After Xu Baimiao's explanation, Lin Yu and the others probably understood that the researcher was puzzled by the fact that in addition to the Pokémon's own power, there was also the power of the super evolution stone, and in the end, the strength of the evolution process was not as good as that of the Pokémon that only relied on their own strength to bond and evolve, so they also compared the ability improvement of the bond evolution with the ability improvement of the super evolution.

But even so, Lin Yu and the others still didn't understand why Xu Baimiao said that the Pokémon after the bond evolution were not as much improved as the super evolution, so they still looked at Xu Baimiao with a blank face, and they all wanted to hear Xu Baimiao explain to them about the study of bond evolution and super evolution.

Jordan looked at Xu Baimiao with some confusion and asked, "But what does it matter? What if the Super Evolution Stone and the Keystone don't actually provide energy

for the Super Evolution?" "First of all, it can be seen from the fact that the Super Evolution will change the appearance of the Pokémon, and the Super Evolution has more strength for the Pokémon, and it can even be said that the change in the appearance of the Pokémon after the Super Evolution also makes up for the overall strength of the Pokémon to a certain extent!" Xu Baimiao opened his mouth to explain at this time.

After hearing Xu Baimiao's explanation this time, Lin Yu and the others felt even more confused, they didn't understand what Xu Baimiao said at all, and they couldn't understand why the Pokémon Super Evolution changed the Pokémon's body, indicating that the strength had increased more, and they didn't understand why the change in appearance could make up for some of the Pokémon's original shortcomings.

"Stop, stop!" Jordan really couldn't listen to it, and said to Xu Baimiao helplessly: "Then you just said so much, we just didn't understand a word! We still don't understand why you can be sure that super evolution will be stronger than bond evolution?

"This... We also know that we haven't successfully researched Pokémon that can master two evolution methods at the same time, and we can even say that no one else has successfully completed the bond evolution except for my Thunderbolt (Electric Shock Monster)!" Xu Baimiao shook his head helplessly at this time and then said, "But we still judge something through the analogy of Pokémon's various physical qualities. "

You yourself said that it's just your own analogy, since it's not the same one that saw the performance of the Koga ninja frog, how can you say that this is a formal experimental study?" Gu Yunpan suddenly opened his mouth at this time to refute Xu Baimiao's words.

Although Lin Yu didn't know if it was possible for a Pokémon to master both Bond Evolution and Super Evolution at the same time, in his cognition, although Super Evolution and Bond Evolution finally made Pokémon evolve to different degrees, they were essentially a morphological change that Pokémon completed through the power of Bond.

Therefore, Lin Yu felt that it should be unlikely that there would be a Pokémon that could master both Bond Evolution and Super Evolution, or that there should be no Pokémon who would be willing to learn another way of evolution when they had already learned Super Evolution or Bond Evolution.

And what Lin Yu couldn't agree with the most about Xu Baimiao's words was that he had also made an analogy between the Koga Ninja Frog and the Giant Swamp Monster based on himself, but the Koga Ninja Frog, which was obviously of similar strength, was stronger than the Giant Swamp Monster after the Bond Evolution, but Lin Yu still wanted to hear Xu Baimiao or Xu Lao explain their Xu family's research process or research conclusions at this time.

Lin Yu didn't believe that the huge Xu family would not draw any research results without any basis, so Lin Yu also felt that the Xu family must have researched something from it to have this kind of conclusion. As for whether this research result was a confidential study of the Xu family, Lin Yu felt that since Xu Baimiao would not be able to say it directly in front of them at this time, it should not be the kind of secret that they could not know.

Since Xu Baimiao and Xu Lao were willing to mention this matter in front of the three of them, then Lin Yu could be sure that he could explain some content to them more or less no matter what, so at this time, Lin Yu also continued to look at Xu Baimiao suspiciously.

"Elder Xu, I think since you are willing to mention this matter in front of us, then I think you should be able to reveal some of our research results on these two evolutions!" Lin Yu also said directly to Elder Xu at this time: "We are not researchers at the level of people, we don't understand those esoteric things, you better tell us directly, what are the results of your research!"

"Oh, hahaha!" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Xu Lao looked at Lin Yu and said with a smile: "I heard that you were the first group of trainers to complete fusion evolution before, if it weren't for the fact that the paper you published at that time was not very comprehensive and the age at which you published the paper was too young, then the three of you could directly become trainee researchers!"

"Trainee researcher!?"

