Lin Yu, who returned to the Tower of Babel, originally climbed the stairs to the top of the tower normally, but after he returned to the Tower of Babel, he suddenly found that the tower was empty, and even when Lin Yu looked up, he felt that the ceiling was like the top of the tower.

"Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog): You can help me find out where the stairs leading to the top of the tower are!" Lin Yu really couldn't find the way to get to the top of the tower, so he could only instruct the Koga Ninja Frog and them: "It's impossible that this place hasn't thought about letting humans climb to the top of the tower since it was established! After

hearing Lin Yu's words, the Koga Ninja Frog immediately nodded and went to look for the stairs, because the environment in this Babel Tower itself is very monotonous, it can almost be said that you can see all the environments on the first floor of the entire Babel Tower at a glance, so at this time, Lin Yu asked the Koga Ninja Frogs to look for the first thing they are looking for is that the stairwell may be hidden by the secret room.

Lin Yu and they almost touched the entire wall of the first floor and did not find the stairwell that might appear behind the wall, just when Lin Yu was disappointed and thought that he might never find the staircase, the giant swamp monster accidentally knocked down a pillar in the tower.

After the thick pillar shook the entire first floor of Babel, a long staircase of sand slowly stretched down from the ceiling. Watching the sand staircase slowly grow in front of the Pokémon, the Koga ninja frogs couldn't believe that the staircase was actually found by the stupid big man of the giant swamp monster.

And at this time, the giant swamp monster that accidentally touched the pillar just now still looked at the pillar that had fallen to the ground and had broken into several knots with an innocent face, if the giant swamp monster could speak, Lin Yu probably knew that the giant swamp monster should have thought that he didn't deliberately knock down the pillar at this time. And at this time, the Koga ninja frogs all looked at the giant swamp monster with an incredulous face, and the giant swamp monster, who didn't feel like finding the stairs by themselves at all, was even more embarrassed by the Koga ninja frogs.

Lin Yu also looked at the giant swamp monster a little helplessly at this time, to be honest, Lin Yu didn't know if the destruction of the pillar and falling to the ground triggered the mechanism of the staircase, and even Lin Yu was a little suspicious that the reason why the Cracked Sky Seat stretched the stairs down for itself was not because they found the mechanism, but that the Cracked Sky Seat was afraid that the Babel Tower of the giant swamp monster bar would be demolished, so he reluctantly stretched the stairs down.

However, for Lin Yu now, no matter what the reason is, the Cracked Empty Seat stretched down the stairs, anyway, now that he has the stairs, even if he has successfully passed the test of the Cracked Empty Seat, so Lin Yu no longer thinks about anything else, he thinks about the stairs and just passes.

"Let's go, Mighty (Swamp Monster) we should go up there and see how the Cracked Void is doing. Lin Yu walked down the stairs and saw that the giant swamp monster was still staring at the broken stone pillar, Lin Yu said to the giant swamp monster with a smile.

At this time, after hearing Lin Yu's shout, the giant swamp monster finally glanced at the broken pillar on the ground, and finally felt a little reluctant to walk towards Lin Yu.

After Lin Yu came to the second floor with a smile on his face, he suddenly found that the second floor was not his top floor, at least Lin Yu didn't see the cracked empty seat that had been waiting for a long time here, so Lin Yu could only start looking for stairs everywhere with the Koga Ninja Frog again.

This time, Koga Ninja Frog went before the giant swamp monster destroyed the pillar to find the "experience" that triggered the stairs, this time Koga Ninja Frog entered the second floor or found the stairs The first step is to throw out a few flying shuriken directly at all the pillars that he can see, and in this way, Koga Ninja Frog directly destroyed all the pillars visible to the naked eye in just a moment's effort.

Lin Yu, who was just about to start looking for the mechanism, had not yet begun to carefully examine their surroundings when they heard the sound of the flying shuriken exploding on the pillars due to the Koga Ninja Frog's flying shuriken and the sound of those pillars shattering and smashing to the ground due to the explosion.

"What's the situation?" Lin Yu, who was jumped down, looked at the Koga ninja frog and the giant swamp monster that were still in the middle with some horror.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, the giant swamp monster immediately pointed his finger at the Koga ninja frog on the side, saying that it wasn't his own just now, but the Koga ninja frog did it, but the Koga ninja frog looked at Lin Yu calmly at this time, and nodded, indicating that he did all this by himself. At this time, Lin Yu looked at them, and the two Pokémon seemed to be one identifying the murderer, and the other seemed to be saying that Lao Tzu Xing would not change his name or change his surname.

"Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) What are you doing here?" Lin Yu looked at Koga Ninja Frog a little helplessly and asked, "Don't you know that breaking these pillars may cause the entire Tower of Babel to collapse?"

