Qi Buyi thought of those vague memories in his mind, he didn't know what was going on, the more he wanted to recall those memories, the more painful his head became, and in the end he could only hold his head and squat on the ground in pain.

"Qi Bu, where are they now?" At this time, seeing Qi Bu, as if he remembered something, Lin Yu immediately squatted down and asked Qi Bu, "Why are you here?" Mu Gu, where did they go? "

Ahh I do not know! I do not know! Qi Bu's head hurt even more after hearing Lin Yu's words, although he kept saying "I don't know" in his mouth, he still tried very hard to recall the memories in his mind.

Just when Lin Yu's attention was walking together with the painful memories here, the missionary card secretly left with a few other puppets around him, although the Koga ninja frog saw the missionary card and they secretly left, but it didn't have the heart to hunt down the missionary card at this time.

After holding his head and screaming in pain on the ground for a while, he accidentally felt as if he remembered something again, he looked up at Lin Yu and said, "I remember... I remember... We were at the time... We were going to go to Sa to find the headquarters of the Bra Palace to save you, but... Halfway through, we met a group of Hoopa believers who had the same encounter as us, and later... I don't know.

"It seems that what the people from Bra Palace said is indeed true." After listening to Qi Bu's words, Lin Yu thought for a while and then slowly spoke: "That person just now should be the so-called missionary among the Hupa believers!" "

Missionary? Bra Palace? What did they say? Qi Bu asked with a puzzled look after hearing Lin Yu's words.

"Hey!" After hearing Qi Bu's words, Lin Yu sighed helplessly and said, "That so-called Hoopa Divine Sect is a cult!" How the hell did you get involved with the Hoopa Cult!

Qi Bu was even more puzzled after hearing Lin Yu's words at this time, he didn't understand what Lin Yu meant by saying this, but he probably understood that Lin Yu should know something amazing.

"Hoopa Cult? Hoopa God! How could the great god Khopa be an evil god? Qi Bu pondered the words in Lin Yu's mouth and then suddenly spoke: "We saw the Great God Hopa appear in Blowing Smoke Town and defeat the Pokémon that came out of the volcano!" At that time, it was the god Khopa who came out and saved us! How could it be an evil god! "

Smoke Town! What do you mean! What did you experience in Smoke Town? After hearing Qi Bu's words, Lin Yu looked shocked and asked Qi Bu.

Hearing Lin Yu's question, Qi Bu reluctantly followed most of them out of Blowing Smoke Town that day, after everyone saw that there was no way to defeat Goura on the hillside, a person who claimed to be a Hoopa believer said that he could ask the Hoopa Follower to come down to deal with the Primordial Groud, and finally everyone under the leadership of the Hopa Believer, all of them began to ask the Hoopa Golem to come down to the sky, and finally the Hopa Avatar defeated the Primordial Groudor under the combined force of the Primordial Gaioca.

After listening to Qi Bu's words, Lin Yu frowned and pondered for a while, he suddenly remembered that the Apostle of the Bra Palace had said that they had seen a vajra circle in Mu Gu's hands, and that vajra circle was the sign that it was judged to be a Kupa believer, and at that time, they also said that Kupa believers would be controlled by Kupa missionaries.

At that time, Lin Yu didn't believe it, but now after seeing Qi Bu and them being controlled like a robot by the missionary card, Lin Yu finally began to believe what the Apostle of the Bura Palace and the Flying Jade Hall Lord said, but even if he believed everything at that time, he would definitely not hand them over to the Bra Palace.

"That's not right! Wrong! There's still something you haven't said! What about the Vajra Circle! Lin Yu shook his head and said in unison.

When Qi Bu described it before, he naturally regarded the King Kong circle as an ordinary token, and he didn't take the King Kong circle seriously at that time, so when he described it to Lin Yu, he naturally didn't mention the King Kong circle, but at this time, Qi Bu suddenly heard Lin Yu mention the King Kong circle, and he was also stunned.

"That's... It seems that at that time, they gave each of us a token of the current vajra circle, and it seems that all of us should bring the vajra circle and then ask the great god Hupa to come! Qi Bu also opened his mouth when he heard Lin Yu mention it.

"Hey!" After hearing Qi Bu's words, Lin Yu sighed helplessly and said, "The people of the Bra Palace say that once those Vajra Rings are worn, they cannot be taken off, and it is said that all the Hoopa believers who take away the Vajra Rings will be controlled after meeting the Hoopa missionaries.

