When they were escaping, Lin Yu was originally going to take out Kuailong's Poke Ball and let Kuailong fly away directly, although Lin Yu would say that if he let himself go back and have a look, he planned to use Kuailong to escape. However, as soon as Lin Yu took out Kuailong's Poké Ball, he was stopped by the soldier.

"Don't use flying Pokémon!" The soldier saw Lin Yu take out a Poke Ball and guessed that Lin Yu should be preparing to use a flying Pokémon to escape, so he said, "Do you see that any of the members of the retreating adventure group around are using the flying Pokémon to retreat at this time?"

Hearing the soldier's words, Lin Yu was a little puzzled and looked at the members of the adventure group who were retreating together, at this time, Lin Yu found that it was none of the members of the retreating adventure group and the soldiers around him who used the flying Pokémon, Lin Yu could be sure that it was impossible for none of the so many people to have a flying Pokémon.

"Why? Isn't it faster to retreat with a flying Pokémon?Is it to break the back?" Lin Yu, who really didn't understand the reason, said directly to the soldier: "Or is there any special reason?"

"Hey, if you think about it, there's nothing in the sky right now, and there are so many people on the ground, so although that Pokémon will attack us, its target is still not certain, but if you use a flying Pokémon... You'll become the most visible target!" The soldier continued to run away with Lin Yu and explained, "And now there are those rats from the Glorious Adventure Regiment nearby, even if that Pokémon doesn't attack you, they will attack the people flying in the air!"

After listening to the soldier's words, Lin Yu thought about it for a while, and then directly withdrew Kuailong's Poke Ball, Lin Yu also understood that just now because he had just glanced at the primordial Groudor in the crowd, the primordial Groudor directly attacked him with a mouthful of flames.

If it was true that the spewing flame of the primordial Groudor just now was attacked from more than a thousand meters away, it could directly defeat the two Pokémon with nine-star strength, and if the fast dragon Lin Yu was released at this time, he was not sure that his fast dragon could dodge all the attacks of the primordial groudon.

However, at this time, Lin Yu suddenly heard a voice coming out of the walkie-talkie of that soldier, commanding: [Everyone is ready to organize the crowd in an orderly manner to retreat to the right, and the troops will drag the Pokémon out of the volcano at all costs, and the others will send flying Pokémon to prepare against air targets!].

After hearing that strange order, the soldier who originally fled with Lin Yu suddenly stopped, except for the soldier who stopped, all the soldiers around who were still evacuating stopped at this time, and retreated, seeing that they all stopped, Lin Yu also stopped, and looked at the soldier suspiciously.

The soldier hurriedly said to Lin Yu after seeing Lin Yu also stop: "What are you doing when you stop? Didn't you hear what you just said? Run to the right quickly! You yourself just saw the strength of that Pokémon just now, are you standing here waiting to die?"

"But you... You have clearly seen the strength of that Pokémon!What are you stopping for!Hurry up!" Lin Yu also said excitedly after hearing the soldier's words at this time: "There is no difference between you and sending you to death now! You are not his opponent!"

"Hehe, if we can hold that Pokémon for a second by ourselves, then our sacrifice now is worth it." The soldier smiled self-deprecatingly at Lin Yu and then shouted to the other soldiers around him, "Brothers, now our sacrifice is to buy time for the residents of the entire Blowing Smoke Town to retreat, so we must stop it at all costs

!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

The other soldiers around were all shouting a few words in the direction of the original Groudor at this time, and then they all released all the Pokémon together, and surrounded the direction of the original Groud, and at this time, I was stunned to see the soldiers who were not afraid of death rushing directly in the direction of the original Groud.

Although Lin Yu also turned around and ran away directly at this time, but watching the soldiers pass by him and run in the direction of the primordial Groud, Lin Yu didn't know what he thought in his head, but he also took out the Poke Ball of the Wind Speed Dog and threw it out, and after releasing the Wind Speed Dog, he also rode the Wind Speed Dog and rushed in the direction of the Groud.

Although at this time, Lin Yu resolutely rode the wind speed dog and rushed towards the primordial Gurador with those soldiers, but Lin Yu's mouth kept shouting, "Damn, damn! Damn! My brain must be broken!".

The primordial Groud, who was originally walking towards Blowing Smoke Town, was quite satisfied with everyone running away when they saw it, but at this time, it suddenly saw that these ants that were still running away suddenly turned their heads and ran in this direction of themselves, and they were stunned for a moment, and then directly at Lin Yu, who thought about running over this time, they spit out a mouthful of spray flames.