Koga Ninja Frog also had an indifferent expression after hearing Lin Yu's words, and then it pointed to the ceiling above and said that if the Tower of Babel collapsed, wouldn't it be possible to let the Cracked Void Seat appear, and Koga Ninja Frog also said that the giant swamp monster had just broken the pillar and triggered the mechanism, so it would try it now. Seeing this, Lin Yu was a little speechless, he didn't know whether to say that the Koga Ninja Frog was brainless or clear-minded.

In the end, Lin Yu really didn't know what to say, so he had to helplessly say to the Koga ninja frog: "Okay, then let's go to other places to find the mechanism."

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Koga Ninja Frog nodded and began to search for the mechanism with the Hippo King, but this time, just as the giant swamp monster was about to walk over to look for the mechanism together, suddenly it stepped on the mechanism under the floor tiles of Zangmai with a "click". The bog monster thought it was too fat to stomp on the tiles when it heard the crisp click, but it looked down and saw that the tiles on the ground were intact under its feet.

Just when the giant swamp monster was wondering what it was just making a crisp sound, a sand staircase slowly stretched down appeared on the ceiling again, Lin Yu looked at the giant swamp monster that was still looking at his feet in disbelief, he never thought that the giant swamp monster would be so lucky today.

In fact, what Lin Yu didn't know was that the giant swamp monster had always been so lucky, you must know that when the giant swamp monster was in the wild, it was constantly challenging the Pokémon that was stronger than itself, although it had never won but even if it lost, it was not killed by the Pokémon it challenged, and the most terrifying thing was that the giant swamp monster had not been killed and disabled by those wild Pokémon over the years, it even slowly trained a body of copper skin and iron bones in the beating, and in its most dangerous time, it happened to be saved by the passing Koga ninja frog。

"This is too European, isn't it!, all the mechanisms that we couldn't find for a long time let you find casually?" Lin Yu couldn't help but let out a sigh.

After Lin Yu took the Koga Ninja Frog to the third floor, this time the Koga Ninja Frog not only directly smashed all the pillars, but also directly used the water body to step on the entire floor, and finally did not trigger the mechanism, and then the Koga Ninja Frog began to look for clues on the nearby wall.

This time, the giant swamp monster didn't trigger the mechanism just by moving, and this time Lin Yu and they didn't succeed in finding the mechanism, but just when Lin Yu and the others were puzzled, they suddenly stretched down a staircase made of sand from the sky.

This time, Lin Yu looked at the direction of the sand staircase in confusion, he was a little puzzled and stepped on that staircase not long after he stepped on it, the staircase he stepped on turned into sand and disappeared, but Lin Yu looked at the staircase in front of him with a puzzled expression, and he didn't know what the situation was.

"The stairs disappeared?" Lin Yu looked at the pile of sand under his feet with some confusion and said, "Could it be that it will disappear as long as you step on it?"

Lin Yu stepped on the stairs of the second section again with some doubts, this time Lin Yu counted silently, and the stairs would disappear after about seven seconds after he stepped on it.

"Seven seconds?" Lin Yu looked at the stairs in front of him that were already missing two sections and said, "Could it be that I want to go up without stopping?"

Lin Yu thought about it and stepped on the third staircase and walked up step by step, and the stairs that Lin Yu stepped on also slowly disappeared one by one, and Lin Yu slowly disappeared the stairs behind the faster, and when he walked to the back, Niu Zhoushan had to start running.

However, even after Lin Yu's running speed reached half the distance, he felt a little tired, but since he had not retired from the army, Lin Yu could only run towards it with all his might, but even though Lin Yu tried very hard to speed up the speed of the disappearing stairs, he was still about to reach the intersection when he suddenly did not step on a solid foot and stumbled

It was this stumbling that Lin Yu finally didn't step on the next staircase before the next staircase disappeared, so Lin Yu fell directly from the sky, but fortunately, the Koga ninja frog on the ground used their superpowers in time to pick it up.

Lin Yu, who had returned to the ground, looked at the stairs with some fear, and looked at the sand stairs that were a few meters high, and Lin Yu found that he didn't seem to have a way to jump up to that place.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yu said to the Koga Ninja Frog: "Sasuke (

Koga Ninja Frog) use ice to build an ice ladder for me to that entrance!" After hearing Lin Yu's words, the Koga Ninja Frog hesitated for a while, and then immediately used the ice cube to build a long ice ladder and stretched it into the air, but the Koga Ninja Frog tried hard to stretch the ice ladder to the entrance of the next floor. However, just when the Koga Ninja Frog was at a loss, the Hippo King on the side also took direct action, and this successfully built an ice ladder that could reach the entrance of the next floor.

After seeing that the ice ladder was successfully built, Lin Yu also immediately walked up the ice ladder towards the entrance of the next floor, this time Lin Yu did not need to run as fast as before, but Lin Yu still walked on the ice ladder all the way, Lin Yu felt that it was reasonable to say that the split empty seat should not be so easy to gain weight and cheat to pass the test.

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