After Xu Lao said that, both Jordan and Gu Yunpan looked at Lin Yu beside him with a face, they never thought that Lin Yu would have the experience of becoming a researcher.

"No, when did you go to do research?" Jordan frowned and saw Lin Yu open his mouth and said, "Also, didn't you study combat when you were in college?

Why do you still have the brain to do research?" "What do you mean I still have the brain to do research?" After hearing Jordan's words, he looked at the other party a little angrily and said, "I'm not stupid! Some things can be studied as long as you have a heart! There are also fetters and evolutions are also the first ones I discovered!".

"You were the first to discover the Bond Evolution?" Gu Yunpan looked at Xu Baimiao with some surprise.

Seeing Xu Baimiao's Electric Shock Demonic Beast's Bond Evolution in Guyunpan before, coupled with Lin Yu and Xu Lao's chat in the morning, he always thought that Lin Yu's Jiahe Ninja Frog could master the Bond Evolution, and it should have been obtained from the Xu family, but he never thought that Xu Baimiao's Bond Evolution would actually be taught by Lin Yu.

"He was indeed the first to discover the evolution of the Bond! And he taught me the evolution of the Bond! I figured out that apart from finding relevant records in the ancient books of the Alliance, there was no way that anyone could find a way to bond and evolve. Xu Baimiao also understood the other party's doubts after seeing Gu Yunpan's puzzled face, so he also nodded directly and spoke.

"In fact, strictly speaking, the evolution of bonds has actually been discovered in the secret world, but in the same way, there are not many people in the secret world who can complete the evolution of bonds, so even in the ancient books of the alliance, there are only a few words of record. At this time, Xu Lao also directly added: "It is precisely because the ancient books of the alliance do record the evolution of bonds, so we can officially include the evolution of bonds in the same evolution method as super evolution so quickly." "

What? So this fetter evolution is also researched by Lin Yu, your kid?" After hearing Xu Lao's words, Jordan looked at Lin Yu with some confusion and said, "You kid is hiding quite deeply! Hurry up and teach me how to let my strange power complete the fetter evolution." "

Hehe!" Lin Yu smiled a little awkwardly at this time and then said: "I was lucky enough to encounter a study on the evolution of bonds in a secret realm, and then I succeeded in allowing Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog) to successfully complete the evolution of bonds by chance.

At this time, Lin Yu did not directly answer Jordan's question, although Lin Yu did not mind telling Jordan the method of fetters and evolution, but Lin Yu was not sure that he could really teach Jordan like he taught Xu Baimiao, and the most he could do was to teach Jordan the general direction after he went back.

Xu Baimiao thought that Lin Yu wanted to refuse Jordan when he saw that Lin Yu didn't answer, so at this time, he also directly opened his mouth for Lin Yu and said, "I think he may not be able to teach your strange power to complete the bond evolution." "

Ah, no!" After Jordan heard Xu Baimiao's words, he looked at Lin Yu with some confusion and said, "Lin Yu, you kid won't teach this guy fetters to evolve, don't teach him fetters to evolve, right?"

Lin Yu shook his head again and again after hearing Jordan's words, for Lin Yu, he had no intention of not teaching at all, but he was afraid that Jordan would not learn it by then.

"It's not that he can learn it if he teaches you!" Xu Baimiao continued to speak at this time: "You must know that if the Bond Evolution wants to pass the formal approval, it is necessary to announce the entire process and principle, but it has been more than half a year since this thing was announced, but few of the hundreds of families around the world plus the eighteen major families of the Alliance have successfully completed the Bond Evolution!"

"No! What do you mean by that?" Jordan looked at Xu Baimiao with some anger and said: " Lin Yu can teach you this method

of fetter evolution, do you mean that I am inferior to you?" Xu Baimiao still said calmly after hearing Jordan's angry words: "This is not a matter of who is stronger than whom, and now even those of us in the major families have no way to study why some people can complete the fetter evolution, while some people can't master the fetter evolution." "

Okay! Brother Dan, I'll teach you the general method after I go back, and whether you can learn it at that time depends on your own bond with the strange force!" Lin Yu waved his hand at this time and then opened his mouth: "I'm still more curious about the comparative research results of that super evolution and fetter evolution."

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Jordan also nodded and stopped saying anything, and Xu Baimiao didn't plan to speak by himself at this time, and looked at Xu Lao beside him.

"Old Xu, if this is your Xu family's secret... You just didn't say it. After Lin Yu saw Xu Baimiao's eyes, he thought that this was a secret thing that could not be said, so he said, "I just want to know a rough idea." "

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