Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1942: She decided to gamble

After the meal, a group of people was drinking tea in the living room, and Miss Chu would leave after sitting for a while.

Xie Suling said: "Shao Heng, did you take Miss Chu home safely, did you hear that?"

Ji Shaoheng responded, picked up the car key on the coffee table, and walked out of the living room with Miss Chu.

After carving the gate after the car opened, Miss Chu asked, "How did I behave today?"

Ji Shaoheng gave a pertinent answer: "Not bad."

He sent Miss Chu back home, and then went directly to pick Fang Sitong.

However, after arriving at the villa, he rang the doorbell for a long time and no one came to open the door.

His eyes were cold, his jaws were tight together, and the hand that pressed the doorbell gradually became a fist

Yesterday, he told Fang Yaqing that he would let people look at her, only to scare her.

If she really took Tongtong away and was found by him, she would definitely not see her daughter in her life!

He took out his phone and called Fang Yaqing, the music in it rang until it hung up automatically

Seeing no one answering the phone, Ji Shaoheng's face became more and more ugly, and his darker lips held a sharp straight line.

He held the mentality of giving it a try again and hit it a second time.

This time it rang for about ten seconds, and the phone was connected.

Before the people over there spoke, he said in a deep voice: "Where are you?"

Hearing the discomfort in his voice, Fang Yaqing was a little inexplicable: "In the mall."

Ji Shaoheng asked: "Which mall?"

Fang Yaqing reported the name of the mall. He said nothing and hung up the phone.


Hearing the beep on the phone, Fang Yaqing took the phone from his ear and stared at the dark screen thoughtfully.

If he really sent someone to supervise himself, then the person supervising her would always report her whereabouts to him.

However, he asked where she was just now, which means that he did not know that he had brought Tongtong out to the mall early in the morning?

The bodyguards are all trained and will not be lost under normal circumstances, it is very possible that -

That is, he did not send someone to supervise himself.

Thinking of this, she gripped her phone regretfully, and the only chance she could take Tongtong away was wasted by her.

Tanxi brought Fang Sitong back to buy milk tea and saw that her face was not very good and asked, "Sister Fang, what's wrong?"

"It's okay." Fang Yaqing smiled with a lip, and put the phone back in his bag. "Let's find a place to sit."

After sitting down in the rest area, Tan Xixiang Fang Sitong her life in Ji Zhai, and Fang Yaqing has been silent for a while.

She was thinking in her heart, if she would take Tongtong away now, how big would she be?

It must be impossible to take a plane, otherwise he will be found whereabouts, only to leave by train or car.

But she was very scared. If she did not go away and was captured by Ji Shaoheng, she would never see her daughter again.

After thinking about it for a long time, she decided to gamble. What if she was lucky enough to escape his magic barrier?

That way, she doesn't need to see the glow once a month.

If she could really leave here, she took Tongtong to hide where Ji Shaoheng could not find.

Even if it was a small mountain village, as long as he could not find it, he would not be able to dismantle her and Tongtong.

And she will not come back to this place in city A.

She got up and carried a shopping bag beside her and looked at Tanxi: "We should go."

Anyway, there is nothing to do on the weekend, Tan Xi asked: "Don't you go shopping for a while?"

"Then you will go to the meeting again, I will take Tongtong back first."

She held out her empty hand towards Fang Sitong. Fang Sitong held milk tea in one hand and held her in the other.

"Forget it, then I will go back." Tanxi got up and left with them.

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