Just when Lin Yu wanted to open his mouth to ask why Dream wanted to attack him, Lin Yu suddenly found that the Koga Ninja Frog, which had been knocked to the side before, suddenly began to slowly disperse at this time, and then turned into a cloak similar to the Hokage's robe and draped on the Koga Ninja Frog.

After completing the evolution of the bond, the Hokage version of Koga Ninja Frog quickly pulled out the long knife of evil on his waist and went directly towards the dream with a fierce momentum, and there was a posture of preparing to cut the dream in half with a single sword. However, at this time, after seeing the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog rushing towards him, he raised his hand and struck a light blow of telekinesis and directly slapped the Hokage version of the Koga Ninja Frog away.

Although the Hokage's version of the Koga Ninja Frog after the evolution of the bond is almost unshakable to the Hippo King, who is now a seven-star strength, it is not enough to see at all in the face of the fantasy that has existed for countless years.

The Koga ninja frog, which was shot out and smashed on the stone wall again, spit out a mouthful of blood, was hit by new injuries and old injuries, which made it directly unconscious, and after the coma, the Koga ninja frog naturally withdrew directly from the fetters and evolved.

"You already knew that it would complete its evolution at that time?" Lin Yu said at this time, looking up at the dream in the air as if nothing had happened.

"Yes, as long as you carry it big enough in its heart. If you receive an attack, it will definitely be able to use the power of the Bond to complete the Bond evolution. Dream said proudly at this time: "Okay, now that I've seen its fetters evolve, it's time for me to go."

However, just as Dream turned around and was about to leave, the giant swamp monster that had been vigilant suddenly used a hot water directly on Dream's back, and Dream, who was about to pretend to be a fairy wind bone, was caught off guard by the hot water here of the giant swamp monster. However, it may also be because the attack of the giant swamp monster makes Dream not feel a sense of threat at all, so Dream just slowly flew to the entrance of the cave and was doused with hot water by the giant swamp monster.

"Lin Yu, do you want to die!" said the dreamy man who was drenched in soup turned to look at Lin Yu angrily.

"This... That one... I... The Giant Swamp Monster is back!" Lin Yu was also confused by the Giant Swamp Monster at this time, but just as Lin Yu was thinking about how to explain it to Dream, the Giant Swamp Monster had already raised its cold fists and killed Dream.

At this time, Dream glanced at the giant swamp monster rushing towards him with disdain, and grabbed the opponent who rushed over in the air as soon as he grabbed it, and at this time, even though the giant swamp monster was controlled by Dream using mental power, it continued to prepare to use the freezing beam to attack Dream.

Dream didn't plan to settle accounts with the giant swamp monster, but he didn't expect the other party to attack him even when he was obviously merciful. Next, I saw Dream directly use his telekinesis to grab one of the hind legs of the Swamp Monster and keep beating back and forth, until the Giant Swamp Monster completely lost its ability to fight, and Dream finally sent the Giant Swamp Monster away.

This scene just now frightened the hippopotamus king on the side, you must know that since the giant swamp monster broke through to the strength of the seven stars, sometimes even the hippopotamus king may not be able to suppress the other party steadily, and even sometimes the giant swamp monster can successfully rely on brute force to overturn the hippo king. But just now, the dream of the people was an understatement, and they were directly defeated by the giant swamp monster secretly.

Dream suddenly turned his head to Lin Yu and said to Lin Yu when he was about to leave after cleaning up the giant swamp monster: "Okay, let me remind you that the power of the bond is not a shortcut to becoming stronger, but a powerful weapon to protect something when its own strength is not enough!"

"Thank you. Poof!" Lin Yu said as he suddenly felt a sweet throat, and a mouthful of blood spat out.

After seeing Lin Yu vomiting blood, Kuailong immediately ran to Lin Yu's side and used healing fluctuations to treat Lin Yu, and at this time, the catty dog who saw this scene was also angry and barked twice.

"You seem to heal the fluctuations too!" said Dream this time not to the cutty dog barking at him, but turned his head to look at the hippopotamus king to the side.

was frightened by the dream of suddenly naming the hippopotamus king, and after thinking for a while, he nodded suspiciously.

"Then why don't you hurry up and treat that Koga ninja frog and the giant swamp monster, the injuries of the two of them are not lighter than Lin Yu's!" Dream said angrily after glancing at the Hippo King.

Hearing Dream's reminder, the Hippopotamus King and Geng Ghost also immediately ran to treat the Koga Ninja Frog and the Giant Swamp Monster, and after Dreamy glanced at the Hippo King, he shook his head helplessly and then turned around and left directly.

When the Koga Ninja Frog woke up, it suddenly found that its strength had just broken through to the eight-star strength, and the Giant Swamp Monster trained more diligently than the Koga Ninja Frog almost every day after being beaten by Dream Fat, but even so, the Giant Swamp Monster found that the gap between its strength and the Koga Ninja Frog was getting bigger and bigger.

This gap in strength is getting bigger and bigger not because the giant swamp monster is not training diligently enough, but because the period of Koga Ninja Frog is in a period of rapid rise after breaking through to the eight-star strength, and the giant marsh monster is in the bottleneck period when the seven-star strength is about to break through to the eight-star during this time.

