Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2553: Ask the fairy Huangquan (132)

Xing Jue directed Hu Shuo to run errands to get the notebook.

Hu Shuo is very...

Is he an errand?

His dignified general manager is now reduced to errands...

But is there any way.

Not yet.

It takes time for Hu Shuo to go back and forth. There were still many things that were not clear last night.

"You said Xingqiao is a bionic, but Xingchen said he is a human. What's the matter?"

Doctor Fang is still wearing yesterday's clothes, and it is estimated that every time he rests, his complexion is a little worse.

"Xingchen always said that he is a human." Doctor Fang drank his mouth water to moisturize his throat. "He is indeed different from the bionic person we know, so I didn't think much at the time."

Bionics will not grow up, and they will look like they are made.

But Star Bridge is different.

He will grow up with age.

Doctor Fang discovered that the Xingqiao Bionic Man was after the death of Xingchen.

When he checked the whole body film of Xingqiao, he found a string of codes on a bone that was easily overlooked.

Bionics are now legal, and like robots, they will be used in life.

But in order to distinguish between bionics, their bodies have codes that can identify them.

Will there be codes that belong to the bionics in the body of normal people?

Doctor Fang asked someone to check the code, which was similar to Xingqiao’s date of birth, but the code showed that it had been destroyed.

The destruction time can also match the time when the stars bring Xingqiao back.

Doctor Fang is limited in his ability to find out more information.

Singbridge is strong in learning and lacks normal human feelings.

Of course, he is not like other bionics, the character set is what character.

He just lacks normal human feelings, not without.

A few times, his temperament will be revealed.

"What did your brother do?" Chuzheng sighed directly.


I don't know, amnesia.


Hu Shuo got the notebook and drove back, walking across the viaduct in Jingnan City.

These elevated towers are 100 meters above the ground, and are connected to some buildings next to them. They are staggered and complicated, and are truly 8D.

The viaduct has no speed limit, and from time to time there are speeding cars passing by, as if rushing to reincarnate.

Hu Shuo was too old and couldn't afford to toss, so he drove honestly by himself, keeping his speed at a normal level.

One call after another comes in on the communicator.

Hu Shuo really couldn't, switching to autopilot while connecting to communication.

As soon as the communication virtual screen popped up, Hu Shuo suddenly felt a strong force and knocked his car to the edge.

There was a fence on the edge, and the fence that was indestructible in the propaganda manuscript broke open the moment his car hit it.

The whole car fell into the air.

grass! ! !

Hu Shuo was fastened to the seat by the seat belt, but he couldn't do anything at this time and could only watch as he fell to the ground.


When Xing Jue received the news, he rushed to the hospital, but Hu Shuo was still in the rescue.

Someone in charge of this matter is also waiting outside. After all, it is an important task of Fanxing Group and must be guarded personally.

As soon as Xing Jue arrived, the person in charge quickly explained the situation.

Hu Shuo fell from the viaduct.

Under the defensive measures of the car, Hu Shuo did not die on the spot.

Xing Jue's face was sullen, and there was a low pressure all over his body.

He asked to see the photos of the scene.

The person in charge was not too embarrassed, and showed Xing Jue the photos returned from the scene.

Xing Jue flicked across the accident pictures.

"Did you find a notebook at the scene?"

"Notebook?" The person in charge looked at the record and shook his head: "No, we have all checked in the car and there is no notebook."

Xing Jue: "What happened?"

"Someone hit Mr. Hu's car. Mr. Hu's car lost control, hit the viaduct fence, and finally fell."

"The fence has quality problems, so..."

The person in charge showed a helpless look.

If it wasn't for the fence, Hu Shuo's car wouldn't be hit directly.

Fences like viaducts dare to cut corners. I am afraid that many people will be responsible for this.

The man's eyes were cold, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a lot.

"The perpetrator was caught?"

The person in charge was afraid of Xing Jue, swallowed, and said, "...still looking, we will find the perpetrator as soon as possible."

The cars driven by the perpetrators were ordinary in style and could be seen everywhere on the street.

The car was still in anti-peep mode, and no one was captured by the surveillance.

The car ran away after hitting Hu Shuo's car. After getting off the viaduct, it headed in the direction of heavy traffic and mixed traffic.

It will take some time to find it.


Chu Zheng was at the scene of the accident at this time. There were no people living in this area. There were a lot of weeds and trees, and it was a little barren.

There were still many people on the scene, and Chuzheng suddenly appeared, attracting the attention of the martial law people outside.

It's not too cold in this weather, but you must wear a jacket and long pants.

This little girl who appeared, was wearing a short T, a pair of big pants, stepping on a pair of very convenient canvas shoes, and came over here with her hands in her pockets.

This dress is also a bit strange...

When the martial law person passed Chuzheng, he politely stopped her: "Madam, this is the scene of the accident. You can't go forward."

Chuzheng touched it in his pocket, but before he could find it, someone came from behind.

The man said as he walked: "Don't miss anything on the scene...Miss Chu Zheng?"

Chuzheng kicked his hand back in his pocket again, turning his head to look at the person calling her.

This person is a bit impressed, as if he is the son of a certain customer. He has met several times...

The man was surprised and shocked, and also a little careful: "How come Miss Chu Zheng came here? Is there anything important?"

Chu Zheng said blankly: "I want to go in."

"Oh, yes, yes." The man personally pulled the cordon for Chu Zheng.

The person next to him looked dumbfounded: "..."

What's the situation?

Why did this outsider get in?

However, the officials are older than them, and they dare not talk too much except to slander.

The man took Chuzheng around the scene.

Chuzheng didn't damage anything, just take a look.

"What did you find on the scene?"

"Look, these are all listed." The other party immediately brought the list respectfully.

As Xing Jue said, there is no notebook.

Neither did Hu Shuo.

So that notebook was taken away?

Chu Zheng wanted to ask an unknown creature. Who knew that the unknown creatures around here said that there were usually no people there, and they didn't like to go there. They didn't know.

Chu Zheng: "..."


Unknown creature: "..."

They just like the fun! !

Not breaking the law! !

The unknown creature didn't dare to talk to Chu Zheng, shrinking his neck and not talking.

"A clue informs me."


When Chu Zheng left, the people next to him leaned forward: "Who is she? Leader?"

The man waved away from the surrounding people: "No. Don't inquire about it. Work quickly. Is there any news about the perpetrator?"

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