As the two powerful mysterious Pokémon roared angrily at each other, the soldiers who had been blocking the primordial Groudor on the ground suddenly felt relieved, and they didn't know why they suddenly felt as if their mission had been completed.

"Those two Pokémon look like they're going to face off!" said one of the soldiers.

Another soldier also raised his head at this time and sighed: "It seems to be true! But the Pokémon in the sky just now can actually control those flying Pokémon to attack the Pokémon that came out of the volcano with just a roar, this Pokémon is too terrifying!"

Just as these soldiers on the ground sighed on the ground about the strength of the Splitting Void Seat and the Primordial Groud, the angry Splitting Void Seat also directly used a destructive death light towards the Primordial Groudor on the ground. And when the primordial Groudor on the ground saw that the Cracked Sky Seat directly used the Destruction Death Light on itself, it also directly and unceremoniously spewed a mouthful of flames at the Cracked Sky Seat in the air.

As the Broken Sky Seat collided with the primordial Grondor jet flames, the two powerful abilities collided with each other to create a wave of air that directly leveled all the houses centered on that explosion point. The many soldiers who saw this scene immediately scattered and retreated in order to prevent being affected by the battle between the primordial Groudor and the Split Sky Seat, but at this time, Lin Yu, who was riding a fast dragon in the sky, was not ready to return to the ground immediately, he was ready to take a good look at the battle between these two powerful Pokémon in the sky.

Judging from the confrontation between the Splitting Void Seat's great trick Destroying Death Light and the Primordial Groudor temporarily using the jet flame, Lin Yu understood that the strength of the Splitting Void Seat in this situation should be the opponent of the Primordial Groudor who did not have the original state on the ground, and after the first head-on collision failed, the Splitting Void Seat did not feel that his strength was inferior to the other party, and he saw that the Splitting Void Seat suddenly rushed towards the Primordial Groudor on the ground quickly.

When the Void Cracker suddenly collided with each other, the Primordial Groudor directly reached out and was about to use the claws of the Dragon Claw Splitting Void Seat collided with each other, obviously inferior to the Split Sky Seat of the Primordial Groud, at this time, the two claws were directly grabbed by the Primordial Groud.

Just after finding that his claws were grabbed by the other party, he was about to withdraw his hand, but at this time, the primordial Gulador suddenly threw out the Cracked Seat directly with both hands, and the Cracked Seat that was thrown out was smashed in Smoke Town, destroying a large number of houses.

The Cracked Sky Seat that was thrown out immediately rose into the air as if he felt that his strength had been insulted, and rushed towards the Primordial Groudor again, but this time the result was still the same, after the two Pokémon collided with each other, the Cracked Sky Seat was knocked out by the Primordial Groudor again.

The two Pokémon had fought for just ten minutes before, and most of the smoke town had been destroyed, but at this time, the battle between the two Pokémon did not mean to stop normally, but Lin Yu, who was in the air, saw very clearly that the Cracked Sky Seat that was now fighting with the original Groudor had received many injuries, but Lin Yu couldn't see any obvious injuries on the original Groud.

At this time, Lin Yu knew very well that the Split Sky Seat should not be able to support it for too long, so he also directly commanded the fast dragon to fly towards the ground, not long after Lin Yu landed, the severely injured Split Sky Seat finally did not need to withstand the attack of the Primordial Groud, and the Split Sky Seat was thrown out by the Primordial Groud again, and then he also used a jet of flame against the Split Sky Seat that had fallen to the ground and was about to lose consciousness.

Right now, Lin Yu originally thought that the Split Void Seat that could repel the Primordial Groudor was directly defeated by the Primordial Groud, but at this time, the Primordial Groudor who had just defeated the Split Void Seat didn't seem to be normal, so he let go of the Split Void Seat who had just dared to fight him, only to see that at this time, the Primordial Groud grabbed the tail of the Cracked Void Seat and then directly began to destroy the Blowing Smoke Town like a human whip.

As the primordial Groudor grabbed the Cracked Void Seat and began to destroy Smoke Town like a whip, it didn't take long for the entire Smoke Town to be completely destroyed, but fortunately, all the residents of Smoke Town were evacuated by themselves at this time.

At this time, following the residents and the adventuring group of Blowing Smoke Town to Mu Gu on a hill in the west of Blowing Smoke Town, they were also on the mountain, looking at the primordial Grouddo who was now grabbing the Split Sky Seat that had lost its combat ability and wreaking havoc in Blowing Smoke Town, they were all nervous for a while.

"That green dragon is here to protect us?" Hu Tu suddenly muttered at this time.

