"Lin Yu, are you sure you won't let the Hippo King and Geng Ghost come on the field to help the Koga Ninja Frog?" The host reminded after seeing Lin Yu call all the other Pokémon except Koga Ninja Frog back to the field: "Their main Pokémon have already mastered super evolution in terms of records!" "

Hehe, if it's not super evolution, it will definitely make the strength of the Pokémon with six-star strength really reach the seven-star strength, and how can the Pokémon at the intermediate strength stage be compared with the Pokémon that have really reached the high-level strength?" Lin Yu looked at Hu Tu with a smile and said.

"I'm so daring!, but I thought that if you only had one Pokémon, we wouldn't use Super Evolution!" At this time, the sturdy man who didn't know Lin Yu among the three people on the opposite side directly threw out his Poké Ball and said, "Come out, my queen (Shanaiduo)!"

"Hehe, Lao Li, why are you still so anxious!Come out, Miao Frog Flower!" Seeing that Li Haogui had already sent out the Pokémon, Liu Zhanmu also threw out his Poké Ball, and after Miao Frog Flower appeared on the field, Liu Zhanmu smiled and said to Hu Tu on the side: "Lao Hu, when your Bankiras comes out, try to be as quiet as possible, don't make too many sandstorms come out, and it's best not to use any range skills like your friend when fighting!" This time, our Pokémon

can't fly!" "Hehe, I know, I know, my big head has been training in team battles, so you can just don't retreat when the time comes!" After making a joke, Hu Tu also took out his Poké Ball and threw it out and said, "Go! Big Head (Bankiras) has come out to meet an old friend!"

After Hu Tu's Banquillas appeared, the whole audience was immediately filled with a sandstorm that obstructed his vision and even had a little injury, when he saw this sandstorm, Liu Zhanmu immediately glared at Hu Tu angrily, and then his parents said: "What are you doing? Don't you make a little less movement when your Banquiras appears?"

"You won't be with that Mu Gu just now, and now Lin Yu's trust!" At this time, Li Haogui also said to Hu Tu.

"Hehe, I'm used to it!" Hu Tu was also embarrassed at this time and said: "I think it's more imposing to appear like this!, and I don't think Lin Yu will let the Koga ninja frog sneak attack at

this time!" "Then you also TM to collect the sandstorm for Lao Tzu!" At this time, Li Haogui said angrily to Hu Tu: "Pretending to be forced must also have a degree!".

Originally, Li Haogui just felt that Hu Tu was careless at the beginning, so he didn't get angry, just made a joke, but at this time, I heard that Hu Tu was just pretending to be forced to let Bankiras show such a big sandstorm when he appeared, you must know that at this time, their Pokémon have not yet undergone super evolution, if they are attacked by Koga Ninja Frog, then they will lose directly, so at this time, Li Haogui will suddenly get angry.

Next, after the sandstorm stopped, I saw that both the wonderful frog flower and Shanaiduo on the field were looking around vigilantly, but the culprits who had just caused the sandstorm, Bankilas and Koga Ninja Frog, were looking at the neighborhood with a casual face at this time.

"Big Head (Bankiras) is now Koga Ninja Frog, but our opponent today is serious!" Seeing Bankiras's relaxed expression, he patted his head and said helplessly.

After hearing Hu Tu's words, Bankiras looked at the Koga ninja frog in front of him again, and then became as vigilant as the wonderful frogs.

"Okay, it's your turn to hyper-evolve next, don't think about waiting for the middle of the fight and I'll ask Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) to stop and wait for you to use super-evolution!" Lin Yu also said to Hu Tu and them with a smile at this time.

"Let's come one by one or..."After hearing Lin Yu's words, Hu Tu said.

"Come on one by one, let's use the super evolution together, in case we interfere with each other, the super evolution will fail, it will be bad!" Liu Zhanmu thought for a while at this time, then said, picked up the keystone in his hand and said to Miao Frog Flower: "I'll come first! Miao Frog Flower, let's do super evolution!"

After hearing Liu Zhanmu's words, Miao Frog Flower also immediately echoed Liu Zhanmu, and then saw the colored pillar of light shot out of the keystone in Liu Zhanmu's hand quickly flew into the super evolution stone on Miao Frog Flower through the power of their bonds, and after the colored light pillar connected the keystone and the super evolution stone, Miao Frog Flower quickly began to open and change, and it only took two minutes before the successful evolution ended.

"I didn't expect you to be super evolved quite fast!" After seeing the end of the super evolution of the wonderful frog flower, Hu Tu smiled and picked up his keystone and said to his Banquiras: "Big Head (Bankiras) It's our turn to super evolve next!".

