“Lord Qi Yu, Dong Zhuo’s family property has been loaded into a carriage.”

An East Factory spies reported.

“All the family property?”

“How does Lord Ben feel that something is missing?”

Wei Zhongxian’s yin and yang strange airway.

A pair of yin bird’s eyes looked at Dong Zhuo’s splendid robe.

There are also valuable ornaments on his body.

“Your Majesty has said, raid all of Dong Xiang’s family property.”

“As slaves, we must naturally act according to our orders, and we must not slack off in any way.”

Wei Zhongxian’s yin and yang spoke strangely.

His eyes kept falling on Dong Zhuo.


Can become a spy in the East Factory.

The mind is natural and meticulous.

The first time I understood Wei Zhongxian’s meaning.

The East Factory spies smiled sinisterly.

He strode towards Dong Zhuo, who was sitting paralyzed on the ground.

Before Dong Zhuo could react to what was going on.

Just listen to the tearing sound.

Directly ripped off Dong Zhuo’s splendid robe.

Take away all the expensive ornaments on his body.

Then respectfully returned to Wei Zhongxian.

He presented the robe to the overseer of the East Factory.


Dong Zhuo woke up from his shock.

And then a roar of shame and anger that could no longer be controlled.

Too much deception!

It’s too deceiving!

Leave it alone.

Even the robes and ornaments on his body must be taken away.

This is a great shame for yourself!

At this moment, Dong Zhuo was completely stimulated to go crazy.

Even if you are injured.

Also wearing a single coat.

But with a frenzied face, he staggered towards Wei Zhongxian.

The bloated body waved its fists.

It slammed into Wei Zhongxian’s face.


Although Dong Zhuo was born as a military general.

But Wei Zhongxian was a martial arts master.

How could this punch hit him?


The next moment.

A muffled sound came.

Only to see Dong Zhuo’s bloated body was directly kicked to the ground by Wei Zhongxian.

A mouthful of old blood spurted out again.

Half of his face was scratched on the dusty ground.

But that’s not all.

Wei Zhongxian’s face showed a malevolent color.

Raising his foot, he stepped on Dong Zhuo’s face.

The foot is even more forcefully crushed.

“Dong Zhuo, you dog thing, you really don’t want to give your face a face.”

“If Your Majesty hadn’t sent you back to Xiliang, the miscellaneous family would have chopped you up and fed you to the dogs today.”

“You must remember to the miscellaneous family that it is Your Majesty’s gift that this dog thing of yours can be alive today.”

“If you do not miss Your Majesty Long’en and feel resentful in the future, the miscellaneous family will let you taste what is called life is better than death.”

Wei Zhongxian whispered fiercely.

There was excitement in his eyes.

Dogs are good at fighting.

Fox fake tiger Wei also.

Not long since?

Dong Zhuo barked at him one by one.

Hate him can be described as itchy teeth.

Even Wei Zhongxian didn’t think about it.

One day he was able to stomp Dong Zhuo, who was in the ascendant power of the opposition, under his feet and ravage it so badly.

At this moment, Wei Zhongxian was in a great mood.

The face showed the sense of serenity after revenge.

One word!


Stomp Dong Zhuo under his feet.

Wei Zhongxian was comfortable, refreshing, and transparent

The triumphant smile on his face could not be suppressed at all.

“Wei Zhongxian, you castrated man with a dog.”

“The Prime Minister is going to kill you, kill you…”

He was humiliated by Wei Zhongxian’s fierce stomping on his feet.

Dong Zhuo roared in shame and anger.

He propped his arms up to get up.

But Wei Zhongxian’s feet stomped on his head.

It didn’t make him move at all.

“The miscellaneous family makes you scold, let you scold well.”

Wei Zhongxian’s face was vicious.

The foot crushed Dong Zhuo’s head fiercely.

The blood at the corner of Dong Zhuo’s mouth kept flowing.

I saw Dong Zhuo’s miserable appearance.

Wei Zhongxian laughed triumphantly.

Completely a crazy face of a villain.


Dong Zhuo fainted again.

See Dong Zhuo faint.

Wei Zhongxian was shocked.

I was really afraid that I would accidentally kill the other party.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to make friends with my master.


Under the breath induction.

Wei Zhongxian found that Dong Zhuo had only fainted.

This also made him secretly relieved.

“Come on, throw Dong Zhuo out to the miscellaneous family.”

“Whoever seals his mansion without His Majesty’s will, trespasses into this place – there is no mercy.”

Wei Zhongxian strode toward the outside of the palace.

The two East Factory spies lifted Dong Zhuo’s bloated body and threw it directly out of Dong Mansion.

Li Ru could only follow blindly.

His face was full of horror and fear.


I don’t know if Dong Zhuo is guilty of heavenly anger.

Or is he really unlucky.

The sound of thunder and explosion came from the sky.

Dark clouds gradually thickened.

Not for a while.

A heavy rain poured down.

Watered by heavy rain.

Dong Zhuo was wet.

The whole person was frozen and trembling.

Also at this moment weak eyes open.

However, he saw Wei Zhongxian carrying dozens of carts of gold and silver treasures away in the rain.

And he could only lie in the mud of the heavy rain and look at Mu Ne.

It was as if the whole person was numb at this moment.

“Lord, are you all right?”

Li Ru couldn’t bear to look at it directly.

It was really Dong Zhuo’s appearance at this moment that was too miserable.

Dong Zhuo did not answer.

It was a long time coming.



Dong Zhuo cried!

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