Although Lin Yu cautiously walked towards the entrance in the air with apprehension, in the end, Lin Yu finally succeeded in reaching the position of the entrance without danger, and the Cracked Sky Seat did not raise the Tower of Babel when he climbed the stairs like when he rode the fast dragon up before.

In fact, what Lin Yu didn't know was that the Tower of Babel had never been raised from beginning to end, and the reason why the fast dragon couldn't fly to the top of the Tower of Babel at that time was not that the Tower of Babel was rising infinitely, in fact, it was just that the fast dragon flying upwards and Lin Yu at the same time made them feel that they were flying upwards, in fact, they had been flying in place all the time.

And now the ice ladder that Koga Ninja Frog and they built is completely built by them on the ground, so after this ice ladder is successfully built, unless the Crack Sky Seat above feels uncomfortable and comes out to destroy it personally, otherwise only the Koga Ninja Frog and the Hippo King can't hold on to such a long ice ladder will be destroyed.

Lin Yu, who had successfully stepped into the next layer, looked at the Cracked Sky Seat in front of him with some disbelief, that's right, Lin Yu had successfully passed all the tests here. And after Lin Yu successfully stepped into the fourth layer of the ground, the Split Sky Seat also slowly opened his eyes and looked at Lin Yu, and after the Split Sky Seat looked Lin Yu up and down, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Split Sky Seat, according to the agreement between us, you successfully passed your test, should you become my Pokémon?" Lin Yu took out the healing ball that had taken the Split Sky Seat before and said.

After seeing the healing ball in Lin Yu's hand, the Split Sky Seat just nodded, and then gently patted the switch of the healing ball with his tail and directly entered the healing ball, in fact, at this time, the Split Sky Seat came up so easily, and another reason was that it really needed the healing ball in Lin Yu's hand now.

Although Luo Yiqi had led some of the four Heavenly King-level trainers and more than twenty quasi-Heavenly King-level trainers in the desert to besiege the Split Sky Seat before, that time in the near ground solitaire under the siege of more than two hundred master-level Pokémon, it could almost be said that there was no strength to fight back, and in the end, although it successfully repelled Luo Yiqi and them by flying to a height of 10,000 meters, it also suffered a lot of injuries. Therefore, the Split Sky Seat actually needs to enter Lin Yu's healing ball for cultivation now.

After using the Healing Ball to successfully subdue the Split Void Seat, Lin Yu immediately released the Split Void Seat from the Healing Ball, but the Split Void Seat, which was originally going to recuperate in the Healing Ball, was suddenly released and became a little unhappy, and it looked at Lin Yu with a melancholy face, as if it was blaming Lin Yu for getting it out of the Healing Ball.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lin Yu looked at the melancholy eyes of the Cracked Sky Seat and thought that the other party was disgusted with his healing ball and was uncomfortable, so he smiled awkwardly and said, "My healing ball just reminds you of me, I didn't say that I was going to use this healing ball to subdue you." I've got a few other Poké Balls here that you can pick from.

Lin Yu opened his backpack and took out all the Poke Balls in it, and put them in front of the Cracked Sky Seat one by one, and he also introduced the characteristics of these Poké Balls to the Cracked Sky Seat one by one.

However, even after a series of explanations by Lin Yu, in the end, the Cracked Void Seat directly slapped the healing ball in Lin Yu's hand and prepared to go in to recover, but this time Lin Yu directly put away the healing ball when the Cracked Void Seat was about to enter the healing ball again. Seeing Lin Yu's move, the Split Sky Seat felt a little annoyed at this time, and it looked at Lin Yu angrily as if it was asking Lin Yu what he was going to do.

"Don't be so anxious to get back to the ball just yet, that's... Can you take me down first?" Lin Yu said with some embarrassment to the Cracked Sky Seat.

Because the Koga Ninja Frog and the Hippo King couldn't hold on to the ice ladder for a long time, in fact, the ice ladder had disappeared not long after Lin Yu ascended to the fourth floor, so at this time, Lin Yu either took himself down from the Cracked Sky Seat, or he could only jump down by himself, hoping that the Koga Ninja Frog could catch him.

However, if the two Pokémon with superpowers, Koga Ninja Frog and Hippo King, were exhausted due to the ice ladder just now, Lin Yu really didn't know which Pokémon in his Pokémon could catch him safely, so at this time, Lin Yu was helpless and could only let the Cracked Sky Seat take him down.

The Cracked Sky Seat glanced at the entrance of the staircase, which was no longer useful, and reluctantly grabbed Lin Yu directly, passed directly through the entrance, and flew to the platform on the third floor. When the Cracked Sky Seat grabbed Lin Yu and appeared in front of everyone, the giant swamp monsters immediately looked at the Cracked Sky Seat with a vigilant face, and even the Koga Ninja Frog, who was originally sitting on the ground to rest, pulled out his water long knife at this time, and looked at the Cracked Sky Seat carrying Lin Yu like a little chicken with a vigilant face.

After seeing his Pokémon looking at the Cracked Sky Seat with a wary face, Lin Yu immediately explained, "Don't worry, the Split Sky Seat just brought me down from above.

