The missionary card was also stunned when he took the master ball thrown by Lin Yu, he didn't understand what Lin Yu meant by throwing a master ball to himself. However, at this time, he had already discovered that Lin Yu had thrown him an empty master ball, which made him even more puzzled.

"What do you mean by that? I want Calludeo, not the Masterball! I don't need your master ball! Missionary Ka couldn't understand what Lin Yu meant, and then said to Lin Yu, "Hurry up and hand over Kailudeo!" "

That's what I grabbed before! Do you think there will be a Master Ball in our Earth World? Even if there were a Master Ball, do you think it might happen in the hands of someone like me? Lin Yu shook his head helplessly and then explained to the missionary card: "Isn't it obvious? I snatched their master balls and released Caludeo! I don't know where Kailudio is now! "

I don't care, if you don't want your friend to die in front of you, you can go and get Caludeo back for me now!" After listening to Lin Yu's words, the missionary card thought for a while, and felt that it still made some sense, but in the end, he was still angry and pinched Qi Bu's neck and said to Lin Yu: "Otherwise, I will break his neck now!" At

this time, Lin Yu also found that not only was it very strange to walk in unison, but it could even be said that everyone around the missionary card was strange. Qi Bu was obviously choked by the missionary at this time, but Lin Yu could obviously see that Qi Bu did not do any struggle. Looking at those puppet people with sloppy eyes and wooden expressions, Lin Yu couldn't help but start feeling that those were not people but machines.

"He's not my friend! He's just my friend's subordinate! You can kill him now, but I promise I'll kill you when you kill him!" Lin Yu looked at Qi Bu, who was not struggling, and after calming down his disgust, he said lightly to the missionary card.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the missionary card originally grabbed Qi Bu's hand and shook it, in fact, he didn't know whether what Lin Yu said was true or false at this time, but he could know that if he didn't have Qi Bu in his hand, Lin Yu would definitely kill himself immediately, looking at Lin Yu's understated expression now, he couldn't help but start drumming in his heart.

Lin Yu smiled in his heart after seeing the movements on the missionary card's hand and the expression on his face, Lin Yu understood that the missionary card at this time should have been shocked by what he had just said, although he didn't dare to guarantee that the other party would not kill Qi Bu immediately, but Lin Yu was sure that the other party must be very hesitant when he started Qi Bu.

In order to prevent the missionary card from really moving in unison, Lin Yu opened his mouth again and said to the missionary card: "What if he is my friend, looking at him now, he won't even shout a word for help, do you think I need to accept your instructions for him?" And... There doesn't seem to be much else here, and if I kill you all, no one will know that I'm not saved! Hahaha.

After hearing Lin Yu's words at this time, the missionary card grabbed Qi Bu's hand and shook it again, he also understood that what Lin Yu said was indeed very reasonable, so the missionary card said to Qi Bu: "Please!" What are you doing in a daze!

After hearing the words of the missionary card, Qi Bu, who was choked by the missionary card, looked in Lin Yu's direction this time and shouted, "Help." Come and save me. I'm dying, help me..."

This time Qi Bu actually opened his mouth to ask for help, but no matter who listened to it, it would feel like Qi Bu's few cries for help were like a joke.

At this time, Lin Yu heard Qi Bu's plea for help without any emotion or emotion, and he couldn't help but frown even tighter. Although Lin Yu felt that they were like robots at this time, but at that time, Lin Yu just looked at what they felt, but after hearing the sound of Qi Bu calling for help, he felt that the other party was like a robot even more.

When Lin Yu frowned, the missionary card also noticed Lin Yu's expression, and at this time, he probably guessed that Lin Yu was just about to let himself go.

Lin Yu saw the missionary card's expression and understood that he seemed to have overbehaved just now, so he adjusted his mood and then looked at the missionary card and said, "You transformed them into human robots?" "

Hehe, it's just looking like it! But I can tell you that as soon as I give them orders, they will definitely go back and finish it! Missionary Ka sneered.

"Then it seems that these few should not be people! Then I didn't stop killing that many people. As long as they kill you, they don't have your control, and they shouldn't be controlled anymore. Lin Yu said while secretly making a gesture to the Koga Ninja Frog, signaling the Koga Ninja Frog to directly teleport over and kill the other party while he was talking to the other party.

The Koga Ninja Frog also looked serious after seeing Lin Yu's gesture, and then it involuntarily pressed its hand on the hilt of the Water Long Knife, while its eyes were firmly fixed on the missionary card's movements, it was ready to go over and kill the other party when the missionary card's attention was attracted by Lin Yu.

