience was full of readers.

And Zhao Liqiang also said: "What do the three teachers think of Naruto's battle?"

Yu Mosheng laughed: "This can be described as Naruto's first battle to become a god......"

"Not only did he perfectly complete the agreement with Hinata, he fulfilled the promise he swore with blood at that time, but also completed his persistence and dreams, and completed the earth-shattering reversal of dragging his feet to defeat the genius......"

"I have to say that Ye Yu's description of this battle can be called flawless and flawless!!"

Lu Qingyuan also nodded and said, "That's true......"

"Integrating the battle into the concept, the story, the "933" characters, the plot, and even the fate, the origin, and the thinking about hard work, all need to be quite terrifying pen power......"

"However, Ye Yu still did it, and it was quite perfect......"

"This battle will inevitably become a classic battle!!

Wang Qiuping couldn't help but sigh and shook his head.

Obviously, even he couldn't say anything critical at all.


And right now.

The audience at the scene was also in an uproar, and the noise was boiling.

Xuan Naruto looked at the fallen Xiang Ningci, and he had mixed feelings for a while, and he was not as excited as he imagined......

Xiang Ningci struggled, looking at his head, under the sky, Xuan Naruto's face, he couldn't help but be unwilling, and roared angrily: "Damn!!"

"I forgot that incarnation outside the body is what you are best at......

Gennaruto shook his head: "You're wrong, actually, the incarnation outside the body is the technique I'm not good at......"

"I was in the Martial Arts Academy, and I failed many assessments, just because I always drew the incarnation outside the body that I was not good at......"

Xiang Ningci was taken aback: "You ......"

Xuan Naruto said: "That's right, sometimes the things that you are not good at will also become the things you are best at......"

"If even these can be changed, why can't the others?"

"Why can't fate change?"

"Ning Ci, you are different from me, you are not a dragger, but a real genius. "

"In that case, even I can change, why can't you?"

"Actually, I understand that it's not that you don't want to change, but you're afraid that you try it yourself, but you still can't do it......"

"But wouldn't it be even more hopeless if you didn't try?!"

"If you hate the estrangement between the clan and the separated family, hate, hate ......"

"Shouldn't it represent the separation, to resist, to fight, to change all this?!"

Xiang Ningji looked at Xuan Naruto and was silent.

Xuan Mingdao: "I don't know any big truths, I just know that if you have something to say, you can do what you say......"

"Ning Ci, you are indeed a true genius. "

"So, you should know better than I do. "

Xiang Ningji was still silent, he looked at the back of the departing Gennaruto, as if he was pondering something.

In the sky, a bird suddenly flew by......

So free, so comfortable......


It was what he craved the most, what he craved the most.

That's when it happened.

Huo Xuanma stepped forward, still holding a straw in his mouth, looking careless and careless.

He also looked at the birds in the sky.

"Even a caged bird, if smart enough, will find a way to open the cage, fly back into the sky, and gain true freedom......"

"That guy's pain is no less than yours, but he at least knows a truth......"

"Instead of complaining, it's better to change. "

Xiang Ningci silently looked at the sky.

In my mind, I was recalling the words of the two people......

That's when it happened.

Huo Genma opened his mouth and announced: "This battle is over, and the winner is ......."

"Gennaruto !!"


The audience was silent and silent.



Suddenly, there were shouts of cheers, cheers, applause, and cheers!!

The whole arena seemed to be completely filled with noise!

Gennaruto couldn't help but freeze in place......

Those voices are clearly applauding themselves, cheering for themselves, and cheering for themselves......

Is this what it is......

The ...... I have always longed for the most


For a moment, he suddenly wanted to laugh, and suddenly he wanted to cry......

That emotion is too complicated.

After all, he wiped the corners of his eyes, and instead of crying, he laughed out loud, and even ......

He also ran around the entire arena, waving his arms at the spectators in all directions, and loudly responding to their cheers and shouts......

Ye Chunying and Yamaino couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

"Naruto, that guy still has the strength......"

"Should I say that he is really good, or is he a fool as always......"

"However, this time he did get everyone's admiration......"

"Well done, Naruto!"

Xiang Hinata also showed a gentle smile.

"Naruto, you...... You did it......"

"I'm so happy for you......"

"But, Brother Ningci ......"

Xiang Rizu suddenly stood up, and Xiang Hanabi and Xiang Hinata were stunned: "Father, where are you going......

Sunfoot sighed.

"I'm going to solve something, it's time to tell Ning Ci the truth about that matter......"

The two sisters were stunned: "The truth? What happened back then......


Qi Muxi smiled slightly and applauded lightly.

Mattkai sighed, "That guy Ningji, how can he lose to Naruto...... It's really unexpected. "

Qi Muxi said: "Really?"

"I've always believed that Naruto could win. "

"You ...... guy"

Huo Tianzun Yuan Ri also sighed: "Naruto, that guy has finally been recognized by everyone, now he should be the happiest, right?"

Feng Tianzun also frowned slightly, as if he didn't expect Gennato to win the battle.

Those warriors of the Konoha Alliance, like everyone else, used to be very indifferent, even hostile, hateful, and hateful to Gennaruto......

But now, it's as if I really know him.

They suddenly understood the truth of Gennaruto, and also understood his pain, his efforts, and his strength......

These martial artists also began to applaud and cheer for Gennaruto.

"Well done, ...... the nine-tailed imp"


"However, Naruto, that guy actually really won against Xiang Ningji, what a great guy......"

"Well, this time, even I have to say, admire and admire !!" (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Just as Gennaru was running all over the field, responding to everyone's approval.

