After the trainer heard Kaijie's words at this time, he didn't know how to refute for a while, and seeing that Kaijie was only followed by Nidolino and fire dinosaurs that had not yet evolved finally, he had already concluded that Kaijie was just a rookie trainer who had just started to travel.

After he recognized Kaijie as a rookie trainer, he simply stopped thinking about how to explain it, he directly released all his Pokémon in a breath of anger and said to Kaijie: "Boy, you are a rookie trainer!" I advise you to leave it safe to meddle sometimes!

When Kai Jay saw that the other party released six Pokémon in an instant and there were several elite-level Pokémon among them, he also understood that the other party should not be a rookie trainer like himself, and he also knew very well that he didn't seem to be the right opponent, so at this time, he could only take a few steps back helplessly.

At this time, the fire dinosaur and Nidolino, who also noticed the strength of the other party's Pokémon, looked at the trainer and those Pokémon with a vigilant face, and the trainer saw Kaijie's involuntary retreat at this time, and he didn't let his Pokémon attack Kaijie, although he wanted to steal the solitary Pikoxi while the rangers in Nibi City were not paying attention at this time.

"Count you as acquaintances!" After the trainer finished speaking to Kaijie, he continued to say to the Pokémon that had just fought Picosi, "The Flame Monkey continues to attack that Picoxi with his Sonic Fist. "

That Flame Monkey is obviously the same as this Pi Kexi Pokémon with elite strength, but although the strength of the two Pokémon is elite strength, but at this time, although the Flame Monkey has no overwhelming advantage over Pi Kexi in terms of overall strength, but at this time, the Flame Monkey using the Sonic Fist is constantly suppressing that Pi Kexi.

"Ahem! Boy, don't you take us too seriously! "After the Flame Monkey used it and the Flame Fist to successfully knock out the Picoxie, a serious voice came from the depths of the woods as the light of two flashlights shot in their direction.

Kaijie turned his head to look in the direction of the flashlight's source when he saw the light of the two flashlights, and saw two men in green uniforms and a red armlet on their left hand walking out of the woods. As they approached, Kaijay noticed that the two men were a man and a woman, and the expression on which he had just spoken was the man.

Kaijie could see the uniforms on their bodies and the word "patrol" written on the red sleeves, and he knew that these two men should be real rangers. After the two rangers appeared, they directly sent their own Pokémon to surround Kaijie and the trainer who attacked Pixi, and Kaijie watched as more than a dozen Pokémon surrounded him and the trainer inside! After that, he was already confused.

"Do you say you're going to take you by hand, or are we going to beat you up and bring you back!" The male ranger looked at Kaijay with a smile on his face after their Pokémon surrounded them, and they spoke.

"That's... Is there any misunderstanding between you! I'm not in the same league as him, I'm just passing by. And I just stopped him! After hearing the male ranger's words, Kaijie also directly understood that they regarded him as a group with this trainer who wanted to subdue Pixi, so he quickly waved his hand at the two rangers and explained.

"Boy, do you think people will believe you now that you explain it like this?" When Kai Jay finished explaining, the trainer would raise his fist and punch him in the face, and at the same time viciously said in a voice that only Kai Jay could hear, "Only then will they believe!"

Kaijie didn't expect that the other party would directly attack him with a fist at this time, even the fire dinosaur and Nidolino didn't expect that the trainer would directly attack Kaijie at this time, so when the fist swung at Kaijie, both the fire dinosaur and Nidolino just watched the fist smash towards Kaijie with a confused face.

As Kaijie watched the fist get closer and closer to him, he raised his hands in fear to protect his face, but he didn't feel the fist hit his face after covering his face with both hands. Confused, he slowly removed his hands from his front of him, only to see four black objects sticking out of his shadow and directly blocking the trainer's fist.

At this time, after seeing the four demon shadows that came out of their shadows to block that punch, both the two rangers and the trainer looked at Kaijie's shadow with a surprised face, and they all knew that this should be a ghost-type Pokémon like Geng Ghost in Kaijie's shadow.

"You're... Lin Yu's Geng ghost? Kaijie looked at his shadow with some confusion and asked suspiciously.

Kaijie's shadow, which was not very obvious in the night, suddenly began to become obvious after Kaijie asked, and then the shadow began to slowly climb up from the ground, and the shadow that was still pitch black suddenly split a huge mouth from the middle.