At this time, Lin Yu, who was already about to rush to the front of the team riding the wind speed dog, suddenly heard a voice shouting: "Don't get too close! Try to keep a distance of one kilometer from it! Then everyone scattered and prepared to surround the Pokémon." Hearing

that voice, Lin Yu made the wind speed dog slow down, and then ran towards both sides with the soldiers who came over, just when Lin Yu and they were about to disperse, the jet flame that the primordial groudor attacked them just now also attacked, fortunately, most of the people had dispersed at this time, but even so, there were still two soldiers who were directly burned alive by the jet flame of the primordial groud.

Lin Yu, who was riding on the back of the wind speed dog, watched the two soldiers who were ignited by the primordial Groudor using the jet flame continue to struggle frantically in place, fortunately, several soldiers nearby immediately rushed over to extinguish the flames on their bodies after seeing the two ignited soldiers, but even if the flames on the two soldiers were extinguished in less than five minutes, the two soldiers were still directly burned beyond recognition by the flames.

After seeing this scene, Lin Yu couldn't help but start to be a little scared, you must know that the average fire-type Poké dreams of using his own flame to ignite the wood, he needs to have at least seven-star strength, and if he wants to directly shoot flames to ignite the trees, then at least he must always have the strength of nine stars. But now the soldier who is obviously wearing clothes that always has a certain amount of fireproof ability was burned beyond recognition by a random jet of flames from the primordial Groudor in just a few minutes, you must know that even the jet flame of a fire-type Pokémon with nine-star strength burns people's skin at most, and it is impossible to burn the skin.

Although Lin Yu wanted to turn around and run away at this time, when he saw that these soldiers around him who were about the same age as him were as shocked as himself, none of the soldiers chose to run away at this time, and even a few soldiers clenched their fists, looking at these soldiers, Lin Yu gave up the idea of running away for a while.

Lin Yu was afraid that his escape would shake the determination of everyone here, and he was afraid that because he escaped with the soldiers of the broken army here, everyone's death would increase, so Lin Yu could only swallow his saliva and then clenched his fists before continuing to command the wind speed dog to follow the soldiers and begin to set up a formation to contain this primordial groad, and soon Lin Yu and they basically formed a semicircle to surround the primordial groudor in the middle.

[Dongfang, everyone is ready to attack that Pokémon!After using the skill, immediately find cover to dodge!] After roughly standing in a position, Lin Yu heard another order coming from the walkie-talkie of one of the soldiers on the side.

Before Lin Yu could come over, in the middle in the direction opposite Lin Yu, for a while, dozens of Pokémon skills attacked directly towards the primordial Groudor surrounded in the middle, and the primordial Groudor who was already very angry when he saw these ants daring to rush towards him was even more angry after being suddenly attacked at this time, and it directly turned its head angrily and used the jet flame sweep against the group of people who had just attacked him on his left.

Lin Yu was really startled when he saw that the houses in the east were directly burned to ashes under the spray flames of the primordial Groud, looking at this situation, Lin Yu estimated that those soldiers in the east direction should not have a good time at this time.

Just when Lin Yu was distracted, he heard the voice giving the order from the walkie-talkie of the nearby soldier again, and said angrily: "What are the people in the Western District doing! Hurry up and attack that Pokémon to attract firepower! Do you want to watch the brothers in the Eastern District be burned to death directly by the jet flames of that Pokémon? The brothers in the Southern District are ready to support the Eastern District and cover the wounded at the same time and retreat!].

Hearing that stern voice, those soldiers around Lin Yu directly ordered their Pokémon to launch an attack on the primordial Groud, and by the time Lin Yu reacted, the first round of attacks by those soldiers had already ended.

Just as Lin Yu was about to command his Pokémon to attack the Primordial Groud, a soldier closest to him rushed over and pulled Lin Yu behind the nearest house.

"What are you doing! Are you crazy?" the soldier pulled Lin Yu to the back of the house and said angrily to Lin Yu, "Didn't you hear the command say that you should find cover to hide after launching a round of attacks!"

But I just said..."Lin Yu said a little overwhelmed.

"No, what about your military uniform! Who made you wear this kind of clothing to fight? Are you from that unit?" The soldier suddenly found out that Lin Yu was not wearing a military uniform at this time, and said even more angrily: "Do you know that although the military uniform is not as beautiful as your clothes, many times it can support you to resist a Pokémon attack!" "

I don't have a military uniform, I'm just a passing trainer." Lin Yu said with some confusion.

"Ordinary trainer, what are you doing here, aren't you afraid of death?" said the soldier as he took off his military uniform and handed it to Lin Yu and said, "This is not the place you should come to, you should retreat quickly!"

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