Liu Mu asked angrily about the people around him for a long time, but no one answered him, and now he only thought that Lin Yu had done it, and after a while, he got up angrily and walked out of the door normally. It was at this moment that he suddenly realized that something seemed to be holding him. Just when he looked back to see who was holding him, he saw that it was none other than Liu Zhanmu who was holding him.

When Liu Zhanmu saw Liu Mu turn around, he showed him a smile that was more ugly than crying, and shook his head slightly with difficulty, wanting to stop Liu Mu.

"Zhan Mu, who did it? You tell my brother, my brother will definitely go to avenge you! No matter who he is, my brother must let him know why the sky is so red!" Liu Mu immediately squatted down again, held Liu Zhanmu's hand and said.

"No need to ask!Even he doesn't know who it is!But they stole the Wonderful Frog Flower and the Super Evolution Stone and the Keystone!We have now sealed off the entire man-made secret realm!Now we have sent a lot of people to find it!" At this time, a teacher suddenly spoke.

"What kind of people?Pokémon hunters?How did they appear in our man-made secret realm?What the hell is going on?" Liu Mu suddenly saw Guan Meng hiding on the side, and said angrily.

"I... I... I don't know! After Brother Mu helped me repair the one named Lin Yu and lost, Miao Frog Flower was injured. At that time, Brother Mu had taken some medicine and was already cured, but suddenly... Suddenly out of nowhere, a group of people, they... They attacked us without knowing why!!And Brother Mu forced the Frog Flower Super Evolution to fight them again, but they were too strong... So..."Guan Meng stumbled.

When Liu Mu heard this, he grabbed Guan Meng and said angrily: "No! No, you must have hidden something

! Why did you start fighting! And what did they say to you?" "Liu Mu! You calm down!" At this time, a teacher stood up and pulled the two of them away, and after comforting Liu Mu, he also asked Guan Meng seriously, "Guan Meng, you have to tell us the truth! Why did they attack you?"

Guan Meng glanced at Liu Zhanmu in embarrassment, and when he saw Liu Zhanmu nodding slightly, he said: "I really don't know, but they seem to be looking for someone! One of them said that he sensed that he was nearby, so he came over! As a result, they looked at Brother Mu's keystone and said that they wanted it! And then they fought!"

Guan Meng said helplessly: "We really don't know this, and even they don't know who they're looking for! They don't even have a photo! It's all up to that person!"

And at this time, a group of people in black robes in the depths of the jungle appeared in the place where Lin Yu and Mu Ningxia had fought before, and several people scattered directly around as if looking for something. After most of the black-robed people scattered to find something, one of the black-robed people with blue stripes directly sat cross-legged and began to close their eyes and meditate. As he began to meditate, his body actually began to float slowly.

After a while, when the people who had scattered the search returned, everyone shook their heads, indicating that they had not seen anyone they were looking for. Probably sensing that his teammates were all back, the person who was sitting cross-legged and meditating also slowly opened his eyes, looked at everyone around him, and then stretched out his hand to point in one direction, indicating that the person he was looking for was over there.

"Are you Waveguide Association people useless? We've been looking in the direction you pointed out for so long! Every time we get to a place, people have already left! Is it still necessary to look for them like this?"

"Don't be angry! Let's go, let's go! Complete the task first!" at this time, someone immediately came out to persuade.

"What to do! How to go! The headquarters is the same, why don't you give us a photo? I don't believe there is no photo of that person at the headquarters! And you want us to go to the crime scene to find traces! How can you find this?" the man continued to complain.

After hearing that person's complaint, several other black-robed people also began to whisper, and some even sat directly on the ground, with a great sense of going to strike.

The black-robed man in dark blue stripes, after hearing everyone's complaints, slowly opened his mouth to everyone and said, "Now this matter can't be known to the rest of the alliance! Let's not forget what our goal is, we want to go back

to our hometown!" "Hmph! That's a nice thing to say, then I want to know, what does that person have to do with our return to our hometown?" continued, the black-robed man who had spoken earlier.

"He came from our hometown! Our ancestors left their hometown hundreds of years ago, and some records of things in his hometown have been missing, in order to make up for those missing memories, we must find him, and find more survivors through his return to his hometown!" The blue-striped black-robed man was not angry at the words of the black-robed man before, and continued calmly.

At this time, the other black-robed people had finished whispering, but they did not continue to listen to the intention of that person to pursue.

