After hearing the voice coming from behind him, Lin Yu frowned and turned his head to look at it with some doubts, only to see three middle-aged men wearing the uniforms of the trainers of the Black Gold Gym standing behind him at this time, looking at him with a smile on their faces.

"Young man, have you been attacked by a Lotom?" The middle-aged man at the head of them smiled and said to Lin Yu: "I really didn't expect you to risk your life and come back to clean up the corpses of your companions, but although we also appreciate your kindness and righteousness, I still want to say that it is very dangerous in the Pingxiao Forest now, please go back with us first!"

Lin Yu looked at the three Black Gold Gym trainers who were still looking at him with a smile on their faces and frowned, just when he came over just now, neither he nor a Koga ninja frog hidden beside him noticed these guys, it was obvious that they should have sprayed something like insect repellent spray that could hide their breath.

"Sasuke (Koga Ninja Frog)!" Lin Yu said directly with some anger.

As soon as Lin Yu's words fell, Lin Yu's figure disappeared directly in front of Tie Yilin and them, and when they saw this scene, they all rubbed their eyes in surprise, and they couldn't believe that the scene they had just seen was real.

"Hey, Senior Brother, did we hallucinate just now?" Another man beside Tie Yilin said with some confusion: "Is it that no one actually came at all just now, and what we just saw was just an illusion

!" "Yu Yan, have you been watching TV stupidly recently!" Another man patted the man who had just spoken and said, "Have you ever seen three people see the same fantasy at the same time?"

"That one just now is definitely not a fantasy!" At least the fantasy won't let that corpse turn over!" Tie Yilin said at this time, pointing to the corpse on the ground that had turned over.

"No, Senior Brother Beishan, we can't be a ghost, right! That kid just now won't be the ghost of this guy on the ground!" Yu Yan said to the man next to him with some fear after hearing Tie Yilin's words: "Do you say that he was killed by that Lotom, and he won't be blinded by death! He won't become a ghost! I just touched his corpse, will he settle accounts with me

!". Beishan rolled his eyes directly after hearing Yu Yan's words, he was also very helpless about his little junior brother, obviously a genius trainer who had reached the strength of the Heavenly King level before the age of thirty, but he didn't know why his thoughts on some things were very naïve.

Originally, the old pavilion owner was not going to hand over the position of the hall owner to Yu Yan, but in the end, because Yu Yan was a little naïve, in the end, the old hall owner handed over the position of the hall owner to the more calm and strong iron art forest.

However, as the youngest Heavenly King-level trainer in the Black Gold Gym and the youngest apprentice among the current apprentices in the Black Gold Gym, Yu Yan can be said to be the most favorite apprentice in the Black Gold Gym and the most popular junior brother among other senior brothers, which makes his usual style of acting still not very calm in his thirties.

"Okay, where are there any ghosts in the world!" Iron Yilin also glanced at Yu Yan a little helplessly and said, "That kid is a little weird! I suspect that in this flat forest, besides we are looking for that Lotom, there are other people who are also paying attention to that Lotom!"

The research institute that researched this Lotom now wants to take this Lotom away quietly?" Beishan frowned after hearing Tie Yilin's words and said, "Shall we tell the police station of Sand Town about this situation?" "Let's

talk to them first! Just let them notify the other trainers to come over and help, I think that since the research institute wants to recover that Lotom, it means that there must be an ulterior secret about this matter!" Tie Yilin nodded at this time and then spoke.

After Lin Yu took advantage of the stealth of the Koga Ninja Frog to leave, he also felt a little afraid, if it was not the three of them who appeared behind him at that time, but the three of them, but Lotom, at this time, Lin Yu could be sure that even if he would not die directly because of this, but he could also be sure that he would be injured by Lotom in this way.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu also directly took out his Poke Ball and released all the giant swamp monsters to guard his side, only in this way could Lin Yu ensure that even if that Lothom sneaked up on him, he would be 100% sure to catch and deal with it. But what Lin Yu didn't know was that at this time, Lothom had been guarding the side of the group of Pokémon hunters who had collapsed them, and he had no time to deal with them at all.

