Lin Yu's brows also frowned slightly after hearing that trainers from other places had come, although Lin Yu felt that Dr. Yamada should have something strange, but he still planned to bring this Lothom back to Dr. Yamada, in Lin Yu's eyes, only by gaining Dr. Yamada's trust first, could he understand what Dr. Yamada was planning to do behind the scenes.

And in Lin Yu's eyes, this Lotom is the best stepping stone for him to gain Dr. Yamada's trust, so of course Lin Yu at this time does not plan to act with other trainers, not to mention that these trainers who act with him are still trainers from the Black Gold Gym, if he acts with them, Lin Yu can believe that when the time comes, he will bring back Dr. Yamada's corpse.

"I think I know more about the Plain Forest than you do, and I fought this Lothom twice last night, so I don't think I need your information. Lin Yu thought for a while and then looked at Yu Qu and said, "And I think they shouldn't be as strong as me, so I don't need to drag me back with them, I'd better go in by myself!" "


Yu Qu originally planned to say something more after hearing Lin Yu's words, but Lin Yu waved his hand directly at him at this time and walked towards the Pingxiao Forest by himself. At this time, seeing the situation that the hat turned into two petals in an instant because of his proximity to Lin Yu, those police officers watched Lin Yu walk towards the Pingxiao Forest, and no one dared to go up to stop him.

Yu Qu could only shake his head helplessly when he looked at Lin Yu's back as he entered the forest, he didn't know what to say about Lin Yu, and he didn't dare to go up to block Lin Yu's way into the forest at this time, after all, he didn't react to how the hat on his head turned into two petals just now.

"Captain, isn't that kid too crazy! The Heavenly King-level trainer of the Black Gold Gym may not want to enter the forest with him! He actually said that he was afraid that they would drag him back!" One of the police officers said angrily after seeing that Lin Yu had already entered the Pingxiao Forest.

"Shut up!" Yu Qu glared at the police officer and said coldly, "If you have reached the Heavenly King-level strength at his age, I think you must be ten times more crazy than him!, not to mention that his strength is indeed stronger than those from

the Black Gold City!" "No, Captain, that's the Heavenly King-level trainer of the Black Gold Gym! They are..."

"But what? In addition to the retired old hall owner who is in the top 1,000 of the trainer rankings, who else is within the 1,000th in the Black Gold Dao Pavilion?" Yu Qu looked at the police officer who spoke and said, "Okay, don't say these words anymore, you guys are on duty here, I think there are so many Heavenly King-level trainers entering the Pingxiao Forest, and that Lotom should be able to solve it soon!"

Yu Qu left after finishing speaking, and at the same time, after learning all the news in the Iron Art Forest, they also directly entered the Pingxiao Forest, and since then, there have been three waves of people in the Pingxiao Forest rushing towards the Lotom, but what they don't know is that Lotom can reach the strength of the champion level in the state of the pseudo-god.

This time, Lin Yu entered the Pingxiao Forest and saw the appearance of being on the ground one by one, obviously having been sucked out of life energy, Lin Yu looked at the Pokémon corpses in this place and didn't know what to say for a while.


Just as Lin Yu looked at the Pokémon corpse on the ground and fell into deep thought, a miserable scream suddenly appeared in the depths of the forest. This scream was not only heard by Lin Yu, but also heard it from the other Black Gold Daoist Pavilion Master Tie Yilin who was entering the Pingxiao Forest, and even the policemen outside the Pingxiao Forest heard this scream.

"What's the situation?" Collier looked at the Pingxiao Forest and looked at the others with some confusion and said, "Is there still someone else in the forest?" Or is it that the Iron Art Pavilion Master was attacked by that Lothom just after entering the forest?" "

I don't know!, but I think if the Iron Art Pavilion Master and they were attacked, they should have told us the situation through the walkie-talkie, I think there should be some trainers in the forest who haven't come out yet!"

After hearing Beji's words, Collier also nodded, and then he spoke again: "Contact the master of the Iron Forest Pavilion and ask him to bring the people in the forest out as much as possible." "

One of the Pokémon hunters sent by Dr. Cedar to recover Lotom in the morning and entered the Pingxiao Forest in the morning, because they got the information at the beginning, Lotom was at most a quasi-Heavenly King-level strength, and the strongest among them was a Heavenly King-level powerhouse, so they let them relax.

