Kaijie, led by Geng, quickly returned to the creek they had found earlier, and after leaving Kaijie and the others behind, he burrowed into Kaijie's shadow again and did not care about anything else.

Kaijie looked at the Geng ghost who was hiding in his shadow again, and he also understood that Lin Yu was afraid that he would encounter danger and sent to protect him, but at this time, after experiencing what had just happened to be surrounded by the rangers, he had no idea of continuing to catch wild Pokémon, and in the end he could only reluctantly walk back along the stream.

Lin Yu was still bored looking at the starry sky on the edge of the stream, but just as he was about to add a piece of wood to the fire, suddenly several people wearing ranger clothes rushed out of the forest and surrounded Lin Yu in the middle.

"Mr. Tuo Mu, this is the suspect we found who is suspected of having a quasi-king-level strength Pokémon next to him!" After the man in the suit appeared, a ranger said to the man in the suit.

This man in a suit is the quasi-heavenly king trainer who was invited from the Nibi Gym after the previous male ranger called for help, and he is one of the four proud disciples of the current hall owner, Mu Er, and one of the most powerful contenders for the next Nibi Gym owner.

"Huh! Boy, your accomplice has been captured by us, are you going to go back with us or are you going to drag you back after I beat you up? Tuo Ermu nodded and said directly to Lin Yu with disdain.

"Accomplices? Caught? After Lin Yu heard Tuo Ermu's words, he looked at the other party with a puzzled expression and said, "Big brother, did you recognize the wrong person?"

Lin Yu's original thoughts on these people who suddenly appeared still decided that they might be with the fake ranger he met before, but after seeing that there were so many people and each arm had that kind of red armbands on their arms, he also felt that they didn't look like fakes, so at this time, Lin Yu didn't let the Koga ninja frogs attack them at the first time.

However, although Lin Yu did not attack at the first time, the rangers who had surrounded Lin Yu released all their Pokémon after Lin Yu's voice was finished, and for a while, after the Poké Ball was opened, the Pokémon light was released directly illuminating the radius of a hundred meters around Lin Yu.

"You don't have to make a move, just hand him over to me!" After all the rangers released the Pokémon, Tuo Ermu waved his hand at the rangers and said, "Look at whether there are any of their accomplices nearby, I don't think the two of them should be so bold that they will enter the Moon Mountain to steal Pikoxi when it is just dark!"

After hearing Tuo Ermu's words, those rangers also acted quickly, and a large part of the rangers dispersed directly from Lin Yu's side to look for the so-called "accomplices" nearby.

At this time, Kaijie, who had just come along the creek to this side, was still a little puzzled after seeing the light just now, but soon when several rangers came back with their own Pokémon to surround him, he was completely confused, they couldn't imagine that he had just escaped from the male and female rangers and was surrounded by these rangers again.

"Another accomplice of the poachers has been found here!" After several rangers surrounded Kaijie, they immediately shouted into the walkie-talkie.

Although these rangers shouted over the walkie-talkie, they had no idea of asking for help from others, and in the eyes of these rangers, Kaijie, who seemed to be just a rookie trainer, did not need to call for support at all, and they were ready to arrest Kaijie directly after surrounding Kaijie.

However, although Kaijie's strength is indeed not worth mentioning in their eyes, the Geng Ghost who has been hiding in Kaijie's shadow is an existence that they can't deal with, and the Pokémon of several of them are also worthless in the eyes of Geng Ghost.

After asking most of the rangers to look for other suspicious people nearby, he shouted directly to Lin Yu's reaction: "Big steel snake, use the iron tail to give him a little color!"

Before Tuo Ermu's words fell, the calm ground under Lin Yu's feet suddenly began to shake, and a large steel snake with gray eyes and fierce eyes suddenly drilled out of the ground in front of Lin Yu, and it was ready to attack Lin Yu with its tail like a nail after it had just drilled out of the ground.

However, where was Lin Yu so easy to be attacked by the other party, when the ground began to shake, the giant swamp monster had already sensed the big steel snake underground, so it had already prepared to take Lin Yu's blow from the big steel snake. And the Koga Ninja Frog was also prepared when the big steel snake was about to drill out of the ground, and at the moment when the big steel snake just drilled the ground, it jumped directly out of the attack range of the big steel snake with Lin Yu in its arms.

When the big steel snake just got out of the ground and was about to give Lin Yu a dismount with a fierce momentum, the giant swamp monster's big hands directly grabbed its tail and then threw the big steel snake out directly like a chain ball.