Xiang Ningci had already been carried out and came to a makeshift medical hall for treatment.

That's when it happened.

Xiang Rizu walked in, came to Xiang Ningci's bed, and looked at him for a long time without speaking.

Xiang Ningci knew who it was.

But he didn't even open his eyes.

Xiang Rizu sighed: "Ning Ci, I know that you hate me, and you hate the entire sect family......"

"However, I still have to make it clear to you about the events of the year and the truth of everything......"

Xiang Ningci's face changed slightly.

"The truth?"

Xiang Sunzu nodded: "Not bad......"

"Actually, back then, he took the initiative to find me and wanted to sacrifice his ...... for me."

"Believe it or not, I completely refused to do that. "

"But he said, this is not for me alone, but also for the entire Xiang family, for the entire Konoha League, and even for the peace of the entire Jianghu Martial Arts, no more wars......"

"Of course, more importantly, he wants me to remember that I didn't sacrifice for the sake of the clan, but for my brother......"

Xiang Ningci was shocked, but then, he shook his head.

"My father is dead, so it doesn't matter what you say. "

Xiang Sunfoot sighed: "Indeed, you can not believe me, I didn't expect you to forgive me. "

"But I don't want you to live your life with hatred and misunderstandings......

"Your father made me swear not to tell you the truth because he didn't want you to be sad for him......"

"Moreover, at that time, you already hated the Zong family to the core, even if I told you, I'm afraid you wouldn't believe 0 ........"

Xiang Ningci sneered: "Then why are you telling me now?"

Xiang Sunfoot sighed, "Because, I've always been wrong......"

"I thought that as the patriarch, I should put the overall situation first, and I should sacrifice myself and myself for the sake of the whole family, but in fact, this is very wrong......

"Do you know why your father revealed his murderous intent towards Hinata back then?"

Xiang Ningci did not answer.

Xiang Sunfoot said: "That's because you ......"

"He saw Hinata's talent, and he understood that Hinata's talent was far inferior to you, his own son, but, just because she was a clan and you were separated, she would be left behind for the rest of her life, and she would never be able to enjoy the same treatment as Hinata......"

"He's crying out for you......"

"However, at that time, I only viciously punished him with the caged bird curse mark......"

"Of course, I'm also here to protect Hinata and don't want Hinata to hurt her, but even so, as long as I use the Caged Bird Curse Seal once, it means that I am no longer the brother in his mind......"

Xiang Rizu said in a deep voice: "You may not believe it, I am ...... with the sun All along, I want to change the status quo of the sect's separation, this corrupt and degenerate so-called family rules!"

"What? Father, he ......"

"That's right, both of us want to change, but unfortunately, we can't help ourselves. "

"He's for you, I'm also for Hinata, for Hanabi, and for the entire Xiang family......"

"Do you know how many times I tried to eliminate the gap between the sect and the family, and how many times I was opposed......

"You know, I've wanted to cancel the caged bird's spell mark inheritance for a long time......"

"Your father and I are brothers who grew up together, but just because one was born a little early, he became a member of the clan, and he became a separate family, destined to die for the sake of the clan, do you think we will be happy to see all this?"

"Do you think our father would be happy to see this?"

"Don't forget, I also have my own children, and I also have two daughters......"

"Will I bear to let Hinata, or Hanabi, become a caged bird and sacrifice myself for the sake of the whole family?!"

Xiang Ningci finally opened his eyes......

Yes, no matter how cruel and ruthless Xiang Rizu is, he still has his own children after all.

Even he couldn't bear to brand his child with the caged bird curse.


He asked, "So, how are you going to change that?"

Xiang Rizu said: "This is definitely not an overnight thing, it requires the efforts of the entire family, and you, Ning Ci ......"

"I want you to ...... as the head of the family"

"Help me !!"

Xiang Ningci was suddenly shocked in his heart: "You ......"

Xiang Rizu said: "I'm serious, if I join forces with you, there will be a great hope of overthrowing those old antiques, the patriarchs of the family 5.1 ......"

"The only problem is ......"

"Would you like to?"

This time, Xiang Ningci was silent for a longer time.

He looked out the window.

The bird is still hovering freely......

Finally, he nodded.

A smile finally appeared on Xiang Sunfoot's face, but tears also fell......


So far.

The battle between Xuan Naruto and Xiang Ningci finally came to an end.

Outside the story.

"It turns out that there is such a story behind the Xiang family, if you say so, in fact, this is not Xiang Rizu's fault, but the fault of the entire family's decadent family rules and ancestral teachings over the years, and the fault of the old-fashioned system......"

"Yes, but that's why it's harder to change......

"Hey, now explain it clearly, at least there is a glimmer of hope......"

"If Xiang Rizu really thinks like this, plus Ning Ci, a peerless genius who separates the family, and the two of them work together, maybe they can really change all this......"

"At least, Naruto let Ninji also see this glimmer of hope, so he will accept it, otherwise, I'm afraid he won't be able to believe any of Mukaizu's words at all......"

"I hope that the future of the Xiang family will have a good ending, for the sake of Xiang Ningji, Xiang Hinata, Xiang Hanabi, Xiang Hinazu, Xiang Hiza, and also for Naruto's efforts today......"

"It will definitely !!"

Ye Yu smiled slightly.

Oh, yes......


Although he is based on this martial arts novel written by Naruto, he does not plan to copy it completely, but will definitely have his own adaptation and play.

Regardless of the ending of the original work, with him, the fate of the Xiang family ......

It's bound to be changed!!

And Xiang Ningci ...... And he won't die again!!。

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