As the Left Chancellor of the Great Xia.

The Hundred Officials wanted to send him silver.

Those with low official positions could not enter the Dong Mansion.

What about exploiting the people?

Let’s talk about the robbery of people’s women.

Do you grab it yourself?

How many people send him beautiful women, can not enter his eyes.

What did he do when he was idle to rob the people’s women?



Blatant slander!

Framed without even a hint of disguise.

It has always been Dong Zhuo who has wronged others.

But today it was the other way around.

He was so framed for such a bribe.

And it is also this kind of undisguised crime, saying that the dog does not believe it.

The feeling of being wronged by Nie Zheng was not good.

Dong Zhuo was angry and wanted to refute it.

However, Li Ru hurriedly pulled the corner of the dress.

That meant as if he was telling Dong Zhuo.

Lord, let’s put up with it.

The Son of Heaven is blatantly wronging you.

You can even say that the sky is broken.

It won’t do anything either.

You carry these black pots.

But don’t be out of the ordinary.

Dong Zhuo instantly understood Li Ru’s meaning.

A mouthful of steel teeth clenched in hatred.

He also finally realized how uncomfortable it was to be wronged.

“Dong Zhuo is to blame for his crimes, but he remembers that Dong Zhuo was a heavy humerus of the former emperor and can be spared the death penalty.”

“Although Dong Zhuo’s death penalty can be avoided, the living crime cannot be escaped.”

“Order Wei Zhongxian to raid all of Dong Zhuo’s family property.”

As Wei Zhongxian finished reading out his will.

Without smiling, he handed the holy will to Dong Zhuo and said, “Dong Cheng Xiang, take the will.” ”

“Minister, take the will!”

Dong Zhuo’s face turned green.

The eyeballs are flushed.

He trembled slightly as he took the holy will.

In his heart, he hated Nie Zheng to the extreme.

Emperor B!

Count you out!

Kill me thousands of Western Cool Iron Guards.

Beat me up in the court.

Now even more wrongfully accused of false accusations.

Search the manuscript for all the family property in the royal capital.


Very good!

Okay, very good!

Emperor B!

You remember this.

You won’t be happy for long.

This is an old account.

The future will be liquidated with you one by one.

Dong Zhuo roared with hatred in his heart.

The bloated body on the knees was shivering with anger.



Dong Zhuo attacked his heart in anger.

A mouthful of old blood spurted uncontrollably from his mouth.

Then the whole person fell directly to the ground.

He was actually fainted by the breath of the living.

“Prime Minister?”

Li Ru screamed in horror.

Hurry to test Dong Zhuo’s sniffles.


Although Dong Zhuo was stunned by the vomiting of blood.

But there is no fear of life.

This also secretly made Li Ru breathe a sigh of relief.

See Dong Zhuo vomiting blood and fainting.

Wei Zhongxian sneered.

“Search for the Governor.”

Wei Zhongxian waved a big hand.

Hundreds of grimaces disappeared in an instant.

Began to raid Dong Zhuo’s family property.

As for Dong Zhuo’s life and death.

Wei Zhongxian didn’t pay any attention to it at all.

Let’s say the most blunt of all.

If it were not for the master’s confession to leave Dong Zhuo alive.

Just because Dong Zhuo scolded him for castrating his dog in the court.

At this moment, I had already killed him.

However, there was one thing that Wei Zhongxian was very strange.

The master knew that Dong Zhuo was a hidden danger.

Why did he still allow him to return to Xiliang?

Is it just because the god will Lü Bu?

Wei Zhongxian couldn’t understand this point.

But he didn’t think much about it either.

Because in Wei Zhongxian’s eyes.

The master is right in what he does.

It is not something that the slave can speculate about.


An hour later!

Dong Zhuo woke up slowly.

But he had just opened his eyes.

The scene he saw almost made him vomit blood and faint again.

What did he see?

Dozens of carriages!

Dozens of wagons were filled with gold and silver treasures.

It made him look at his head even more.


Flesh pain!

Great flesh pain!

Dong Zhuohu’s eyes were red.

Tears almost fell out.

Clatter with both fists.

Treasures of gold and silver in dozens of carriages.

But all his possessions in the capital for many years.

However, all these family properties were actually collected by Nie Zheng.

Is there still a royal law?

Is there any magic leaf?

Are you Emperor Yi the Son of Heaven?

Can you do such a disgraceful thing?

Dong Zhuo hates!

But he could only watch as Wei Zhongxian filled the carriage with gold and silver treasures.

“There are spies!”

“Li Ru, there are definitely spies in the Prime Minister’s Mansion.”

Dong Zhuo was already crazy when he was stimulated.

He clutched Li Ru’s arm with red eyes and roared.

Know that these treasures of his gold and silver are hidden in the inner treasury.

Its hidden place is extremely private.

If there are no spies in the house.

How could Wei Zhongxian find it?

“Lord, don’t say it, bear with me.”

Li Ru hurriedly made a silent gesture to Dong Zhuo.

As if to tell Dong Zhuo, what is the use of you saying all this now?

It is only real to hurry up and send these wolf cubs away.


What happens in the next moment.

Finally let Dong Zhuo and Li Ru know.

What is called becoming more intense.

I understand more about what is called insatiable greed.

Emperor Yi really forced them to the desperate road!

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