“First thing, I have two drawings in my hand.”

“You create the things on the drawing in turn.”

Nie Zheng casually handed over the drawings of the cannon burn and the punishment of the pot to Master Zhao.


Nie Zheng wanted to let Wei Zhongxian do the punishment of cannon branding and Yu Peng.

However, Zhao Gao’s surrender made him change his mind.

Zhao Gao hurriedly took the two drawings and looked at them carefully.


When Zhao Gao saw the punishment on the drawing.

Even Zhao Gao didn’t take a breath of cool air.

There was a hint of shock in his eyes.

The punishment of cannon burning is nothing!

It was just that Zhao Gaojue’s punishment was indeed cruel.

But when he saw the punishment of the pot of flies.

Zhao Gao’s eyes all showed a look of fear.

Throw a person into a pit and be bitten by tens of thousands of poisonous snakes.

Just thinking about this scene.

Zhao Gao’s spine was chilling.

“The master is assured that the slave will handle this matter well.”

Zhao Gao bowed down.

Then tentatively looked at Nie Zheng and said, “I don’t know the second thing…?” ”

Nie Zheng smiled.

He glanced around at the Bactrian Palace Road where he was:

“Although the queen was established, there was only one queen in the harem, so it was very boring.”

Simple in one sentence.

Zhao Gao understood Nie Zheng’s meaning.

Tianzi wanted a concubine.

However, Zhao Gao’s eyes turned.

This kind of thing seems simple.

But Zhao Gao knew.

Nie Zheng entrusted this matter to himself.

The implications are unusual.

The concubine that the Son of Heaven desires.

That must be a worldly posture.

It is even more necessary to have the appearance of an ancient closed moon and a shy flower.

Otherwise, how can it be matched with Nie Zheng?


The most critical point.

That’s on the bed.

Can really make the Son of Heaven …

Zhao Gao’s eyes moved.

I have already roughly figured out the master’s thoughts.

Although it is impossible to be all right.

But as long as you do your best to do this well.

Gather the most beautiful women from all over Bactria.

For your own masters to choose.

That’s right.

At that time, the Son of Heaven will look at which one and recruit him into the palace.

In this way, I can also do this thing to the fullest.

“The slaves must live up to the trust of His Majesty.”

Zhao Gao kowtowed.

Nie Zheng likes smart people.

Zhao Gao is undoubtedly a smart person.

Just one word.

He could make Zhao Gao understand what he meant.

This also made Nie Zheng feel very comfortable.

“Go for it.”

“Do a good job of this matter, and make you an official of the Zhongche government, and you can enter the DPRK as an official.”

Nie Zheng waved his hand.

“Your Majesty Longen.”

Zhao Gao’s eyes lit up.

Entering the DPRK as an official?

The heart is faintly throbbing.

Then he bowed and exited the imperial garden.


“Your Majesty, Zhao Gao’s wolf ambitions are very cunning, and the slaves are afraid of him…”

See Zhao Gao go away.

Cao tilted his eyes and hurried to speak to Nie Zheng.

See Zhao Gao get reuse by Tianzi.

Cao Tian was extremely anxious.

You must know that he is Wei Zhongxian’s righteous son.

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao were mortal enemies.

Naturally, he could not sit idly by and watch Zhao Gao gain power.


The scene just now made Cao Tian extremely shocked.

I also saw Zhao Gao’s viciousness and determination.

To say something that belittles the righteous father Wei Zhongxian.

If Wei Zhongxian had just changed to Zhao Gao.

I’m afraid that Wei Zhongxian simply can’t do such a cruel and resolute thing to himself.

It is called cold lips and dead teeth.

It doesn’t mean how loyal Cao Qian is to his righteous father.

Instead, the two sat in a boat.

If Zhao Gao gains power in the future.

What good will happen to you?

“Cao Qian, are you questioning Yuan’s decision?”

Nie Zheng said lightly.

Cao was shocked!

Knowing that his words caused the Son of Heaven to be dissatisfied.

He hurriedly knelt down and prostrated his head, trembling: “The slave knows that she is wrong, and asks Your Majesty to punish her.”

“Only this time, if there is a next time, no wonder you don’t miss the old feelings.”

Seeing Cao Qian’s face full of fear and panic pleaded guilty.

Nie Zheng shook his head darkly inside.

Although Cao Tian was the first person to be loyal to himself through this world.

But his talent is too mediocre.

His personal abilities were completely inferior to those of Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao.

Can only be used, not reused.

If you change to Wei Zhongxian today, you are here.

Even if Wei Zhongxian regarded Zhao Gao as a mortal enemy.

But Wei Zhongxian would definitely not say bad things about Zhao Gao.



[Detected that the host fainted and was unruly, and favored the eunuch to rape Zhao Gao.] 】

[Reward: 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders (Note: 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders are invincible divisions in the world, can fight against a million troops, and are absolutely loyal to the host. )】


[Remind the host that the 30,000 Northern Dragons are riding in the bitter cold of the Heavenly Mountains in the far north, and can be dispatched by the host’s hand. 】

The cold voice of the system sounded in Nie Zheng’s ears.

“Northern Dragon Rider?”

“Can you fight against a million troops?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up.

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