"Are you sure he'll be here? I've heard that this is a competition jointly held by multiple universities in China! You just snatched the super evolution keystone that seems to be a contestant! I really don't know what you're going to do?"

When mentioning the Super Evolution Keystone, the blue-striped black-robed man who was originally lifeless no matter what others said, suddenly showed a killing intent in his eyes at this time. The black-robed man instantly closed his mouth after being glared at by his murderous eyes. He sensed that the other party had just really wanted to kill him.

"I'm sorry!" the black-robed man immediately relented, but he also knew that the keystone was definitely a treasure.

"Alright, let's go ahead and look for it!" The blue-striped black-robed man saw that the man who had spoken the most had softened, so he slowly said to the others.

Soon these black-robed men disappeared into the woods in an orderly and rapid manner, just like when they appeared.

On the other side, since Lin Yu and Xu Changzhou separated, he entered the woods to find Yu Heng and them while "brushing wild monsters". But the direction he was traveling now was exactly the opposite of Yu Heng's direction. If they both continue like this, they may not meet each other at the end of the game.

As the countdown drew to an end, although Lin Yu had collected a lot of cards with special functions, he had never found Mu Gu and them. However, along the way, there were still many people who rushed out to challenge him.

After the first task was over, Lin Yu suddenly felt his watch vibrate violently, and then raised his watch to look. I saw that the screen showed: 25% completion of task 1, task end. Then it didn't take long for a task page to pop up on the page again, only to see that it was written: Players are asked to send envelopes to the staff of Tianya Mountain, Yuejian Lake or Maple Leaf Forest, and each successful delivery of an envelope will result in five points.

"I'll go! This isn't playing with me! I knew that when Lao Xu was eliminated, let him give me the envelope........."Lin Yu directly began to spit fragrance into the sky after reading the task.

At this moment, the group of black-robed people from before suddenly rushed up and surrounded Lin Yu. Lin Yu looked at this battle, thinking that it was because they had just greeted all the family members of the organizer, and they sent staff to arrest him. He didn't expect that as soon as he finished scolding, their people had already found him, and there were so many people coming.

Lin Yu saw that these black-robed people around him had just shown a fierce face, and he felt as if someone owed them twenty-five or eighty-thousand, but Lin Yu thought that they just didn't have a good face for themselves because he had just scolded them, so he could only look at them in embarrassment and didn't know what to say.

Lin Yu saw that they hadn't spoken, just staring at him viciously, and he really had no choice but to say embarrassedly: "I'm sorry... I... It wasn't intentional just now! You adults don't remember villains, I'm just a little kid! You don't need to embarrass me

!" At this time, the very calm blue-striped black-robed man before closed his eyes for a while, and then pointed at Lin Yu and said: "That's right, the fluctuations in life are roughly the same! It should be him, arrest him first!".

After the man finished speaking, the other black-robed people were ready to make a move, and at this time, the Koga Ninja Frog, who felt wrong, immediately appeared, and then instantly created more than a dozen clones to block them, and directly pulled Lin Yu to prepare to take him away through invisibility.

"Hmph! But I've found you!" The black-robed man with blue stripes, after the Koga Ninja Frog took Lin Yu to stealth, was startled at first, and then continued to close his eyes.

You must know that he could find Lin Yu thousands of miles away with this kind of induction before, let alone now. He only sensed it for a while, then found the location of Koga Ninja Frog and Lin Yu, and with a movement of his mind, he condensed a blue energy ball on the palm of his hand and gently pushed it forward, only to see that the energy ball was like having eyes, and directly hit Lin Yu and Koga Ninja Frog who were in a stealth state.

The Koga Ninja Frog, which was beaten out of the stealth state, looked at the strange black-robed man in horror, this is the first time that it has been found out by its stealth, and it doesn't matter if it is found, it is still visible by the other party with a strange energy ball. It didn't understand whether it was a human or a Pokémon under the black robe.

After Lin Yu and the others were beaten out of their original form, the other black-robed people immediately released their Pokémon in order to prevent Lin Yu from running away again. Forty or fifty Pokémon appeared here at once.

Just when those black-robed people released their Pokémon, the teachers sitting in the monitoring room also immediately noticed the situation here.

"The group of black-robed people that Guan Meng said appeared! They seem to be attacking the contestants again! Some flying Pokémon came with me to save people, and the others stared at this group of people for me!" At this time, a teacher stood up angrily and said.

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