After Liu Mu left with the people, Lin Yu looked at the Koga ninja frog beside him, and had no choice but to follow what Xu Changzhou said before, and find some "NPC" Pokémon that the organizer put here. In this way, Lin Yu stepped into the woods again and continued to start the game.

On the other hand, when Liu Mu heard about the process of Liu Zhanmu's previous battle, he suddenly understood. At that time, Lin Yu was not mocking Liu Zhanmu, but someone really solved the super-evolved wonderful frog flower. Thinking of this, Liu Mu couldn't help laughing.

"Senior Liu, what's wrong with you?" one of the team members asked suspiciously when he saw Liu Mu, who suddenly laughed inexplicably.

Liu Mu pointed in the previous direction and said to the team member: "That person just now is the one who defeated Zhan Mu! Instead, he should still be crushed! You go and find out which school's special trick he is!"

"Even if it's him, how can you tell that Liu Zhanmu was crushed? Although that Koga ninja frog has indeed always had the advantage, but if it is crushed... It shouldn't be possible!" The girl who led the team to find someone before also spoke.

In their eyes, Liu Zhanmu has a wonderful frog flower with five-star strength that can be super evolved, if this can crush him, the opponent's strength should also have six-star strength.

Liu Mu said solemnly: "Just now he was in front of me, and he defeated a player whose strength was not weaker than Zhan Mu at all with Koga Ninja Frog, and it was a crushing victory! I didn't even dare to fight back! Besides, according to what you said, that Koga ninja frog fought with that one not long after defeating Zhan Mu! Fighting two five-star strength Pokémon in a row, there were no obvious injuries, you said he..."

Hearing Liu Mu's words, the other team members were also surprised, although they wanted to refute, maybe they were not the same person. It's the same Koga Ninja Frog, and the location of the two battles is not very far away, if it's not the same person, it's too much of a coincidence.

At this time in the woods, Hu Tu, who was originally going to look for someone to fight, heard the movement of the battle and ran over to join in the fun, to see if there was a chance to pick up a leak, so Hu Tu had already picked up three opponents who had just experienced a defeat. In this way, after Hu Tu heard the battle and rushed over, he finally met his teammates.

I don't know whether to say that he is lucky or that he is unlucky, the teammate he met is none other than Yu Heng, who has the most embarrassing relationship with him in the team.

Yu Heng, who was directing the Pokémon battle between the Lizard King and another player, was shocked when he suddenly heard movement in the woods. Then he looked vigilantly in the direction of the woods, afraid that a wild Pokémon would suddenly rush out of the woods and attack their trainer directly.

After seeing that it was not a wild Pokémon, but a person, the two of them relaxed and returned their attention to the battle.

After Yu Heng continued to command the Lizard King to fight, he suddenly felt that the person who had just come out of the woods was a little familiar, and then he seemed to remember who that person was, and he turned his head to see that person suddenly. Then he looked at the man in shock, and sure enough, it was him, the teammate he least wanted to see.

"Yu Heng!hahaha, I finally found you!" Hu Tu said excitedly after seeing Yu Heng.

When Yu Heng heard Hu Tu's voice, he was even more sure that the other party was Hu Tu, and he immediately said to Hu Tu: "Our relationship is not so good!

The player who was fighting against Yu Heng was also shocked when he heard Yu Heng and Hu Tu's words. Now he has begun to withdraw in his heart, he is really a recommendation system in this competition, and the person who can obtain the recommendation qualification must be a special recruit from a key university, that is, the strongest player in the team. He had always thought that Yu Heng should be the strongest, but now that he heard the conversation between him and Hu Tu, he could be sure that that special move was not either of the two of them, because depending on the relationship between the two of them, no matter who was the special move, the other was not in this team.

Although he feels that his strength is not weaker than Yu Heng, but it is not much stronger, if he and Yu Heng are finished, this nonsense that has just come out will challenge him again, if the other party has a forced battle card, then as long as the other party has a little strength, his Pokémon will definitely lose his combat ability immediately. And it may be the kind that can't be recovered in a short time.

The man thought for a while, and suddenly said to Yu Heng: "Eh! Your name is Yu Heng, right! We have been fighting for so long, and we can't tell the winner, otherwise, I will admit defeat, and you will let me go?"

Yu Heng didn't know what the other party meant, he couldn't understand why the other party let him go, obviously the other party's strength was a little stronger than himself, if he continued to fight, he would probably lose to the other party. He didn't think that he would finish the fight, as a teammate, if he challenged the opponent who had just finished a game again.

"What do you mean?" Yu Heng also looked at the other party suspiciously.

That person didn't think that Yu Heng would not understand his words, he only thought that Yu Heng was pretending to be stupid, but he couldn't say it, because now everyone can still talk, but if he says it, the other party may tear his face, so he immediately thought that it was a way to get out.