After Lin Yu continued to wander in the forest for an afternoon, he didn't find anything useful except for the man who was attacked by Lothom before, and the most important thing was that when he left stealthily at that time, he happened to be in the opposite direction of Collapse them, and he didn't find the corpses of those elite-level Pokémon who were attacked by Lothom behind him.

Just when it was almost late at night, Lin Yu suddenly heard a "whine" sound in the bushes, Lin Yu and a Koga ninja frog walked in the direction of the sound, and Lin Yu found that the sound came from under a roentgen cat that had long since died.

After the giant swamp monster opened the corpse, he saw a kitten monster lying there crying weakly, and the Koga ninja frog recognized this Roentgen cat at a glance at this time as the female Roentgen cat of the two Roentgen cats that Kai Jie had met before, and this kitten monster was the kitten monster that was stolen by He Xingyu.

"Huskie (Geng Ghost) take out some food and give it to this little guy to eat!" Lin Yu said to Geng Ghost after picking up the kitten monster.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Geng Ghost also quickly took out some food from the other space and gave it to the kitten monster, although the kitten monster who ate the food still looked very weak, but it was obviously in a much better state at this time.

On the other side, they drank Lin Yu differently, they carefully studied the traces of the battle between the Moon Elves and Lothom on the other side and some other traces of activities at the scene, they also successfully found the direction where they left, and along the way, they saw the corpses of Pokémon that had absorbed life energy by Lothom one after another.

Although the three of them didn't directly catch up with Bang and their group along the way, at night, they were already very close to Bang and their art attack on Lothom.

In the evening, since they had not been attacked by Lothom all afternoon, they suddenly began to relax their vigilance when they were about to rest, but Lothom did not immediately attack its own target, the Large-billed Finch, it waited quietly.

It wasn't until the dead of night that vigilance had begun to slacken, and most of the Pokémon had begun to sleep, that Lothom finally sneaked up to their camp.

This time, Lotom miraculously entered the center of their camp without any problems, and at this time, Lotom, who was looking at the six trainers who were sleeping, suddenly lost interest in the nearby Big-Billed Sparrow, and this time it sneaked directly towards the tent of the girl who had screamed before.

When Lothom sneaked towards the tent, although it was almost spotted by a collapsed Pokémon along the way, it managed to sneak into the girl's tent without any danger. Looking at the girl in front of him, Lothom suddenly had a special idea, it didn't plan to beat the girl away first, it directly and boldly stretched out tentacles to suck life energy directly in this tent.

The girl was silently sucked up by Lothom in her sleep and died, and after Lothom successfully sucked the girl's life, it found that it had not been discovered and then dived to the next tent to suck the life energy.

In this way, it was not until Lothom sucked the life energy of three people, and when it was about to infiltrate the tent of the collapse for the fourth, it was finally discovered by the collapse of the Pokémon.

Since Lothom was already in the center of the camp at this time, it was impossible for it to escape smoothly this time, and Lothom also had to fight a vicious battle with the Pokémon of Collapse at this time.

The movement of the battle between Lothom and Honkomon here not only woke them up from their sleep, but also attracted the three of them who were resting in the Iron Arena not far away, and the three of them also rushed towards Honkai with their Pokémon for the first time.

"Brother Bang, they're dead!"

"What!" After hearing the trainer's words, Bang said angrily, "Who is keeping vigil tonight! "So let this thing run out and kill people without anyone finding out?"

"Yes... It's Luo Qi

!" "Damn!" Honkai

cursed when he heard the trainer's words.

"Okay, call all those Pokémon over so quickly, and you must arrest that return Lothom for me this time!" Honkai said angrily to the people around him at this time.

After hearing Honki's words at this time, the remaining two trainers also immediately commanded their Pokémon to rush towards Lothom.

After the two trainers joined the battle with Pokémon, Lothom also obviously felt that he could not continue to be tough, but because he was already under siege, Lothom had no way to hear it even if he fought and retreated.

When Lothom was about to withdraw from the battle while fighting, suddenly a fossil pterosaur appeared behind him and blocked its retreat, remembering that more than a dozen king-level ground-based Pokémon appeared and surrounded it again.

"Brother Bang, those people seem to be... Trainers of the Black Gold Gym!" A trainer beside Ben immediately came to Ben's ear and whispered after seeing the three of them rushing over.

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