Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders, can be an enemy of a million troops.

Simple in one sentence.

But the meaning contained in it is creepy.

This is an invincible division that has swept the world.

Nie Zheng was very excited inside.

Although his personal strength has broken through the sky.

One person is one country.

One man can reach a million troops.

But he was a big summer after all.

If it is an appeal to force, it is a very obvious bargain.

And these thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders could help him achieve a lot of things he wanted to do.

“Who will be in charge of these 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders?”

Nie Zheng muttered.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Because he had already thought of a candidate.

He was qualified to rule over thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders, and now he was the only one in Bactria himself.

The person in Nie Zheng’s mind had been decided.

But this man is a god of the world.

But the surname is capricious.

But you need to knock it out yourself.

Selection of the person who will command the Northern Dragon Horse.

Nie Zheng was also thinking about a problem.

System Rewards!


It’s the reward of the system.

Nie Zheng found.

As long as he does things that are more and more vulgar and cruel.

The more rewarded you get from the system.

This also made Nie Zheng’s eyes squint slightly.

The corners of his mouth outlined an inexplicable smile.

I already had some plans in mind.

If Wei Zhongxian is here.

I saw the smile on Nie Zheng’s face at this moment.

He must have been secretly horrified.

I’m afraid that my master is going to do things again.


The other side.

Inside the Chungyi Building.

Zhao Gao’s eyes were gloomy.

Instructions came out of his mouth.

The wide school yard was full of black pressed figures.

That’s a lot of thousands.

These people are fierce and evil.

All are outlaws in the jianghu.

But they were half on their knees at the moment.

Looking at Zhao Gao’s eyes with deep awe.

“I don’t want to say more nonsense.”

“I have raised you for so many years, and now is the time for you to make meritorious achievements.”

“The national color is fragrant, the crown is fang, dignified and feminine, and the posture of the world…”

“I want you to collect the backgrounds of all the beautiful women in Bactria within a month, and paint their faces into portraits and send them to Lord Ben.”

“Remember, this is a great responsibility to elect a concubine for Your Majesty.”

“If any of you make the slightest mistake, not only will you die, but your families will also die.”

Zhao Gao opened his mouth coldly.

“Yes, sir.”

Thousands of outlaws hurriedly prostrated their heads and answered.

“Congratulations to the Lord for gaining the trust of the Emperor of Darkness, and from now on to soar to the top, and the power to the opposition is just around the corner.”

The little eunuch next to him laughed and clapped his horse.

“What do you say?”

Zhao Gao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The little eunuch was stunned.

But repeat it again.



A knife light streaked through.

Blood spilled into the air.

The little eunuch’s head landed on the ground.

The flattering smile on his face was still stiff on his face.


Zhao Gao raised his feet and kicked the headless body of the little eunuch off the school platform.

When this scene is presented.

The outlaws of the entire Zhongyi Hall were stunned.

They all looked at Zhao Gao in horror.

I don’t know why he burst out and drew his knife to kill people.

You must know that this little eunuch is Zhao Gao’s favorite slave.

What did he do wrong?

Zhao Gao’s face was indifferent.

Take out the silk pad and gently wipe the blood on the knife.

But his eyes were gloomy and he looked at all the outlaws of the Zhongyi Hall.

“You remind me that no one can call His Majesty the Dark Lord.”

“If I hear anyone disrespectful to His Majesty again, he will be your end.”

“Come man, chop him up and feed him to the dog, it’s too cheap to die this dog slave.”

Zhao Gao casually threw the blood-stained silk paw to the ground.

But his words terrified these outlaws.

They finally found out that Zhao Gao had changed.

He became extremely reverential of the Son of Heaven.

It was just incredible to them.

Is this still Zhao Gao, the chief administrator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs they know?

Didn’t he always have the utmost disregard for imperial power?

Why did the surname change so much?

The people at Chungyikan couldn’t understand why.

However, he deeply remembered Zhao Gao’s words.

“Let’s all disperse.”

“Remember, I’ll only give you a one-month deadline.”

Zhao Gao said coldly.

“Yes, sir.”

Thousands of outlaws quickly left.

Break into pieces and disappear into the night.


The other side.

Three days

Just three days.

The whole king of Bactria was in complete chaos.

The name of the East Factory resounded throughout the capital.

Raid the family and exterminate the family.

Rivers of blood.


Three consecutive days passed.

From time to time, you can see the East Factory people and horses passing through the streets.

The mansions of dozens of civilian warlords were raided and exterminated.

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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