After thinking for a while, he said. "It's not interesting, it's just that I have something to do now, I want to leave quickly, so I don't want to fight anymore, okay?"

Looking at the lizard king who had been at a disadvantage, hearing that the other party was in a hurry to leave because of some things, and was ready to admit defeat, Hu Tu felt that this wave was not a loss, so he said to Yu Heng: "Yu Heng, if he wants to go, let him go! Everyone can save a little physical strength! There is nothing bad." Hearing

Hu Tu's words, that person only thought that they were talking to the black, and one of them had already decided to give up, so at this time, he immediately opened his mouth and said to Yu Heng: "Yes! Yes, everyone saves some energy! It's only the first day, and there are still more than ten days to go! It's a little hard to get yourself hungry Pokémon injured today! What do you think

?". At this time, Yu Heng didn't know what to say, since the other party decided to admit defeat like this, no matter how he saw that he didn't lose, he nodded and agreed.

Seeing Yu Heng nodding in agreement, the man immediately said "I surrender" to his watch and took back his Pokémon, and quickly fled towards the depths of the woods, and soon his figure disappeared from Yu Heng's sight.

"What's wrong with him? Am I scary?" Hu Tu looked at the back of the person leaving, and said to Yu Heng jokingly.

"I don't know!, let's hurry up and find Lin Yu and them!" Yu Heng didn't look at the nonsense, but just took back the Lizard King and said.

"Eh, are you still mad at me? I was really just... I wanted to take advantage of that opportunity so much, and... And at the time I thought... I'm too weak! You're already two stars and three stars! But I'm still only one star! I'm too weak, I... Felt... I must—" explained Hu Tu looking at the behavior, bowing his head and feeling depressed.

Hearing Hu Tu's words, Yu Heng, who was already about to leave, suddenly stopped, and he lowered his mind to think about the first time they went on an adventure in the wilderness, and went on an expedition to other regions together to challenge other rookie trainers, and he suddenly felt a sour feeling welling up in his heart.

"I know, but I'm sorry, although I know all this, I can't forgive you so quickly! I'm not Xu Changzhou, I can analyze things completely rationally, it's not that Lin Yu thinks that he also has a problem, and it's not like Mu Gu who had a general relationship with you at that time!" Yu Heng suddenly said excitedly, "Do you know? I always thought that among the four of us, the two of us should be the best partners, and we can organize a journey together to challenge the newcomers in Zhejiang Province to the battlefield! But what did you do!"

Yu Heng said angrily punching the trunk of the tree in front of him, a stream of scarlet liquid flowed down the trunk, now he didn't know whether it was anger or pain, he lowered his head and tears flowed from his eyes.

Looking at Yu Heng's state, Hu Tu didn't know what to say. He didn't know if he should go up to comfort the other party, but he was afraid that his words would make the other party even more angry, so he watched Yu Heng sobbing there.

In this embarrassing atmosphere, they didn't know how long it took, Yu Heng finally raised his head to wipe away his tears, and then turned around and saw Hu Tu's eyes, and said even more angrily, "Don't look at me with such eyes! I don't need your sympathy!"

I'm sorry! I don't know what I have to do to forgive me? As long as you are willing to forgive me, I can do anything!" Hu Tu didn't know what to say, how to lower his head and said incoherently.

"Hehe! Forgiveness? You're not wrong, people don't kill the heavens and the earth for themselves! I don't need you to do anything! Let's go to Lin Yu and them first! Let's go separately, I'll look for it this time, you go over there to find it! After finding it, bring them here to gather!" Yu Heng sneered twice, and said in two opposite directions.

Hearing Yu Heng's words, Hu Tu understood that Yu Heng didn't intend to forgive himself, or that he didn't forgive himself, but that he felt that he was not suitable to be a friend. Hu Tu didn't know what to say, but he really wanted to tell Yu Heng that he wanted to follow him. But at this time, after listening to Yu Heng's words, he couldn't say anything.

Yu Heng glanced at Hu Tu, who was still with his head down and did not move, and turned around directly and left directly in the direction he said before.

After Yu Heng left, Hu Tu glanced at the direction that Yu Heng let him go in before, and finally thought for a while, but decided to follow Yu Heng and immediately chased the direction Yu Heng left.

At this time, the pot had exploded in the monitoring room. Liu Zhanmu, who was brought back urgently, had already been brought back, and I saw him lying in the center of the room with more breath and less breath, and a few happy eggs were interrupting the use of healing fluctuations on the side, and at this time, several teachers were asking about Guan Meng's situation.

"It's... Doesn't it mean that it is just an overdraft? What's going on? That guy named Lin Yu?" Liu Mu, who had just come back from talking and laughing with the team members, suddenly saw Liu Zhanmu lying on the ground dying, and immediately asked the people around him after running up to investigate the situation.

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