Hearing Hu Tu's words, a trainer on the side said helplessly: "What's the use of talking about this now?Don't you see that the green dragon now seems to be about to be killed by the Pokémon that came out of the volcano?" It seems that we can only wait for the master trainer to come and save us!" "Isn't

there anything we can do now?" Mu Gu looked at the Split Sky Seat, which had lost his combat ability, and said with some distress at this time:" Can we just watch here as that Pokémon kills the green dragon that came to save us?" Hearing

Mu Gu's words, the other people present also fell silent for a while, at first everyone was still quite frightened when they saw the Cracked Sky Seat coming, but when the Cracked Sky Seat and the Primordial Groudor were fighting, they also began to hope that the Cracked Sky Seat could be defeated, but at this time, the Split Sky Seat was defeated, and everyone felt a little regretful, but no one wanted to help.

"Hey, Lao Mu, there is no way!" Yu Heng patted Mu Gu's shoulder helplessly at this time and comforted: "The most powerful of our people here are just some eight-star trainers, although you may have a few nine-star Pokémon, but do you really think that nine-star Pokémon have a role in front of that Pokémon?"

"That's right, we're not the opponent of that Pokémon!Are you letting us go to death now?" Hearing Yu Heng's words, those trainers who were originally a little ashamed seemed to have found a reason, and said directly to Mu Gufeng: "You yourself will say cool things here!"

As one trainer began to sarcastically mock Mu Gu, the other trainers also began to mock Mu Gu as if they had found an outlet, but I don't know who in the crowd said, "Just your Madonna heart, see what has happened to your own friend! Your friend shouldn't have come back yet! I think he is more than lucky! His death and your Madonna heart have an unshirkable responsibility

!". At this time, Mu Gu and the others suddenly found that Lin Yu had not come back until now, looking at the Blowing Smoke Town that had been completely destroyed by the original Groud, although Mu Gu thought that Lin Yu should be fine, but looking at the Blowing Smoke Town in ruins, Mu Gu's tears did fall involuntarily.

"Ah Yu, he... It's going to be okay, right?" Mu Gu asked Yu Heng beside him with tears in his eyes.

However, at this time, Yu Heng had no way to answer Mu Gu's question, after all, in Yu Heng's opinion, the entire Blowing Smoke Town had been destroyed, if Lin Yu was in Blowing Smoke Town at this time, it should really be more than lucky.

"Everyone, be quiet!" Just when many people began to accuse Mu Gu, a few people in uniform clothes suddenly came out of the crowd and said, "Actually, that mysterious Pokémon is not impossible to deal with!

Hearing the words of this group of Hoopa believers, everyone was quiet for a while, for most people, although they didn't want to go down and die by themselves, but if someone told them that there was a way to solve this trouble, they would still be willing to listen.

At this time, one of the members of the Falcon Adventure Group who was following Mu Gu and them suddenly frowned when he heard about the great god Hupa, it was obvious that that person should have heard of Hupa, but at this time he did not expose Hupa's true face.

"Then hurry up and let the Great God of Hoopa come out to deal with that Pokémon!" Mu Gu said excitedly after hearing the words of those Hopa believers at this time.

"Hehe, we're just believers in the great god Hupa, we are not qualified to command the great god Hupa, but... We can ask Lord Khoopa to help. The Hupa believer at the head did not get angry at Mu Gu's tone at this time, but said with a smile.

After hearing the believer's words, Mu Gu spoke excitedly again, "Then hurry up and ask that Hopa Great God to come out and help!"

The leader of the Hopa believers said to everyone around him with a kind smile: "It's just that a few of our believers prayed, but there was no way to pray for the Hopa god to do it, after all, the Hopa god has a lot of affairs, and the prayers of a few of us may not come over to help immediately." "

Then what's the use of this great god Hupa!" Mu Gu said angrily after hearing the believer's words.

"Hehe, little brother, you can be disrespectful to me, but please don't speak disrespectfully to our great god Hupa!" Although the Hupa believer was still smiling at this time, the people around him could hear the anger in the Hupa believer's words.

"I'm sorry Master, it's our friend who is too anxious. Hearing the anger of the Hopa believer, Hu Tu immediately walked out and said, "What do you need to ask the great god Hopa to come over and help, and ask the master to give advice." "

Hahaha!" Hearing Hu Tu's words, the Hupa believer led by Hu Tu suddenly laughed at this time and then spoke: "Although a few of us believers can't pray for the Hoopa God to come down to deal with that Pokémon, but... As long as everyone here sincerely asks for the arrival of God Hoopa... Maybe we can pray for the great god Khopa to come down

and save the world!" Mu Gu immediately said excitedly after hearing the words of the Khopa believer, "Then how can we pray for the great god to come down and save us?"

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