Although ordinary people may not really succeed in super evolution, everyone has seen the super evolution competition video, to be honest, the general super evolution is like Song Xuhui shoots out a pillar of light from the keystone to activate the super evolution stone, and there are few direct trainers like Hu Tu who shine together with Pokémon.

In fact, Hu Tu and Bankiras emitted that dazzling light at the same time, which was ignited by burning their life energy, and then forcibly combining the fetters of the two sides to complete the super evolution. This only happens if you have this special super evolution keystone and super evolution stone and the power of the bond is not enough, and if you have enough power of bonding, you will enter the normal super evolution.

It is precisely because now, those super evolutions that can appear in the video are basically veteran trainers, and their fetters are basically enough, so it is rare to see the video of the super evolution of Hu Tu's current situation, after all, this kind of keystone and super evolution stone are not common.

At this time, no one paid attention to Song Xuhui, who had just failed in superevolution, and everyone couldn't help but think that the next leader on the Asian side should be nonsense.

"It's kind of interesting... Is it fun to fight now!Is Picosi ready?" Lyben Oden didn't panic in the slightest after seeing Super Bankiras, but said with a smile.

"Hehe! Big Head (Super Banquras) We are actually underestimated by others!" Hu Tu was very angry at the other party's tone, so he said to Super Banquiras: "Big Head (Super Banquiras), we should have a little color!" Super

Banquiras rushed directly towards the other party's little pink guy after hearing Hu Tu's words.

Picosi didn't panic at the bison-like rush of Super Bankiras, and raised his fist in front of Super Bankiras and smashed it with disdain.

Picosy unhurriedly swung Super Bankiras's fist in front of him, suddenly grabbed Super Bankiras's fist with both hands, and then threw the opponent out with a gorgeous over-the-shoulder throw.

It may be due to the fact that Super Bankiras itself is relatively tall, originally its fists were smashed from top to bottom, and Super Bankiras didn't expect the other party's little pink fat man to be so flexible, and it didn't have time to react until it was thrown out.

This over-the-shoulder fall in one go completely made Hu Tu and Super Bankiras dare not underestimate the opponent in front of them, and Super Bankilas got up and looked at the little pink fat man in front of him with a vigilant face, and no longer dared to attack as recklessly as he did just now.

"Hehe, don't you dare to attack after being thrown like this?" Lyben Oden saw Super Bankiras's vigilant expression and sneered at Hu Tu: "In that case, let's do it! Picosi, use

your fingers!" "What!" After hearing the other party's command, Hu Tu's whole person was stunned, he thought that the other party would use all kinds of long-range attacks, but he never thought that the other party would use his fingers to tease him.

I saw that Pi Kexi began to shake his fingers constantly, and then a yellow energy ball appeared in front of Pi Kexi, and then a thick energy pillar shot directly out of the energy ball.

"Destroy the Dead Light?" Lyben Auden suddenly laughed after seeing the skill used by Pi Kexi, and then smiled at Hu Tu and said, "It seems that you are not very lucky today! Pi Kexi added down and used it on himself again

," "Big Head (Super Bankiras) quickly dodge, and then we will also use the Destruction Death Light!" Hu Tu immediately shouted at Super Banquiras after seeing the other party's move.

Although Super Bankiras heard Hu Tu's shout, its speed was still a beat slower, and when he was about to dodge the yellow energy pillar, the energy pillar had already arrived in front of him, and Super Bankiras could only adjust his position with difficulty to avoid the light pillar.

This time, although Super Bankiras dodged the destruction and death just now, due to the movement of the dodge was too twisted, it directly fell down with an unstable center of gravity.

Before Super Bankiras, who had fallen to the ground, had yet to get up, Picosi's second ray of destruction had already attacked in front of him again. This time, Super Bankiras had no way to dodge, so he could only raise his arm with difficulty to take the destructive death light.

"Looks like it's time to finish!Picosi then rushed up and used hypnosis!" After seeing the destruction of the death light hit Super Bankiras, Lyben Oden immediately didn't care whether the opponent had lost the ability to fight now, and directly commanded his Picosi to lose the replenishment knife.

After hearing his trainer's words, Picosi also rushed directly into the dust raised by the destruction of the death light after hitting Super Bankiras, but as soon as Pixie rushed into the dust, a miserable scream came from the dust.

"Hehe! Have you forgotten that Bankiras is a Desert Tyrant! The armor on its body is not something that can be injured by a second-rate destruction like you! Not to mention that my big head (Super Bankiras) is now in a super-evolved state!" At this time, the originally serious nonsense suddenly laughed.