Although Tuo Ermu opened his mouth to let the big steel snake use the iron tail to attack Lin Yu directly, he actually left some strength, after all, if he knew that if he wanted to kill Lin Yu, he only had to let the big steel snake use the rock avalanche. The big steel snake that understood that Tuo Mu just wanted to teach Lin Yu a little lesson did not use the iron tail with full strength at this time, but even if he used the full strength of the big steel snake in front of Lin Yu's giant swamp monster, it still only had the life of being thrown away, it was just the distance of being thrown away.

"Boy, your giant swamp monster has been cultivated pretty well! If you hadn't gone to poach Picosi, I might have taken you to call me Master! Tuo Ermu glanced at Lin Yu's giant swamp monster and said with some appreciation.

After all, the Nibi Gym is a gym that should be a rock and ground system, so a gym trainer like Xiang Tuo Mu also has his own unique vision for Pokémon with rock or ground attributes, so he can also see at a glance that Lin Yu's giant swamp monster has been cultivated very well, which makes him have a little appreciation for Lin Yu for a while, and he also knew that his big steel snake did not use all his strength, so he was not so angry about the big steel snake being thrown away by the giant swamp monster.

"Hehe, I think I'll visit someday!" Lin Yu smiled slightly after hearing Tuo Ermu's words, and then said in a cold voice: "When the time comes, I will make a good calculation with your master about you attacking me with a big steel snake today!" I want to see what kind of master can teach how immoral apprentices are! "

Humph!" Originally, for the sake of watching Lin Yu's cultivation of a good giant swamp monster, Tuo Ermu still had a good impression of Lin Yu, but at this time, after he heard Lin Yu's arrogant words, he was also angry, he snorted coldly and directly took out all his poke balls and threw them out.

"Boy, do you know who I am? Who do you think you are? Tuo Ermu angrily yelled at Lin Yu: "I will make you pay for what you just said!" I'll see how you can block it here! Saying

that, Tuo Ermu not only made his big steel snake that had just been thrown away by the giant swamp monster super evolve, but he also directly let his other Pokémon attack Lin Yu together.

"Isn't it! Mr. Tuo Mu is also angry? If this continues, it will kill people! "

There's no way to do it, who let that kid dare to say a word in front of Mr. Nurse Mu Er is not good, you must know that Mr. Nursery Mu has been brought up since he was a child!"

"But if we just watch... When the time comes, the alliance will be held accountable, and we will definitely have to go around without food! Several

rangers were whispering and discussing when they saw Tuo Mu angrily directing his Pokémon to attack Lin Yu.

Although the Federation of Pokémon World is the supreme ruling organization of the entire world, they just have a large legal framework, and the following details will be a little different in the laws of each city. And you can't maliciously use Pokémon to attack other trainers in the wild, this is the iron law stipulated by the Pokémon Alliance, although there are often some trainers who command their Pokémon to attack other trainers, but as long as there is no fatality, in fact, the alliance will turn a blind eye.

"If you are afraid of being implicated, you can either stop me with him now, but I will also let my Pokémon attack you when the time comes!" As if he had heard the whispers of those rangers, Tuo Mu said directly to them coldly: "Either you leave here now, so that the alliance will really not be able to implicate you when the time comes!" "

Thank you, Mr. Toermu!" The rangers thought for a moment after hearing Tormu's words, then bowed their hands to Mr. Tormu and left.

In the eyes of these rangers, the young Lin Yu would definitely not be able to defeat Tuo Mu, so it was impossible for them to help Lin Yu resist Tuo Mu at this time.

However, when these rangers left, they didn't notice that Lin Yu's giant swamp monster resisted the attack of Toermu's two Pokémon, and like Koga Ninja Frog and Hippo King, they also used their attribute advantages to resist three Pokémon, and the fast dragon also resisted Tollmu's Pokémon.

"Your Pokémon strength is still okay! But I just don't know if your Pokémon strength is as big as your tone! Lin Yu said to Tuo Mu with some disdain after the rangers left: "I haven't used all my strength yet!" Why are your Pokémon so hard to resist? "


Tuo Ermu was about to say something to Lin Yu, one of his rumbling rocks was successfully defeated by the Koga ninja frog at this time because of the fact that his attributes were restrained by the Koga ninja frog, looking at the rumbling rock that was flying back by a water cannon from the Koga ninja frog, Tor Mu didn't know what to say anymore, he never thought that Lin Yu's Pokémon strength would be so strong.

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