This time, after Hu Tu held the keystone, it was also the previous super evolution method of burning life, but at this time, Hu Tu no longer needed to flash two intersecting huge balls of light to connect the chain of bonds as before, but the keystone in Hu Tu's hand and the super evolution stone on Ban Kiras's body flashed at the same time, and the chain of bonds was quickly connected, I have to say that the speed of using this special super evolution stone's Hu Tu chain of bonds was much faster than Liu Zhanmu's, but after the chain of bonds was connected, it took nearly five minutes for Ban Quelas to evolve Lin Yu, and they all thought that Ban Quiras was going to evolve and failed。

"Hehe, it's really a success! I thought this time it was different from before, but it was going to fail!" "After seeing the successful super evolution of the nonsense Bankiras, Lin Yu said with a smile: "It seems that you are getting better and better at mastering that pair of super evolution stones!" "

Hehe, I can indeed control the strength of the burning life force, and... I and the big head (Bankiras) have been able to evolve directly once in a while!" said nonsense, looked at Li Haogui on the side with a smile and said, "My big head (Bankiras) has successfully evolved, and the next step is you

!" "Queen (Shanaiduo) super evolution!" Li Haogui didn't talk nonsense, picked up the key and said to Shanaiduo.

As soon as the words fell, a pillar of colored light flew out from the keystone in Li Haogui's hand, and the pillar of light flew in the air like a big snake for a while before flying into the super evolution stone on Shanaiduo's chest like finding prey. With the connection of the Chain of Bonds, Shanaiduo was shrouded in the evolutionary light emitted by the super evolution stone, and then Shanaiduo's body in the evolutionary light began to change, and just when he was about to evolve successfully, Shanaiduo in the evolutionary light suddenly let out a miserable scream and fainted.

"Damn! It seems that this time I have been affected by the momentum of others again!" After seeing that Shanaiduo's evolution failed, Li Haogui directly took out the Poke Ball and took it back from Shanaiduo and said, "I gave up."

"Even if Li Haogui chooses to give up, then we still need to invite another classmate to the stage, I'll take a look..."

After the host finished speaking, a girl wearing suspenders but still couldn't hide her well-proportioned figure ran into the ring excitedly, and after she ran into the ring, she didn't use it to take out her poke ball immediately, but said to Lin Yu with a smile: "Hello Lin Yu, I watched the game between you and Chen Jianyi, the captain of the ice team, last time, I always wanted to find a boy who is stronger than myself to be my boyfriend, so can you be my boyfriend

?". "That's... Ren Yixin, do you know that you came up to challenge, and if you want to fall in love, can you talk about it when you step down?" After hearing Ren Yixin's words, Liu Zhanmu said to her a little speechlessly: "You better hurry up and send out the Pokémon, after the game, you have time to talk to him about love." "

That's right! Besides, don't you want to find someone stronger than yourself! Liu Zhanmu and I are both ranked higher than you now! Why do you think about considering the two of us!" Hu Tu also said to Ren Yixin with a smile at this time.

"The two of you, can you two beat Lin Yu?" Ren Yixin glanced at Hu Tu with disdain, and then continued to turn her head to Lin Yu and said, "Eh, Lin Yu, how are you thinking?" At

this time, Lin Yu was in trouble, to be honest, Ren Yixin can be said to be the best-looking girl Lin Yu has ever seen, more attractive than the cold and glamorous Hua Zixu, and the most important thing is that its character happens to be similar to what Lin Yu likes, so at this time Lin Yu doesn't know how to answer.

Just when Lin Yu didn't know how to answer, Ren Yixin suddenly took out his Poke Ball and threw it out and said, "Go ahead, Xuelara (Ice Six-Tails) uses a freezing ray on the Koga Ninja Frog!"

After the Ice Nine-Tails appeared, a flash of freezing light directly shot at the Koga Ninja Frog who was standing in place without any movement, and the Koga Ninja Frog didn't seem to expect that Ren Yixin, who was still courting a second ago, would suddenly send a Pokémon to attack him, so the Koga Ninja Frog who was standing there was directly out of the field and instantly used the Ice Nine-Tails of the frozen light to freeze into an ice sculpture.

"Good job, Xue Lala (Ice Nine-Tails), and then use Ice Breath directly against the Koga Ninja Frog to decide the winner in one go!" Ren Yixin commanded the Ice Nine-Tails after seeing that he had successfully frozen the Koga Ninja Frog into an ice sculpture, and at the same time said to Hu Tu and them: "What are you two still doing in a daze! Hurry up and attack it together! Solve it in one breath and win!" "

This..." Hu Tu didn't know what to say at this time.

However, at this time, Lin Yu on the other side laughed: "Sure enough, Zhang Wuji's mother is right, the more beautiful the girl, the more she will deceive people! Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) solves

it!" When she heard Lin Yu's words, Ren Yixin was also stunned, but she didn't give any command to her Ice Nine Tails, but at this time, Hu Tu excitedly shouted to Bankiras: "Big Head (Bankiras) hurry up and help it stop!"

Just when Liu Zhanmu and Ren Yixin were still wondering what Hu Tu was going to do, they saw several flying water shuriken suddenly fly out from behind the ice nine-tails.

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