After feeling that his strength had not improved for more than a month, the giant swamp monster suddenly found the Koga ninja frog one night, and at this time, the Koga ninja frog was also startled by the giant swamp monster who usually had to compete with him sneaking around to find him.

The giant swamp monster gestured to the Koga ninja frog to indicate that he wanted to awaken the third attribute through the power of awakening as it did back then, and at this time, the Koga ninja frog frowned after understanding the general meaning of the giant swamp monster.

Others don't know the danger of awakening the third attribute, but Koga Ninja Frog, as a Koga Ninja Frog who almost became useless because of the awakening superpower, is very clear about the danger of awakening the third attribute, so Koga Ninja Frog frowned and seriously described the danger he encountered when he secretly awakened to the Giant Swamp Monster again.

After listening to Koga Ninja Frog's description, the giant swamp monster also did not give up this method of breaking through the bottleneck learned from the mouth of the hippo king, and now the giant swamp monster hopes that he can become stronger, so that when he hits Lin Yu in his dream after work, he can help Lin Yu hit the dream the most.

In the end, under the repeated requests of the giant swamp monster, the Koga ninja frog reluctantly handed over the learning method of awakening power to the giant swamp monster, and the giant swamp monster who got the method did not say a word, and directly followed the beginning of the training taught by the Koga ninja frog.

Originally, Koga Ninja Frog thought that at least he could let Lin Yu persuade the other party after Lin Yu woke up, but Koga Ninja Frog didn't expect that the giant swamp monster would awaken directly as soon as he sat down and began to comprehend the power of awakening. However, the momentum of the giant swamp monster's awakening this time did not have the powerful reaction of the Koga ninja frog last time, but the giant swamp monster did not show any painful expression since it began to awaken its power.

It didn't take long for the Giant Swamp Monster to complete the awakening of the attributes, but this time the Giant Swamp Monster successfully awakened the new attributes through the awakening power, it did not break through the bottleneck like the previous Koga Ninja Frog, and found that after finding that it did not succeed in breaking through, the Giant Swamp Monster felt helplessly that the ice attribute he had just awakened and left helplessly.

Watching the giant swamp monster leave lonely, the Koga ninja frog didn't know how to comfort the other party at this time, but just as the Koga ninja frog was about to go up to comfort the giant swamp monster, it suddenly found that Yume didn't know when it had flown to the giant swamp monster.

If it was normally, the giant swamp monster would more or less call at each other twice when it saw the dream, but this time the giant swamp monster just looked up at the dream and continued to leave lonely. Just when Koga Ninja Frog thought that Dream was coming to comfort the Giant Swamp Monster, he saw that Dream suddenly used his telekinesis to grab the Giant Swamp Monster and then it was a series of slaps.

This can make the Koga ninja frog stunned.,You must know that in normal times, no matter how provocative the giant swamp monster is, the dream is at most a telekinesis to throw the other party out.,But this time, it's clear that the giant swamp monster didn't provoke the other party, but was caught by the other party, and it was a series of slaps.。

The giant swamp monster that was slapped in a series of slaps was completely stunned, and it looked at Dream with a puzzled expression, wondering why the other party had just hit him, but Dream didn't say anything and flew away directly after throwing down the giant swamp monster. This time the giant swamp monster was not convinced, usually it went to provoke the other party to be beaten, it was its own self-inflicted, it had nothing to say, but today it didn't expect that it was in a bad mood, but the other party ran over and beat itself, which made the giant swamp monster extremely angry.

The angry giant swamp monster didn't care if he could beat the dream, and he directly made a turbidity current at the dream, and he originally wanted to look back to see if the giant swamp monster had chased after the dream, but as soon as he turned around, he was poured cold by the muddy water, so that the original pink fur suddenly turned into a yellow-brown of the earth.

Next, the dream that looked very angry directly changed into a giant swamp monster and rushed up directly to catch the giant swamp monster and beat it fatly, but I don't know why, although it was still a dream fat and beat the giant swamp monster, but Koga Ninja Frog looked at the dream that changed into a giant swamp monster and always felt as if the dream was left behind when he beat the giant swamp monster.

Just when Koga Ninja Frog was wondering why Dream could use telekinesis to easily solve the Giant Swamp Monster as before, this time he had to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Giant Swamp Monster, Koga Ninja Frog suddenly found that the Giant Swamp Monster, which had been suppressed by Dream and beaten, had successfully broken through to the eight-star strength at this time. At this point, Koga Ninja Frog finally understood why Dream chose this method to beat the giant swamp monster this time.

When Lin Yu woke up, he found the giant swamp monster lying on the ground injured, and looked at the Koga ninja frog with a puzzled face and said, "Did something happen to Sasuke (

Koga ninja frog)?" Hearing Lin Yu's question, the Koga ninja frog didn't know how to explain to Lin Yu, so he could only roughly tell Lin Yu about the giant swamp monster being beaten by a dream in the morning, but the Koga ninja frog would not tell Lin Yu about teaching the giant swamp monster to awaken power.

"Fantastic? After reading the general description of the Koga Ninja Frog, Lin Yu glanced at the giant swamp monster a little helplessly, and then said to the hippopotamus king on the side: "Donkey get water (Hippopotamus King) and treat it vigorously (giant swamp monster)." "

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