"Xuelara (Ice Nine-Tails) Watch Behind!" After seeing those flying water shuriken, Ren Yixin immediately shouted nervously to Ice Nine-Tails.

Although Ice Nine-Tails also found those flying water shuriken at this time, because it was still preparing to use ice breath to attack the Koga ninja frog ice sculpture before, when it reacted and was about to start dodging, it found that it was too late.

Just when Ren Yixin thought that her Ice Nine-Tails would be hit like this, Super Bankiras's huge body suddenly appeared in front of Ice Nine-Tails, blocking all the Flying Water Shuriken, but after those few Flying Water Shuriken hit Super Bankiras, Super Bankiras also let out a painful roar.

"Hu Tu, are you crazy! That Flying Water Shuriken is a water skill! Hitting your Super Bangiras is double the damage! If Koga Ninja Frog uses a few more Flying Water Shuriken just now, I think your Super Bangiras may directly lose their combat ability!" Liu Zhanmu, who saw this scene, did not breathe a sigh of relief, but angrily docked Hu Tu and roared: "Won't you let Super Bangiras use skills to block?"

"Huh. After hearing Liu Zhanmu's words, Hu Tu scratched his head with such an embarrassed smile and said: "It seems that the big head (Super Bankiras) has no time to use skills after rushing over, and my big head (Super Bangiras) is not good at long-range attacks.

"No, aren't you surprised? His Koga ninja frog hadn't moved just now, and... It was also directly frozen into an ice sculpture by my Xuelala, where did those flying shurikens fly out?" At this time, Ren Yixin looked at Hu Tu and said suspiciously.

"Didn't you say that you admired people before? Then don't you know that Lin Yu's Jiahe ninja frog can be invisible, and will create a clone called the water body, which is almost the same as the main body? I remember that he used all these skills when he fought Chen Jianyi! How could you not know?" At this time, Hu Tu had not yet spoken, but Liu Zhanmu said angrily.

After hearing Liu Zhanmu's words, Ren Yixin said indifferently: "Cut! I just said those words not to attract Lin Yu's attention so that he could sneak attack! He is not the one I like, at least I don't think he is very handsome!" "

Hehe, it seems that you Huake can't do it this year! Although you successfully broke into the top four last year, but you don't even study Zhejiang University, which is the most likely to be a spoiler this year, is it inflated?" At this time, Liu Zhanmu just glanced at Ren Yixin lightly and said.

"Hmph, don't just because you won the super evolution last year, I can point fingers at me here, if you have the ability, don't use the super evolution to fight me this year, see if my Xuelala (Ice Nine-Tails) doesn't beat you to the north!" Ren Yixin said a little unconvinced.

"Okay, okay! If you two continue to quarrel, Lin Yu is going to let the Koga Ninja Frog do it!" At this time, Hu Tu still had some hands on it, and just came up and said to the two of them.

"Hmph, Ren Yixin, hurry up and use the blizzard to make the invisible Koga Ninja Frog appear, and when it appears, I will let my Super Wonderful Frog Flower use the Crazy Plant to restrict its movements, and then it's up to your Super Bankiras!" After Liu Zhanmu finished speaking to Ren Yixin, he turned his head to Hu Tu and said, "Next, I will let the Super Wonderful Frog Flower control those vines to restrict its movements." "

Okay!" After hearing Liu Zhanmu's words, Hu Tu immediately nodded in agreement, after all, he really couldn't find a better tactic than what Liu Zhanmu said just now.

"Why should I listen to you?" At this time, Ren Yixin said a little unconvinced: "I just don't let Xuelara (Ice Nine-Tails)

listen to you!" "Eldest sister, do you think that the real seven-star strength Pokémon is so easy to deal with?" If you don't want to listen to the command and leave, there is no better way, you might as well end up!" At this time, Liu Zhanmu yelled at Ren Yixin angrily.

"Okay, okay, listen to you!" After seeing Liu Zhanmu's expression of wanting to eat people, Ren Yixin finally said helplessly to his Ice Nine-Tails: "Xuelara (Ice Nine-Tails), let's listen to him and use a blizzard on the whole audience first!

At this time, after hearing his master's words, the Ice Nine-Tails made a howl to the sky, and with the crisp and loud voice of the Ice Nine-Tails resounding in the sky, it didn't take long for snowflakes to begin to float on the field, but as there were more and more snowflakes, more than a dozen Koga ninja frogs slowly appeared on the field.

"What's the situation? Could it be that you have successfully cleared out the clone of the Koga ninja frogs in front of you?" When he saw so many Koga ninja frogs surrounding the Ice Nine-Tails in the blizzard, Ren Yixin looked at Liu Zhanmu suspiciously, and said, "Liu Zhanmu, your tactics are useless! What should you do now? Didn't you say that you had already studied Lin Yu?"

At this time, Liu Zhanmu looked at the Jiahe Ninja Frog on the field seriously, completely ignoring Ren Yixin's meaning, and after the entire ring had been covered with a thin layer of snow, he finally opened his mouth and said to his super wonderful frog flower: "The wonderful frog flower uses crazy plants!"