When the dust cleared, I saw that the pink Picosi had lost his ability to fight and fell to the ground, and Bankiras had degraded back to his original form and fallen asleep. It seems that although Bankiras had just caught Picosy who had rushed into the dust, Pikosi had used hypnotism to put Super Bankiras to sleep before he fell.

"Looks like I won!" said Hu Tu with a smile to Lybenz Auden.

"Hmph, it's just luck! If I had had Picosy keep attacking you from a distance, I'd see how you would have won!" said Lyben Auden with a cold snort.

"But you still lost, and nothing you say can change the fact that you just lost!" said Hu Tu proudly.

"Let's go!" Lybenz Auden gave Hu Tu a cold look and left with his little brothers.

"Brother Hu is amazing! Now he is the most powerful among the Asians in the camp! Brothers, in the future, it will be up to you to lead everyone to fight against those students of the Alliance Academy. At this time, a sycophant immediately came up and patted Hu Tu's sycophants.

But in fact, those who have similar strength to Hu Tu can see that Hu Tu won just now and was lucky, and what really surprised everyone was Song Xuhui who successfully forced out Lucis Yat of the Alliance Academy.

However, although those people didn't think that Hu Tu was the strongest among them, they still politely went up to greet Hu Tu one by one.

For a while, Hu Tu directly became the sweetheart that everyone wanted to befriend, and after a long time, everyone finally dispersed, and at this time, Zhao Yiwen, who had already left, came back again.

"Hmm, Xiao Zhao, are you looking for me?" said Zhao Yiwen, who looked at Zhao Yiwen who stopped in front of him with a serious face.

"The weakest of the eight rookie kings of the Federation can force you to this point, do you still feel very happy? I have already received news that the other seven rookie kings of the Federation are all on their way back, and it is said that the strongest one has reached seventeen!" Zhao Yiwen said solemnly.

"Then what's the matter? His strength is strong, his strength is strong, aren't we fighting against the Alliance Academy together?"

"Damn! If Chen Hai hadn't led a group of strong people from our Hua Kingdom to directly kill out of Dayi Island, at this time, our Hua Kingdom would not have no place when all countries competed for power!" Zhao Yiwen spoke again and said, "Is Lin Yu still on the island?"

"Yes!" Hu Tu nodded and said.

"That's good! You hurry up and contact him, let him come back quickly, and then our Huaguo will definitely be the head of the exchange team of various countries!" Hearing that Lin Yu was still on the island, Zhao Yiwen immediately said excitedly.

"This... He can't come back just yet! If he can... He's already back with me today!" Hu Tu said after thinking about it.

"Okay! You tell me his location! I'll ask him myself!" Zhao Yiwen still didn't believe Hu Tu's words, and said to Hu Tu with a firm face.

"No comment!" Hu Tu dropped this sentence and left directly.

After Hu Tu left, he still took out his communicator and contacted Lin Yu. At this time, he would not expose Lin Yu's position to Zhao Yiwen and them, if they knew that Lin Yu was with those people from the Alliance Academy, he didn't know what would happen at that time.

[Hey!What did you hear?] Hu Tu had just dialed the communicator, and not long after Lin Yu picked it up.

"Good news, bad news!Which one do you want to hear first?" said to Lin Yu with a smile.

[Senior Fang had an accident, where is he?] Lin Yu immediately asked nervously when he heard the bad news.

"I don't know about this yet. "

[What's the bad news?] Lin Yu immediately asked excitedly.

"This is... Because of your senior's matter, the students who are now exchanging and studying and the students of the Alliance Academy are now in a lot of trouble!

[What does this have to do with us? And what does Senior Fang's disappearance have to do with them?] After Lin Yu heard the news, he was directly stupid.

"I don't know who spread the rumor that your senior was kidnapped by the Alliance Academy, and then the students who started to exchange and study this morning began to suicidally duel with the seniors of the Alliance Academy, and in the end, it may have been because they said something bad during the duel, and the blood of the students of the Alliance Academy was beaten, so... You know, it's now a war on both sides!" Hu Tu said helplessly.

[What's the

good news?] "The good news is that in addition to knowing that your senior is missing, the exchange team of the sophomore also knows that they are now trying their best to find your senior!" Hu Tu continued.

"Are you talking to Lin Yu on the phone? Hurry up and call him back! We need someone of his strength here. At this time, Zhao Yiwen suddenly didn't know where to get out of the corner and said to Hu Tu.

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