Lin Yu took the soldier's clothes and didn't know what to say for a while, at this time he really wanted to say, "You are all here, I also want to do my part", but this sentence came to his lips and didn't know why he couldn't say it, but in the end, Lin Yu still pushed the military uniform in his hand back to the soldier's hand.

And after Lin Yu pushed the military uniform back into the soldier's hand, the attack of the primordial groudon also attacked, and as the primordial groudor began to use the jet flame to sweep towards Lin Yu's side, in an instant, Lin Yu felt that the temperature nearby began to rise rapidly.

"It seems that I can't retreat now!" At this time, Lin Yu jokingly said to the soldier: "Since both horizontal and vertical are dead, then it is better to be a martyr

here!" "After the comrades in the Eastern District attract its attention, you will retreat for me!" The soldier said in a serious manner to Lin Yu's hippie smile, "We don't lack your strength here! You don't need to die with us for nothing!"

After the soldier finished speaking, he didn't pay attention to Lin Yu anymore, and only pulled Lin Yu to think of the next place to hide and escape when he felt that the house behind him was about to be burned down by the original Groud.

After Lin Yu didn't know how many times he had switched positions with that soldier, finally under the command voice coming from the walkie-talkie, the soldiers in the eastern region began to follow the primordial groudinal attack to attract the attention of the primordial grourado.

When the original Groudor was attracted by the soldiers of the Eastern District, Lin Yu's soldiers on their side began to rescue their companions who had just had no time to escape and were crushed under the ruins of the house, and when the soldiers of the original Western District were rescuing, Lin Yu Carmen was rushing towards this side from the position of the Southern District.

And at this time, Lin Yu suddenly heard a faint cry for help from under the ruins of a house beside him, but just as Lin Yu was about to go over to take a look, the soldier before grabbed Lin Yu and said to him sternly: "What are you still doing here! Hurry up and retreat with the wounded! You can't help here!"

I just heard someone's voice calling for help over there, I want to go over and take a look!" Lin Yu said anxiously at this time, pointing in the direction he had just heard a faint cry for help.

"Brothers, go over and have a look!" After the soldier finished speaking directly to a few colleagues beside him, he turned his head to look at Lin Yu and said sternly: "Okay, you can leave quickly!"

At this time, Lin Yu still sighed helplessly, and then rode his wind speed dog in one direction and prepared to leave, but just when Lin Yu rode the wind speed dog and was about to leave, he didn't know where a large-billed finch was beaten down, and Lin Yu, who didn't know what was going on, looked up at the sky suspiciously, and at this time he was a little speechless in surprise

At this time, I saw a rudder-like flank in the air with a red rim on the shoulders and under the body, and a similar fin at the end of the tail. It has a pattern around a yellow ring on its body, and there is one such yellow ring on the top of its head. It has two limbs, three clawed wrists, and two long, flattened horn-like structures on its head, and two smaller horns underneath. It has small yellow eyes, and a green dragon-like Pokémon with black pupils is battling a large number of flying Pokémon.

Where could Lin Yu not know that Pokémon was the legendary Cracked Void Seat that could stop Groudor and Gaioca, but the current Cracked Void Seat was just an ordinary state and had not become a special state like the original Groud.

At this time, Lin Yu finally understood why the things on the walkie-talkie made everyone retreat in other directions when retreating, it seems that at that time, the person who should have commanded should have given such an order after seeing the Split Sky Seat flying over, and the result is needless to say, it is precisely because of that person's order, most of the broken troops came to contain the original Groud, and the other flying Pokémon also blocked the Split Sky Seat in the air.

"Everyone, retreat quickly, let the Pokémon in the sky stop!" After thinking about the cause and effect, Lin Yu immediately shouted to the soldiers around him.

Hearing Lin Yu's shout, the soldier who asked Lin Yu to leave before took three steps and made two steps, and suddenly came to Lin Yu and hit Lin Yu with a fist, and then he said angrily to Lin Yu: "Boy, do you know what you are doing now? You are disturbing the morale of the army! I tell you, if you talk about suppressing and disturbing the morale of the army, we may directly kill you on the spot!"

At this time, Lin Yu really wanted to say that the Split Sky Seat in the sky was coming to block the primordial Groud, but Lin Yu knew very well that even if he said so, everyone present would not believe it, after all, although the Split Sky Seat did look a bit like the legendary green dragon in Huaguo, but since there was no communication before, everyone felt that they should block the Split Sky Seat.

"Okay, you better hurry up and leave with the wounded!" The soldier saw that Lin Yu was no longer talking at this time, so he softened his tone and said, "Now we see that you are willing to come with us at the first time, and we will no longer hold you accountable now!"