After hearing Liu Zhanmu's words, the super wonderful frog flower, which was already covered with a layer of snow, suddenly stood up directly on its front feet with force, and then roared angrily and smashed the two front feet that were raised high to the ground. After the two front feet of the Super Frog Flower smashed to the ground, the ground suddenly began to shake violently, and then countless roots grew frantically from the ground around those [Koga Ninja Frogs] to attack those [Koga Ninja Frogs].

At the same time as the roots that grew out of the ground and frantically attacked the Koga Ninja Frog's water body, Lin Yu suddenly found that the Super Wonderful Frog Flower suddenly exerted such a large range and so strong power, and it was still a skill that only attacked the Koga Ninja Frog's water body, and his body was obviously weakened.

"Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) is now attacking the big toad with the flower on its back! It should be at the end of the crossbow by now!" Lin Yu immediately said to Koga Ninja Frog after understanding this.

"Hu Tu, hurry up and let your Super Bankiras restrict the actions of the Koga Ninja Frog!, Ren Yixin, don't be stunned, don't be stunned, hurry up and put away the blizzard, use the Great Sunny, and then help Super Bankiras drag the Koga Ninja Frog!" After hearing Lin Yu's order, Liu Zhanmu immediately instructed Hu Tu and them again.

After giving instructions to Hu Tu, Liu Zhanmu immediately said to his Super Wonderful Frog Flower: "The Wonderful Frog Flower uses photosynthesis!" "

Big Head (Super Bankiras), quickly use a rock blockade on the Koga Ninja Frog, and then use a sharp stone attack to restrict its movements!" After hearing Liu Zhanmu's words, Hu Tu also immediately issued an order to his Super Banquiras to restrict the actions of the Koga Ninja Frog.

Originally, Ren Yixin really wanted to taunt Liu Zhanmu a few more words at this time, but after seeing that the nonsense Super Bankiras failed to completely block the Koga Ninja Frog rushing towards the Super Wonderful Frog even if he used a rock blockade and then added a sharp stone attack, the Super Banquillas, who was not very fast, still struggled to approach the way of the Koga Ninja Frog rushing towards the Super Wonderful Frog Flower, Ren Yixin finally hesitated for a moment, and finally put those who were ready to taunt Liu Zhanmu [If the Super Wonderful Frog Flower can't use a skill] Swallowed.

Finally, after Super Bankiras and Koga Ninja Frog fought at close range, Ren Yixin finally opened his mouth and said to the Ice Nine-Tails: "Xuelara (Ice Nine-Tails), hurry up and stop the blizzard, and then use the Great Sunny!".

After hearing his trainer's words, Ice Nine-Tails roared into the air again, and the blizzard stopped, and after the blizzard completely stopped, Ice Nine-Tails spit out a red energy ball into the air, and as the red energy ball floated into the air, Peng exploded, and the sun in the sky suddenly felt more brilliant.

With the Ice Nine-Tails using the Great Sunny Sky after using the Super Wonderful Frog Flower in photosynthesis, the original sluggish spirit recovered with the speed seen by the naked eye, and the Ice Nine-Tails after using the Great Sunny Sky also joined the battle against the Koga Ninja Frog with Super Bankiras.

Originally, due to the restraint of attributes and the gap in his own strength, Super Bankiras almost couldn't resist the attack of the Koga Ninja Frog, and at that time, even if the Ice Nine-Tails joined, he successfully relieved the pressure on Super Bankiras. But even so, the two Pokémon did not get any benefit in the hands of the Koga Ninja Frog, and it can even be said that during the period when the Super Frog Flower had not fully recovered, Super Banquiras and the Ice Nine-Tails had both hung up, and the Koga Ninja Frog had some dust on its body.

"Liu Zhanmu, when will your super wonderful frog flower recover! It's also a super wonderful frog flower, fight for one minute and charge it for two hours, right! If you don't make a move, the two of us will not be able to bear it!" After seeing that the original white hair of his ice nine tails had been dyed red by his own blood several times, Ren Yixin said angrily to Liu Zhanmu.

At this time, Hu Tu, who didn't talk much, also echoed and said: "You don't need to make you hungry at this time Super Wonderful Frog Flower back to the best state! Wait for the two of us to be reached by the Koga Ninja Frog to see that you are left with Super Wonderful Frog Flower, and you are not its opponent! You better hurry up and let Super Wonderful Frog Flower shoot!"

Liu Zhanmu pondered for a while at this time before he opened his mouth and said to Super Wonderful Frog Flower: " Frog Flower controls those roots and helps Super Bankiras attack the Koga Ninja Frog together, and then uses hypnotic powder to find a way to put the Koga Ninja Frog to sleep.

After hearing Liu Zhanmu's words, the super wonderful frog flower also stopped, continued to use photosynthesis to recover her strength, and began to seriously control the roots that grew out of the ground to attack the Koga ninja frog. And at this time, without anyone noticing, the super wonderful frog flower controlled the roots of the attack on the Koga ninja frog, and small flowers began to grow.

As the battle continued, the Koga Ninja Frog gradually discovered that those root vines were a little weird, and every time those root vines didn't hit him, he just swung them in front of him, making him feel tired, and each time he managed to dodge those vines, it would make its fatigue heavier.

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