"Quasi-Heavenly King-level strength?"

The two rangers all looked at Kaijie with a look of surprise after Geng Ghost appeared in front of them, they didn't expect that Kaijie, who obviously looked like he was just a rookie trainer, actually had a quasi-heavenly king-level strength Pokémon by his side. And at this time, the most surprised was the trainer who had just threatened Kaijie with his own Pokémon, he didn't understand that Kaijie had such a strong quasi-king-level strength Pokémon by his side, and he would actually be scared by himself.

After Geng Ghost appeared, he first looked around, and the Pokémon of the rangers who surrounded Kaijie at this time, those Pokémon that were just elite-level strength, were all frightened and trembled involuntarily after Geng Ghost's gaze swept over them, and they all felt a trace of murderous aura from Geng Ghost's gaze.

"Geng, don't do it! They're rangers! Kaijie also noticed the murderous aura emanating from Geng Ghost's body, so he immediately said to Geng Ghost who was still beside him: "You just need to find a way to take me out of here!"

After hearing Kaijie's words, Geng finally stopped the Shadow Ball in his hand that he was about to throw at the two rangers' Pokémon and retrieved it, and then directly controlled the Night Demon to capture Kaijie, the fire dinosaur, and Nidolino, and flew them out towards the encirclement.

The two rangers saw that Geng Ghost took Kaijie and them away in front of them so easily, but they didn't dare to continue to catch Geng Ghost because of their Pokémon strength was not enough.

"Hurry up and inform the team! Let them hurry up and go to the Nibi Gym and invite the quasi-heavenly king-level trainers of the Nibi Gym to come over! The female ranger spoke to the male trainer next to her as soon as Geng escaped with Kaijie.

After hearing the female ranger's words, the male ranger immediately took out the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Hey, hey, hey! There is a poacher here who has escaped, and there is a Geng ghost who is suspected of quasi-heavenly king-level strength by his side, and the fast Nibi Daoist invites a quasi-heavenly king-level trainer to come over! When

the male ranger took out the walkie-talkie to call for help, the trainer who was surrounded by them suddenly found that the Pokémon that originally surrounded him had become lax because of the fact that Geng Ghost took Kaijie away at this time, so he secretly began to move from the place where he felt that the surveillance was relatively weak.

"I advise you not to think about running away again!" The trainer hadn't moved a few steps, and the female ranger suddenly spoke: "If you are obediently tied up now, you will only be taken back by us and locked up for fifteen days, and if you run away at this time, you will inevitably have to suffer a meal of flesh and skin!"

"Huh! I... Didn't want to run away! When the trainer heard the female ranger's words, he looked at the female ranger with some embarrassment and said, "I'm just a little tired from standing in that place, so I want to stand in another place!" "

That's it! Don't talk about these things, what's your name? Where did it come from? How old are you? The female ranger waved her hand directly at the trainer at this time and said casually: "Do you know that attacking Pippi in Moonsee Mountain will be imprisoned!" "

I... It's Jinyang from the Sinnoh region, and he's twenty-two years old now. When the trainer heard the female ranger's words, he immediately said, "I didn't attack that Picoxi, I was just one-on-one with it all the time!"

"Alright, alright! Get your illustrated book or proof of identity, and I'll register it! The female ranger waved her hand directly at Jin Yang and then said directly to Jin Yang: "That accomplice of yours, our colleague will take the trainer from Nibi City to catch him, and you can go back with us first!" "

That... To be honest, that guy just now really wasn't my accomplice! And he dissuaded me when he first came over! Jin Yang was also a little helpless at this time, and said to the female ranger.

"Alright, don't say any more!" The female ranger directly waved her hand to interrupt Jin Yang's words and said, "Don't think that you just played a bitter trick can make us think that you two are not in the same group, you can obediently go back to the bureau with us!"

"Don't think you're too smart, I advise you not to play any tricks and go back with us!" I think that accomplice of yours will soon be captured by the trainers of the Nibi Gym and reunited with you! After trying out the walkie-talkie, the male ranger also said disdainfully to Jinyang: "Okay, let's go quickly!" "

Hey~" After Jin Yang heard the words of the two rangers, he could only sigh helplessly, and then walked forward under the push of the male rangers

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