"Hehe, there's nothing you can't say. You have taught Xiao Miao a special evolution method like the evolution of bonds, what can we not tell you about our insignificant research on the evolution of bonds!" "After hearing Lin Yu's words, Xu Lao suddenly laughed and said to Xu Baimiao: "Since the evolution of bonds was taught to you by Xiao Lin, then you should also tell Xiao Lin about the results of this research." "

Hmm. After hearing Xu Lao's words, Xu Baimiao nodded and looked at Lin Yu and said: "In general, my best research results show that on the surface, most of the Pokémon's physical qualities are high and low, coupled with the training of the acquired trainers, it is generally difficult for Pokémon to appear Pokémon with average physical fitness. "

Well, to be precise, if you want to train Pokémon all the time to be average in all physical fitness... The final result is that this Pokémon doesn't have any specialties and no advantages!" Gu Yunpan also nodded when he heard this, and said thoughtfully.

I have to say that Gu Yunpan, as a data analyst, although he has no special talent in Pokémon combat and training, but they still have some unique insights in judging the strength of Pokémon through Pokémon's various physical qualities, and each data analyst can have a different focus on this aspect, but this has become their characteristic in many cases.

"No! I remember my previous coach told us that no matter what, if we can train all aspects of the monster force with similar physical fitness, then this monster force can be completely free of weaknesses!" Jordan shook his head directly at this time and said: "All physical qualities are similar, although there are no advantages, but there are also no shortcomings, isn't it?

Xu Baimiao also fell into contemplation directly after hearing Jordan's words, I have to say that all his thoughts at the beginning were similar to Gu Yunpan, but his feeling was just that it was a waste of time to train various physical qualities to the same extent, but at this time, after he suddenly heard Jordan's theory, he suddenly began to doubt his previous judgment.

Xu Baimiao thinks that training a Pokémon with all-round development is a thankless training method, but now that he thinks about it, if there is really a trainer who has gone through a lot of hard work to train such a Pokémon, then this Pokémon should indeed be invincible at the same time, and he also thinks that a Pokémon with no advantages and disadvantages should be difficult to deal with.

When Xu Lao saw Xu Baimiao deep in thought and nodded from time to time at this time, he looked at Xu Baimiao and shook his head helplessly, he didn't expect Xu Baimiao to be so easily influenced by Jordan's words.

"Hey, you used to be a competitive trainer of strange boxing, right?" Xu Lao looked at Xu Baimiao, who was deep in thought, sighed helplessly, and then looked at Jordan and said, "Then under what circumstances do you think the strange force can defeat the flying Pokémon in the air? and under what circumstances can the strange force defeat the water Pokémon in the sea?"

"This... But why do you want to fight flying Pokémon in the air? Can't I fight those flying Pokémon on the ground?" Jordan didn't know how to answer Old Xu's question for a while, but he still said stiffly.

"Hey, if you're a competitive trainer in Monster Boxing, it's true that you're the strongest in all aspects, and that's because your opponent only has the same Monster Power as you. After hearing Jordan's words, Xu Lao shook his head helplessly again and said, "Don't forget, Pokémon can appear with this kind of attribute restraint Pokémon when fighting!"

Even Pokémon without weaknesses can't help each other, so aren't those Pokémon with weaknesses more difficult to deal with?" Jordan retorted again.

"That's not right! You should be fallacious! It's more effective than if you want to train the speed of the Koga Ninja Frog, and if you want to train the strength of the Koga Ninja Frog, it will be the result of half the effort, this is the Pokémon's specialty training and disadvantage training. Gu Yunpan also said directly at this time: "So with the same training time, if you train Pokémon in the direction of your specialty, you can gain a lot of results." And it's not that there is no situation where Pokémon use their already advantageous advantages to defeat their own Pokémon

!" "Hmm!, so the all-round development of Pokémon not only has a long growth cycle, but also is actually very chicken!" Xu Lao also nodded and said: "If you have the time to train one Pokémon with quasi-king-level strength, it is estimated that you can train nine Pokémon with quasi-king-level strength!" Don't forget that even if your Pokémon has weaknesses in Pokémon battles, you can make up for the lack of Pokémon by exchanging Pokémon, so do you still feel the need to train a Pokémon that can be found in all directions?"