At this time, the missionary Ka also didn't notice this series of actions of the Koga Ninja Frog, he just heard Lin Yu's words and said to Lin Yu with some fear: "You... How do you know that if I die, they will die with me?

If the missionary card had the confidence to speak at this time, Lin Yu would indeed re-weigh his conjecture now, but at this time, after he heard the missionary card's unconfident tone, Lin Yu was already seven or eight points sure that as long as the missionary card was killed, he should be able to recover Qibu and them.

In fact, it's not that killing the missionary card can restore a puppet like Qibu and them to normal, because it is not the missionary card that really controls them at all, after all, the missionary card is just an eight-star trainer who has been taught by the Hopa God.

The missionary card can control Qibu because the missionary card has a controller in his hand, and this controller is the controller made by the Hopa Cult based on the vajra rings of Hupa, and these controllers can control those people through the vajra rings that those people carry in their hands, so the missionary card controls the puppeteer only through the controller in his own hand.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Hahaha, if you were a little confident in speaking just now... I really believed you, but unfortunately you stuttered just now! So..."

Lin Yu said that the Koga ninja frog who was originally standing next to Lin Yu suddenly disappeared in an instant, and the missionary card was about to explain a few more words to Lin Yu, but when he saw the Koga ninja frog who was originally standing behind Lin Yu disappearing, the missionary card secretly said "not good" in his heart.

And just when the missionary card felt bad, the Koga ninja frog who had teleported was already holding the water long knife and was about to slash at the missionary card, but the missionary card was already feeling bad when the Koga ninja frog disappeared before. When the missionary card saw the long knife of water appear in front of him, he instinctively pulled it directly over Qi Bu, who had been choked by his neck before, and he was ready to take that step to defend himself against the knife of the Koga Ninja Frog.

At this time, Koga Ninja Frog himself didn't expect the speed of this missionary card to be so fast, seeing that at this time, because the missionary card pulled Qi Bu in front of him to resist his own knife, Koga Ninja Frog could only helplessly try his best to avoid Qi Bu's key point at this time, but even so, Koga Ninja Frog had no way to restrain his strength and could only lean to the left, so Koga Ninja Frog directly cut off Qi Bu's left hand with a knife.

After the Koga Ninja Frog cut off Qi Bu's left arm, Qi Bu, who had a wooden expression, suddenly turned pale, and then he hugged his left arm in pain and screamed in pain.

After seeing Qi Bu's expression, the Koga ninja frog didn't know why it was so ghostly, and when it was about to use teleportation to move back, he grabbed Qi Bu, who was holding a broken arm and screaming, and teleported back to Lin Yu's side.

"Three thousand questions (Kuailong) use the healing wave to stop the bleeding for him first." After Lin Yu saw the Qi Bu that he brought back to the Koga Ninja Frog, Lin Yu immediately said to Kuailong.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Kuailong also immediately treated Qi Bu, and as Kuailong treated Qi Bu, Qi Bu's screams finally slowly subsided, and then he began to recover. After Qi Bu recovered, Lin Yu suddenly found that Qi Bu was still sloppy before, and at this time, his eyes actually returned to normal.

"Lin... Lin Yu? Are you okay? You weren't captured by the Bra Palace? Qi Bu said suspiciously after seeing Lin Yu in front of him.

"Together?" Lin Yu frowned and said after hearing Qi Bu's voice, "Have you recovered?"

Qi Bu frowned after hearing Lin Yu's words, he didn't know what he had experienced before, but he might be sure that he had already had a long, long dream, in which he didn't know why he didn't seem to be able to control his body.

Just as Qi Bu was thinking about what he had done his best, he suddenly found that the arm he had broken in his dream was also broken at this time, and he also found that the people he saw in his dream also appeared in front of him.

"What's going on?" After seeing the missionary card and the few people beside the missionary card, Qi Bu looked at Lin Yu suspiciously and asked, "I really wanted to have a long, long dream just now!" In my dream, my body seemed to be out of my control at all.

"I don't know, you seem to have been controlled by the person on the other side." Lin Yu pointed to the missionary card and explained, "But just now, when my Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) was about to kill the other party, he accidentally cut your arm, and then you recovered.

Qi Bu looked in the direction of Lin Yu's finger, and then suddenly noticed the missionary card, which made him suddenly think of some vague memories, but it was probably because he had been controlled for too long, and those memory fragments were very vague.

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