Although Lin Yu had already opened his mouth to explain at this time, the Koga Ninja Frog still looked at the Cracked Sky Seat with a vigilant expression, and even the long knife of water in the hand of the Koga Ninja Frog had not been confiscated. After all, at this time, the champion-level Split Sky Seat still puts a lot of pressure on the Koga Ninja Frogs, and even if the Koga Ninja Frogs go together, it is not necessarily the enemy of the Split Sky Seat.

However, among all Lin Yu's Pokémon, there is only one guy who is an exception, it is the fast dragon that usually doesn't look very smart, it directly put away its guard after hearing Lin Yu's words, and even it has begun to consider whether it can recognize the very strong guy in front of it as the boss. After all, at this time, Kuailong also saw at a glance that the Cracked Sky Seat should be a Pokémon much stronger than the Hokage's version of Koga Ninja Frog, and it recognized that as long as he was the big brother, Koga Ninja Frog, they should all be their own little brothers.

Now the fast dragon is thinking about how to give the Cracked Sky Seat courtesy so that the Cracked Sky Seat can accept his little brother, just when the fast dragon kept looking at the Cracked Sky Seat and thinking, it suddenly had a lot of injuries on the Cracked Sky Seat at this time, and after thinking for a while, the fast dragon decided to use the healing wave to treat the injuries of the Split Sky Seat to show favor to the Split Sky Seat.

In this way, the fast dragon became the first Pokémon among all the Pokémon to approach the Cracked Sky Seat, and when the Koga Ninja Frog was ready to take the lead in attacking the Cracked Sky Seat because of the fast dragon, the next scene made them all a little frightened and lost their big teeth. I saw that the fast dragon came to the Cracked Sky Seat casually and didn't do any communication with the Cracked Sky Seat, it opened directly to the side of the wound of the Cracked Sky Seat, and then directly used the healing wave to start treating the Cracked Sky Seat.

At the moment when Kuailong used his skills, in fact, the Split Sky Seat was also a little hesitant to repel Kuailong, it was also afraid that Kuailong, a stunned young man, would come directly to attack him, and it was also where he had a wound, but he looked at Lin Yu in front of him, and finally it chose to see what Kuailong was going to do first. When the Swift Dragon's healing fluctuations began to heal the Cracker, the Cracker instantly felt that his wound began to recover quickly, and that recovery was definitely not as fast as the recovery speed of the Healing Ball in it.

Feeling that after the recovery of the species, the eyes of the Split Sky Seat looking at the fast dragon also softened a lot, and Lin Yu also found that the Split Sky Seat had a lot of injuries on his body at this time.

"Donkey Deshui (Hippopotamus King), Hasqi (Geng Ghost), you can come and treat the wounds of the Cracked Sky Seat together!" After discovering the injuries on the Cracked Sky Seat, Lin Yu also immediately instructed the Hippo King and the Geng Ghost beside him.

Hearing Lin Yu's instructions, the Hippo King cautiously came to the side of the Cracked Sky Seat and began to use his own healing fluctuations to treat the wounds of the Cracked Sky Seat, and Geng Ghost was also helpless at this time from some potions in his own different space that would help the recovery of the Cracked Sky Seat's injuries, and it cautiously came to the Cracked Sky Seat and handed the medicinal potions that needed to be taken orally to the front of the Cracked Sky Seat.

Splitting the Sky Seat looked at some strange things that Geng Ghost took out for himself, and he didn't want to eat them much, but at this time, Lin Yu, who saw that Splitting Empty Seat didn't want to take medicine very much, opened his mouth and persuaded: "Splitting the Empty Seat, you have suffered so many injuries, you can only recover quickly by eating these!

After hearing Lin Yu's flower, the Cracked Void Seat hesitated for a moment before directly swallowing all the medicines that Geng Ghost handed to him in one gulp, Geng Ghost was not idle after eating those potions in the Cracked Void Seat, it continued to take out some external potions and began to rub the medicine on the Cracked Void Seat. With the effect of the potion, although it cannot be said that the injury of the Cracked Empty Seat has recovered instantly, the Cracked Empty Seat can clearly feel that his injury is constantly improving at this time.

After an hour of cooperation between the Hippo King, the Dragon, and the Geng, they finally finished treating all the wounds on the Split, and after all the wounds were treated, the Splitter knew that his injuries had not fully recovered, but for the Splitter, these injuries would not affect his subsequent battles.

"Alright, you're almost done with your injuries, and it's time for us to get out of here. Lin Yu saw that the Hippo King had already healed the wounds of the Cracked Void Seat, and he took out the healing ball again and said to the Cracked Void Seat.

At this time, there is no need for the healing ball's ability to heal injuries, where can I still look down on this kind of healing ball with a general healing effect and the internal space is not very comfortable, it directly flew out of the healing racket with one tail, and the healing ball smashed into the wall after the tail of the cracked empty seat was thrown out, and it was directly broken into several pieces.

"What are you doing here, are you going to regret it now?" Seeing the Split Sky Seat fly out the healing racket, Lin Yu looked at the Split Sky Seat with a puzzled expression and asked.

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