"How could it be! Hupa is obviously a great god! It even descended to Smoke Town to deal with the Pokémon that came out of the volcano! Hearing Lin Yu's words, he shook his head again and again and said, "And... And I also heard that the god Khopa also came to Sakura Country to deal with the powerful Pokémon in the sea. It must have been those in the Bra Palace who lied about the question of faith in the highlands!

Seeing Qi Bu's shaking of his head again and again, Lin Yu involuntarily shook his head helplessly and said, "I didn't believe it at first, but... I just saw you and I believed it! The people around that person just now were controlled by him one by one like robots, even you.

At this time, when he heard Lin Yu's words, Qi Bu also fell directly into contemplation, until now he was not willing to believe that he had been used by others before, and at this time, when he knew that Mu Gu and they had a vajra ring in their hands, they would one day become those emotionless robots, and his mood was also low.

"By the way, why can I be out of that person's control now? Is it because of the pain? Or is it because of something else? Qi Bu suddenly opened his mouth and asked Lin Yu.

"I don't know, just after Sasuke's (Koga Ninja Frog) slash you went from blindness to godlessness, and then you started screaming on the ground." Lin Yu also shook his head and said.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Qi Bu fell into thinking again, and at this time Lin Yu was also in thought, at this time, since Qi Bu was out of control, then Lin Yu also felt that he should be able to use the same method to help Mu Gu and them get out of control.

Just as Lin Yu was thinking about this question, Lin Yu suddenly thought of what the Flying Jade Hall Master had said before that those Hupa believers had no way to get out of control unless they were killed.

After thinking of this, Lin Yu couldn't help frowning, looked at Qi Bu and said in a deep voice, "Is it really just because of the fatal pain at that time that made you temporarily out of control?" Is it the next time you meet that missionary, you will still be controlled by the other party? Wouldn't that the next time you meet that missionary, you might be scared of backstabbing?

"Possibly." After hearing Lin Yu's words at this time, Qi Bu nodded involuntarily and said helplessly: "You better kill you quickly, I will drag you down when the time comes."

Originally, Lin Yu felt as if he had missed something, but he couldn't remember what he hadn't thought of, and at this time, he was also shocked when he heard Qi Bu's words.

Although Lin Yu had been wary of Qi Bu before he would backstab himself, he had never thought of killing Qi Bu before he was controlled by the missionary card again, but at this time, Lin Yu didn't expect Qi Bu to say such a thing himself, Lin Yu looked at Qi Bu in disbelief.

"Don't look at me so surprised, after all, I don't want to hurt you because of me!" After seeing Lin Yu's surprised gaze, Qi Bu said with a wry smile: "As long as you can think of a way to save Mu Gongzi at that time, you can also remember to help me kill the Hopa believer who tricked us into bringing the Vajra Circle."

"But there's no need to kill you! You release all your Pokémon first! Lin Yu said with a smile after hearing the other party's words like his last words.

Qi Bu's eyes froze when he heard Lin Yu's eyes, he didn't understand what Lin Yu was doing by letting him take out all his Pokémon, but at this time he still directly released all his Pokémon. After Qi Bu released his six eight-star strength Pokémon, the six Pokémon first looked at Lin Yu with a vigilant expression, and then they kept looking at Qi Bu's side in confusion.

"Big wolfdog, what are you doing! Don't you know me? Qi Bu pushed away, sniffing around him, and then pushed away the big wolf dog and spoke.

Originally, when Qi Bu didn't speak, his six Pokémon all looked at Qi Bu with a worried face, but at this time, after hearing Qi Bu's natural and familiar tone, they finally all gathered around Qi Bu, and they all understood that their former trainer had finally returned.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so excited? Qi Bu looked at the Pokémon beside him excitedly with a puzzled expression.

Lin Yu, who saw this scene, also frowned, at this time Lin Yu had already guessed that these Pokémon must have seen Qibu like robots before, and it is even very likely that these Pokémon had heard the command of Qibu like robots before, and even they would be so vigilant when they first appeared.

"They're supposed to have seen you controlled before! Other words... The missionary's purpose in controlling you is really nothing more than controlling your Pokémon by controlling you. Lin Yu figured it out and said, "And their vigilant expressions at the beginning should have started to doubt you when you were being controlled.

Qi Bu was stunned for a moment after hearing Lin Yu's words, and then he looked at his Pokémon suspiciously and asked, "Is he right?" Is that really the case? Those

Pokémon who were still excited to surround Qi Bu, at this time, after hearing Qi Bu's question, they all nodded to indicate that their previous feelings were indeed the same as Lin Yu said. After seeing his Pokémon's movements, Qi Bu also understood that what Lin Yu said was right.

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