Although the evolution of the bond of the Koga ninja frog was not successful this time, the Koga ninja frog who tried the light of evolution triggered by the power of the bond again had already seen some hope just now.

However, just when Koga Ninja Frog happily felt that he could master the evolution of the fetters by this method, Lin Yu, who had been thinking for a while, suddenly said: "It seems that this method still doesn't work!"

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Koga Ninja Frog looked at Lin Yu with a puzzled expression, and excitedly gestured to Lin Yu and said that he had almost completed the fetter evolution just now, why not, next time, as long as he withdrew a little more fetter power and came back, he would be able to successfully complete the fetter evolution.

After roughly seeing what the Koga Ninja Frog meant, Lin Yu smiled bitterly before he said to the Koga Ninja Frog: "Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) You should have seen it too, and if it's torn off, it's gone! How much fetters do you think it will take to meet your needs for a battle?" Dream also said before that I can enter your inner world, but it is completely dependent on the power of these bonds, if all of them are consumed in a battle, it means that you will no longer be able to evolve in the future, you still try to master how to control yourself to reach the vicinity of the power of bonds and touch them at the same time. After hearing Lin Yu's

words, the Koga Ninja Frog looked up again at the silver silk thread that had just been torn off representing the power of the bond, and after thinking about it, the Koga Ninja Frog could only nod helplessly at Lin Yu.


After seeing the Koga Ninja Frog nodding, Lin Yu was originally going to think about whether there was any other way for the Koga Ninja Frog to master the bond evolution, but just as Lin Yu was about to think about it, his stomach began to scream uncontrollably. At this time, Lin Yu remembered that he hadn't eaten breakfast in the morning, and now he was in the inner world with the Koga Ninja Frog, and he didn't know how long he had been in the outside world, and his stomach in the outside world had already been exhausted.

Grunt... Gollum....

After hearing the cry of the stomach of the Koga ninja frog, Lin Yu shook his head helplessly and said to the Koga ninja frog with a wry smile: "Sasuke (Koga ninja frog) That's it for today, let's go back to the real world and eat something first."

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the Koga ninja frog touched his uncompetitive stomach and nodded, and when Lin Yu and the two of them opened their eyes again and appeared in the cave, the hippopotamus king and they were eating snacks while looking at them suspiciously.

Seeing the hippopotamus king eating snacks, Lin Yu finally knew why his stomach was so angry, although his consciousness was in the inner world of the Koga ninja frog, but a series of sensory organs such as smell and hearing did not completely enter the inner world of the Koga ninja frog, so many Pokémon around him were eating so fragrantly, and everyone had to feel hungry.

"Huskie: Give me bread. Lin Yu turned his head and said to the Geng ghost on the side.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Geng Ghost casually took out a bag of bread from his other space and handed it to Lin Yu, and then took out some Pokémon food and handed it to the Koga Ninja Frog on the side.

"Donkey Deshui (Hippopotamus King), how much time have we just spent in the forest?" Lin Yu said to the Hippopotamus King on the side while eating.

After thinking for a while, the Hippo King raised two fingers directly at Lin Yu.

"Two hours?" the

Hippo King shook his head.

Lin Yu said in disbelief after seeing the Hippo King shake his head: "It won't be two days!"

This time the Hippo King nodded directly.

"Then what have you been doing in the past two days?Has Dream come to guide you?" Hearing

Lin Yu's question, the Hippo King shook his head after thinking for a while, saying that he hadn't seen Dream in the past two days, as for what Lin Yu asked, what were you doing in the past two days, and the Hippo King directly filtered out this question, after all, they basically haven't trained well in the past two days, and have been watching the excitement around Lin Yu and them.

Lin Yu was also disappointed for a while when he learned that the dream had not appeared in the past two days, and then he thought about it, after all, training Pokémon was still his own business, so Lin Yu also thought about it.

In the following days, after the Koga Ninja Frog basically completed its basic training, it would enter the inner world to initially master the Bond Evolution, and Lin Yu also decided to stay in this valley before the Koga Ninja Frog completely mastered the Bond Evolution.

After about a month, although the Koga Ninja Frog has not been able to fully grasp the evolution of the bonds, the Koga Ninja Frog has basically mastered how to touch the power of those fetters while running the Taiji Diagram, and Lin Yu has successfully read all the murals in the cave in this month.

One night, after Lin Yu fell asleep, the dream that had disappeared for more than a month finally reappeared in Lin Yu's dream.

"Dream, you don't count!" Lin Yu said directly to Dream after seeing Dream in his dream.

"I haven't understood your words yet, or you should tell me what you realized!" Dream said aggrievedly to Lin Yu with two hands that were basically invisible.