Looking at the soldier's expression, Lin Yu finally sighed helplessly, and then reluctantly rode directly on the wind speed dog, and quickly retreated to the back, at this time Lin Yu knew very well that these soldiers should be more than auspicious at this time. Not long after Lin Yu left, some soldiers from the Western District began to attract the attention of the Primordial Groud, and Lin Yu, who was constantly retreating on the Wind Speed Dog, heard the screams of the soldiers after the Primordial Groudor began to attack the soldiers in the Eastern District.

After listening to the screams of those soldiers behind him, Lin Yu suddenly stopped the wind speed dog he was sitting on, he didn't want to run away directly for a while, he really wanted to save those soldiers now. Lin Yu, who had stopped, looked up at the Split Sky Seat who was still fighting those flying Pokémon in the sky, and at this time, a bold idea suddenly appeared in Lin Yu's mind, Lin Yu was ready to ride a fast dragon to attract the primordial Groudor to fight with the Sky Splitting Seat in the sky.

Laughing here, Lin Yu directly retracted the wind speed dog and directly released his fast dragon, and then Lin Yu rode directly on the fast dragon and then commanded the fast dragon to quickly rush in the direction of the primordial Groud.

After the primordial Gurado, who was originally attacking the soldiers in the western district, suddenly saw a fast dragon flying in the air in front of him at this time, the primordial Gurado was not attacking the soldiers hiding behind the house, but launched an attack on Lin Yu, who was flying towards him on a fast dragon.

Lin Yu, who was riding on the fast dragon, immediately let the fast dragon rise into the air after seeing that the primordial Groudor had begun to pay attention to his side, and not long after Lin Yu let the fast dragon rise into the air, a jet of flames from the primordial groudon attacked from under the fast dragon, but fortunately, the fast dragon is the fastest flying Pokémon, and although the primordial Gurado's jet flame is very fast, it is impossible to easily hit the high-speed flying fast dragon with the kind of jet flame of the primordial Grondor .

In this way, Lin Yu rode the fast dragon directly, and his father's attention was attracted to the Split Sky Seat in the air, and when Lin Yu rode the fast dragon towards the Split Sky Seat, the Sky Split, which was entangled with those flying Pokémon, also noticed and flew over to this side.

However, at this time, the Broken Sky Seat was the first to notice the Primordial Groud on the ground, and at the same time, the Primordial Groudor on the ground also noticed the Broken Sky Seat in the air, but if the Groudor at this time was in a normal state, it would definitely turn back to the volcano later, but it was now in an unusually strong primitive state, so it roared angrily at the Broken Sky Seat in the air.

Hearing the roar of the Primordial Groud, the Split Sky Seat, which was still in the air and entangled with those flying Pokémon, immediately released its full aura, as if he felt that his authority had been provoked, and as the Sky Cracker released his own aura to control the overlord, those flying Pokémon that were originally sent to block it stopped attacking for a while, and then after the Split Sky Seat roared angrily at the Primordial Groudor on the ground, those flying Pokémon who stopped attacking suddenly rushed directly towards the Primordial Groudor as if they were ready to teach the Primordial Groudor on the ground a lesson for the Split Sky Seat。

At that moment, Lin Yu even felt that the fast dragon under him actually had a desire to rush directly towards the primordial Groudor at that time, but fortunately, he was patted on the head by Lin Yu when the fast dragon was just about to rush over.

Although Lin Yu knew that the Sky Splitter was known as the Sky Overlord, he never thought that the Sky Splitter would actually need a roar to let other flying-type Pokémon attack the Primordial Groud.

However, at this time, the primordial Groudor on the ground looked at those flying Pokémon whose highest strength was only eight stars, and it directly opened its mouth to use a jet of flame against those flying Pokémon that rushed towards him, but those flying Pokémon seemed to have no fear and rushed directly towards the jet flame.

After dozens of flying Pokémon rushed into the pillar of fire spewed out by the primordial groudon, although many flying Pokémon not only turned into ashes directly after rushing into the flames, but there were still non-flying Pokémon that directly hit the primordial Graldo, making people outside the people sacrifice their lives towards the primordial Graldo with the flying Pokémon, and the primordial Grator actually let out a painful scream.

The primordial Groudor who was beaten a little painfully by those flying Pokémon directly angrily raised the temperature around his body and burned those flying Pokémon who were still attacking him to death, as one by one the flying Pokémon were killed by the primordial Groudador, the cracked empty seat in the air once again sent out an angry roar to the primordial groudon on the ground, and at this time, the primordial groudon on the ground was not to be outdone after hearing the roar of the cracked empty seat, and directly raised his head and roared at the cracked empty seat in the air.

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