Just now, the mechanical dog Lothom took advantage of their inattention to directly bite off the neck of one of the boys in several Pokémon Hunters, and the girl closest to the boy in one did not react until the boy's blood splashed on her face like a fountain, and the scream just now was made by this girl after seeing such a bloody and terrifying scene.

"The Moon Elf uses a surprise blow!" After

the mechanical dog Lothom bit off the boy's neck, it was ready to drag the boy away before these Pokémon hunters could react, but at this time, the collapse was a king-level Pokémon hunter and the first to react, commanding his Pokémon to attack the mechanical dog Lothom.

Just when the Moon Elf rushed towards the mechanical dog Lothom and was about to attack, Lothom, who was still in the state of the mechanical dog, instantly turned into the state of the mechanical needle bee, and after it turned into a mechanical needle bee, it also directly used the lethal needle prick skill of the insect system against the moon elf who came over.

At this time, not only did the Moon Elf not think that the Lotom in front of him could turn into an insect system, but even the Hon, who was a Heavenly King-level trainer, did not expect that Lotom could transform into an insect system at this time.

However, at this time, although Lotom's change made Honkai a little unexpected, he still took out the Poké Ball when the Elf was about to be pierced by the poisonous needle of Lothom in the form of a mechanical needle bee, and the Moon Elf recovered the Poké Ball and escaped a catastrophe.

And at this time, after the Pokémon that was confronting Lotom head-on was taken back into the Poke Ball, Lotom did not plan to attack them again, it directly grabbed the boy on the ground who was not dead and flew away.

"Boss Bang, what happened just now?" one of the boys reacted and said with some fear, "How do I feel that the research institute didn't tell us the truth

!" "No! they let me bring it over, and it already says it all! This Lotom is much more difficult to deal with than we imagined!" Next, everyone release all the Pokémon to me, I don't want to see that Lothom succeed in our sneak attack so easily!"

The five Pokémon hunters around me also quickly released all their Pokémon at this time to protect them.

Originally, Lothom had almost killed the Pokémon in the forest, and he was still thinking about where to find the last bit of energy that had become a pseudo-god state, but now after seeing nearly a hundred Pokémon here, he suddenly felt that the energy of his transformation into a pseudo-god state again had fallen.

Even Bang himself didn't expect that because they released all their Pokémon, many people's spare Pokémon were just reaching the elite level at this time, and these Pokémon directly became the primary hunting target of Lothom in the future.

In the next day, it can be said that the team of Lopom is about to become Lotom's cafeteria, and Lothom has changed his way to snatch one of the elite-level Pokémon from front of them, but since Lothom did not directly attack the six trainers, all the Crash Pokémon were just preparing to attack Lotom, and Lothom had already grabbed the Pokémon and left.

"Damn! What is this! I've been a Pokémon hunter for decades, and this is the first time I've been killed by a Pokémon like a prey!" After being escaped by Lothom, Crash finally said angrily: "You bunch of waste, don't you know to put away the elite-level Pokémon for me! You Pokémon are simply giving that Lothom energy to become stronger!".

The few Pokémon hunters who were reprimanded by Collapse also hurriedly put away their elite-level strength Pokémon at this time, and Lotom, who was secretly observing here, found that those Pokémon hunters were angry after putting away all the elite-level Pokémon, but then it did not give up and continued to hunt for them.

This time, Lotom took on one of these Pokémon with a strength worthy of the king's level, but this time it did not directly attack the large-billed finch, it waited quietly for the night to fall, and it was ready to wait for them to relax their vigilance before launching a sneak attack on them.

At this point, since they took their elite-level Pokémon back into the Poké Ball, not only have they not been attacked by Lotom again, but even the other Pokémon in the Pingxiao Forest have not been attacked by Lotom anymore, because Lotom has been lurking near them since noon and observing their every move.

Lin Yu had been walking in the Pingxiao Forest for a day that afternoon, and he had finally managed to reach the location where they had been attacked before, Lin Yu squatted on the ground and looked at the blood stains on the ground and the boy who had been sucked by Lothom's life energy and shook his head helplessly.

"Judging by the death of this man, it should have been a one-hit kill, and this fatal wound was in the throat, and all those who screamed at that time should have been his companions. I don't think I'm wrong!"

Just as he was carefully examining the body of the boy on the ground, he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind him.

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