Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2552: Ask the fairy Huangquan (131)

The first time Dr. Fang saw Xingqiao, it was a snowy day.

When he came back from the hospital, he saw the stars standing in front of his house holding a mass of things from a distance.

The child is thin and small, and it looks like he cannot breathe well, and his life is in danger.

Doctor Fang's first reaction was to rush to the hospital, where there are professional equipment.

But Xingchen refused uncharacteristically.

Doctor Fang has a small medical room at home, and he can only let Xingchen take the child there.


Doctor Fang soon discovered that something was wrong with the child, but he still endured it first.

After the child stabilized, Doctor Fang went out to find Xingchen, "What is he?"

"...People." Xingchen leaned on the corridor and smoked, his voice a little hoarse.

"Is this a human?" Doctor Fang took out what he had scanned. "What are these things? What's wrong with his body?"

Normal people can see things that are attached to blood vessels that are not right.

Xingchen directly pinched the smoke with his hands: "He is really a human being."

Xingchen didn't elaborate on his experience, only that the child was implanted with foreign objects.

This kind of thing broke out once when the foreign object was first discovered.

Someone used foreign objects to do research on the human body. After an accident, a law was enacted.

But a small number of people know that this cannot be eliminated.

Those experiments exist in the dark.

You can only rely on everyone’s conscience to not cross that line.

Doctor Fang couldn't understand why he would let someone implant foreign objects in his son's body.

Xingchen did not tell him the answer.

When Xingqiao was a child, his body would have some problems from time to time, like a physical complication caused by some kind of rejection.

Xingchen has been taking Xingqiao to his home for treatment.

The subsequent physical examination reports were also from his hands, so naturally, people would not see the problem.

Later, it grew bigger, and it seemed to have adapted, and rejection was gone.

His health is getting better and better, and he can't even get common minor diseases.

It's just that this child...may be affected by foreign objects, has a cold personality, rarely has children's emotions, and is extremely smart.

Doctor Fang is responsible for Xingqiao's physical condition, and Xingchen will not tell him about the rest.

"He has something in his heart, you know?"

Dr. Fang showed a little surprise on his face: "I don't know this, it's not in the result of my examination."

It is true that ordinary machines cannot detect the little Rubik's cube in the heart, and Doctor Fang does not seem to lie.

Xing Jue: "Why is it so easy to tell me?"

This matter should be a very important secret.

Xingchen will definitely keep Doctor Fang tight-lipped.

But he didn't ask anything, and Doctor Fang said everything.

Doctor Fang: "Because your brother said, if one day he is gone, if you find out about it, you will tell you the truth."

"In addition, he left you one thing, let me pass it to you, and I don't know the rest."


The east and west doctors didn't bring him. Doctor Fang said the storage location, and Hu Shuo ran to retrieve it.

It is a cryptex.

"I don't know the password, your brother said you must know it."

Xing Jue: "..."

He has amnesia! !

What do you know?

Xing Jue suddenly looked at Chu Zheng a little at a loss.

"It's getting late, let's talk about it tomorrow." Chuzheng said, and called Liu Zhong outside, "arrange a place for them first."

Xing Jue went back with Chu Zheng holding the cipher box.

The combination box is totally dark, with only one combination lock, nothing else.

Xingchen expected that he must know the password.

But he didn't expect him to lose his memory.

"Don't think about it, go to bed first." Chuzheng pulled the person over: "You can't figure it out now. It's a waste of time. If you don't make a dream, you just recover that little memory."


Can't refute.

Xing Jue's memory is like squeezing toothpaste.

What is squeezed now is all the memories in the "game", there is no real memory at all.

Xing Jue put the box next to the pillow, moved to Chu Zheng's side, and hugged her.


Xing Jue called out in a low voice.


"I feel a little bad."

"What are you afraid of? I can handle Jiang Yunli. What's your matter?" Chu Zheng stroked his back and stroked him, "I have me."

Jiang Yunli wanted to turn the people here into their bodies. His ideals were very beautiful and magnificent.


It's not in my hands yet.

Can't Xingqiao be more powerful than him?

"Hu Shuo said you don't care about human affairs."

"Xingqiao is my apprentice, can I not care about it?" She wanted to ignore it. Is it allowed? Is it allowed? !


Chu Zheng probably realized something, and took someone to kiss him, "I will try my best to help you with your affairs."

Xing Jue: "..."

Do you think I'm really stupid? Can't you hear you being perfunctory?

...Yes, he is stupid.

Xing Jue was not in a good mood, so he hugged Chuzheng for a while before falling asleep.


The next day.

When Chu Zheng got up, he saw Xing Jue sitting holding the box with his eyes out of focus, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Chu Zheng raised his hand and shook in front of him: "Did you figure it out?"

Xing Jue held Chuzheng's hand and kissed her palm: "No..."

The password lock is not a number, but a kind of virtual screen that can be clicked on. You need to enter the password manually.

This password may be a number, a word, or a number plus a word.

"give me."

Xing Jue looked at her suspiciously, but his movements didn't stop, and he passed the box directly.

The box fits perfectly, unlike ordinary products.

Chu Zheng got up and walked to the table, picking one out of the colorful porcelain vases.



The ground vibrated slightly, and Liu Zhong held his toothbrush in his mouth and looked next door.

Early in the morning...what are you doing?

Liu Zhong was afraid of something, and ran to knock on the door.

The door opened to him was paper-struck. Liu Zhong couldn't tell which one it was. He didn't go in, but asked it: "What's wrong?"

The paper-struck man didn't speak, and slowly shook his head. Its movements were really slow, like eight times the slow motion of a movie.

After reading it patiently, Liu Zhong had a bottom line.

That's all right.

Liu Zhong went back and sat on the steps to continue brushing his teeth.

After he finished brushing his teeth and eating breakfast, Chuzheng slowly appeared.

Xing never knew why he looked a little depressed.

Liu Zhong scratched his chin.

If something like this happens in someone's house, Ms. Chuzheng shouldn't be tossing Mr. Xing frantically, right?

Xing Jue was obviously not tossed.

What he is depressed is...

The thing is taken out, but...I can't understand it.

There was a chip inside, and the content was all messed up.

"Your notebook may be useful." Chu Zheng said while eating breakfast.


The notebook with ‘Ψ’ painted on it.

I thought it had something to do with her before, but it turned out to be some mess in it.

It's somewhat similar to the content of that chip.




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