Didn't we talk about super evolution before Xu Lao?How did you talk about training Pokémon?" Lin Yu suddenly opened his mouth at this time and looked at Xu Lao and said, "Does the comparison between super evolution and bond evolution have anything to do with Pokémon's strength rating?"

"This... Let's still have Xiao Miao to continue to explain to you!" After hearing Lin Yu's words, Xu Lao looked at Xu Baimiao beside him again and motioned for the other party to continue.

"Ahem. After seeing his grandfather's eyes, Xu Baimiao understood that he seemed to have taken the topic away just now, so he coughed twice and then said, "That... Just now we talked about the physical fitness of Pokémon. Later, we observed the improvement of the strength of various indicators of their physical fitness after the super evolution, and we found that the super evolution is a bit similar to Pokémon, and all physical qualities have been increased to a certain extent, at most it is strengthened in its inferior attributes!

Before Xu Baimiao finished speaking, Jordan looked at Xu Baimiao curiously and asked.

"Brother Dan, don't interrupt others! You don't have to ask, they will tell you directly!" After Lin Yu heard Jordan's words, he said to Xu Baimiao helplessly: "Brother Xu, you can continue." "

Hey, it's not special, it's just that we found that those items that the Evolution Light turns into will bring a huge boost to some aspects of the Pokémon!" Xu Baimiao sighed and said, "Just like my Thunderbolt (Electric Shock Monster), its Evolution Light Fist can directly use the strength of the arm and can block most skill attacks with both hands!, as well as weaken the damage of some Pokémon attacks." "

So... At that time, your electric shock demonic beast could completely ignore the toxins on the body of that Nido King?" Gu Yunpan also said with some sudden realization at this time.

Xu Baimiao nodded, then looked at Lin Yu and said, "At that time, Lin Yu's Koga Ninja Frog could defeat four Pokémon of Ma Zhiwei's quasi-heavenly king-level peak strength in a row!" "

I see! No wonder at that time, I obviously saw Koga Ninja Frog being attacked so many times by Ma Zhiwei's Pokémon, but in the end, Koga Ninja Frog knew that his physical strength was too great and withdrew from the bond evolution state, and he didn't see any obvious injuries. Speaking of this, Gu Yunpan looked at Lin Yu suspiciously again and asked, "Did you know before that the Evolution Light Cloak of the Koga Ninja Frog could protect against most attacks?" "

Hmm. Lin Yu also nodded at this time, but he had already known before that the Koga Ninja Frog's Evolution Light Cloak could withstand the damage of most attacks.

"Okay, we've talked to you enough today, and then whether it's Xiao Miao or Xiao Lin, you should go back and prepare for the next Master Qualifying Tournament. Xu Lao suddenly said at this time: "I estimate that your next game is likely to be a match between you two master trainers who have mastered the evolution of bonds!"

Lin Yu was also stunned after hearing Xu Lao's words at this time, in fact, when he heard that Xu Baimiao also signed up for this year's master qualifying, he thought that his opponent in the first round should be Xu Baimiao, but he never expected to run out of a Ma Zhiwei who suppressed his strength.

"What else do you need to prepare, what our Lin Yu just defeated was Ma Zhiwei, who was basically a half-step Heavenly King-level strength, and Lin Yu was defeated by just relying on a Koga ninja frog!" Even the uncle who had just reached the quasi-heavenly king level won the hard work, I think if the next round is really if the two of them meet... It must be our Lin Yu who wins.

"If you just look at the performance in today's game... It is true that Lin Yu's chances of winning are relatively large, but if you really look at it from the overall strength... Actually, I personally feel that Xu Gongzi has a better chance of winning!" Gu Yunpan patted after cooking rice at this time and said.

Originally, after hearing Jordan's words, Xu Baimiao was actually a little angry, but after hearing Gu Yunpan's next words, he was finally in a much better mood!

"Do you think that people are young masters of the family, so you want to slap the other party? Lin Yu didn't use the second Pokémon to defeat Ma Zhiwei, who seemed to be much stronger than this guy!" After Jordan heard Gu Yunpan's words, he pointed at Xu Baimiao with some indignation and said, "What about Xu Gongzi!" I think he was lucky to win against that uncle today

!" "No!" After Gu Yunpan heard Jordan's words, he shook his head again and again and said, "Actually, what you didn't find is that strictly speaking, Xu Gongzi's electric shock monster is also the existence of a Pokémon that swept the opponent's six Pokémon. "

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