"No!" Lin Yu said to Dream in a straight voice: "Didn't I say it, if I told you, not only would you not necessarily be able to understand what I meant, but you would never be able to comprehend what I said." "

Good horn. After hearing Lin Yu's words, Dream nodded a little depressed, and then prepared to turn around and leave.

"Wait!" Seeing that the dream that he finally saw was now about to leave, Lin Yu immediately stopped the other party and said: "Dream, before you go to comprehend the Great Dao, can you give all the Pokémon here

a pointer?" Dream didn't answer, just turned his back to Lin Yu and nodded, and then left, and after Dream left, Lin Yu, who didn't wake up from sleep, suddenly found that this time it was only a while.

After this day, Dream really began to use special methods every night to enter Lin Yu's Pokémon's dreams or inner world, to instruct them in their training methods, and even pointed out some of their characteristics, and then after the Dream Dream-style guidance, Lin Yu's Pokémon's overall strength began to grow rapidly, and the fast dragon successfully broke through to the seven-star strength a week after the Dream Guidance.

Next, in the boring training life, Lin Yu didn't know how much had passed, and suddenly one morning, when Lin Yu was sleeping in a blur, he suddenly felt that the Koga ninja frog sitting next to him meditating emitted a dazzling colored light. However, after so many days, Lin Yu could force himself to stimulate the bond evolution of the Koga Ninja Frog, and it was not once or twice that Lin Yu was about to turn over and continue to sleep, but he suddenly felt that the momentum on the Koga Ninja Frog had changed dramatically.

It was obvious that Lin Yu was not the only one who felt this, at this time, not only did the Geng ghost who had been in Lin Yu's shadow come out of the shadow, but he also called the hippopotamus king, who was still sleeping, and they also woke up and looked at the Koga ninja frog wrapped in colored light with a vigilant face.

In this way, when Lin Yu and the others were nervously staring at the Koga Ninja Frog, whose breath had not changed, suddenly Dream flew in quickly from outside the cave, and immediately said to Lin Yu after flying in: "Hurry up and help it break the light of evolution! Now it is difficult to break through the light of evolution that fetters and evolve with its own strength." "

I... How can I help?" Lin Yu suddenly looked at Dream at a loss and said.

"Of course, it's to enter its inner world to help, do you want to split it with an axe?" Dream guessed Lin Yu and said angrily.

"Oh oh oh!"

After hearing the dream's words, Lin Yu immediately sat down cross-legged and tried his best to concentrate on entering the inner world of the Koga Ninja Frog, but at this time, Lin Yu suddenly found that no matter how hard he tried to enter the inner world of the Koga Ninja Frog, he was rejected by an inexplicable force.

After trying a few times to no avail, Lin Yu looked up at the frowning dream flying in the air and said, "I... I don't know why I can't get in.

"Who let it try to touch the power of fetters by itself?, that's the power of fetters! If you just touch the power of fetters because of the pursuit of strength, then you will probably lose yourself by the power of fetters!" Dream looked at Lin Yu very sternly and reprimanded.

After hearing the dream's words, Lin Yu said suspiciously: "But... Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) said that the first time you met... You also tell her to go directly

...""Hey!" Dream touched his forehead helplessly and sighed and said: "That's because I know that the sky will definitely not be able to touch those fetter powers, and even if that person can touch the fetters power, I am in its inner world, but now..."

"Then what should I do?" At this time, Lin Yu found that he seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of Dream from the beginning, and said helplessly.

Dream at this time, Lin Yu could only glance at it, and then raised his hand directly, with a telekinetic power, wrapped in the light of evolution of the fetters and evolution, the Koga ninja frog flew out, and after the dream flew out and hit the stone wall of the cave, a large mouthful of blood spurted out of the light of evolution, but even this kind of evolution light wrapped outside the Koga ninja frog did not disappear.

"Damn! Looks like that's the only way to go. Seeing that the light of evolution on the Koga ninja frog did not dissipate even though it had been hit hard, the dreamy brows furrowed even deeper.

After Lin Yu heard Dream's words, he looked at Dream with a puzzled expression and said, "What else can you do?" "Hurry up and use it!"

"Are you sure?" Dream glanced at

Lin Yu and said, "Hurry!ah~"

Lin Yu anxiously urged Dream to rush out, and suddenly felt a pain in his stomach, so he flew out directly.

Lin Yu, who was shot out unsuspectingly, looked at the dream that was still floating in place with a puzzled expression, he never expected that the method that Dream said would actually attack him. And after Lin Yu was knocked away by Dream's sudden blow, the Hippopotamus King who was still anxiously worried about the Koga Ninja Frog was also surrounded by Dream, but because everyone knew the difference in strength between themselves and the Pokémon in front of them that looked like a pink kitten, they didn't attack Dream at the first time.

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