Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1139: , the hulk's trick...

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Killing the sky, the killing of the whole hall is extremely cold.

In particular, the power of destroying the soul released from the Soul Sword is as powerful as the power of heaven. It is the weapon that the wizards built into the power of the heavenly election. This weapon is extremely terrifying.

The Spirit of the Spirit of the Spirit is moving.

The breath on the Soul Sword is also moving.


The two of them seem to be one.

At the moment when the killing rushed, Luo Tian first released the ‘Huge’s transformation card in one step, and there was also a countdown of the hulk’s transformation into the card.





The power of violent screaming out of Luo Tian’s body, the powerful green block jerked and stared at the golden body in front of him. The spirit in front of him was the King of the Soul, and his body exudes the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit. The breath can almost crush Luo Tian.


After turning into the Hulk, it is completely different.

Luo Tian’s arrogant and incomparably powerful force erupted from his body. In the face of the attack of the King of the Soul, the right arm slammed and the fists slammed again. “Booming... rumbling...”

The entire hall is shaking.


A fierce mess.

The spirit of the King of the Souls was obviously shocked. He jumped three times in an instant and stared at a creature he had never seen before. His brow was tight and he said slightly: "This is your dependence? Killing my dependence?"

"Although strong, physical, strong, and powerful beyond imagination."

"But... it’s not my opponent because of this flesh and strength."

The look of contempt is revealed in the eyes.

The Hulk’s consciousness Luo Tian couldn’t control, but looking at the scornful eyes of the King of the Soul, the Hulk suddenly screamed and said, “What big head B is, what is your opponent?”


The Hulk's feet are on the ground.


The thick bluestone floor is broken into powder.

Jumping high, directly on the head of the King of the Souls, two fists and a hug, showing the posture of the Tomahawk, when the air is down.

"Oh la la..."

There was a crack in the air.

The space was torn apart by the power of the Hulk's fist. It was really a mess, and even Luo Tian was shocked.

In the face of the Hulk’s attacking axe, the King of the Broken Soul wrinkled and coldly screamed, “Let’s see how strong your strength is!”

"Jiuyang magical!"

"It’s just to the sun, broken!"


The sorcerer's spirit broke out with a strong masculine force like the sun, with a fierce horror, facing the Hulk's battling axe, he did not hide, but a positive confrontation.

"Jiuyang Shengong?"

Luo Tian’s heart sank and secretly said: “The two elders told me several times that I should not have physical contact with the King of the Soul, nor do I know if the Hulk’s body can withstand it, although his body’s defense in the movie Even if the force is gamma ray, he can't kill him, but... in this world?"


The space is cracking.

The law of space seems to have been broken at this moment. ,

The space on the main hall showed crack marks, and the visible form appeared in front of the eyes.

The two forces collide together.

The Hulk was bounced out.

There were burns on the double fists, redness, **** flesh, and Luo Tian’s heart sank, and the dark road said: “Jiuyang Shentong is really strong.”


The King of the Soul of the Soul was smashed to the ground by the Green Giant, and the face was pale, and at the moment of the attack, a bright red figure appeared on the top of his head, "—390000"

390,000 points of damage!

Absolutely bursting the table.


The burned Hulk seems to have touched his reverse scales, becoming more arrogant, more confused, and waiting for the King of the Soul to climb from the ground. He is jumping high again, or just like the same. Move.

Tomahawk slams!

Double fists and a hug, cut through the space, such as heavy axe generally smashed down.

The sorrows of the King of the Souls are almost scared.

This big green man is completely a madman.

He also did not think that the Hulk’s defense was so strong that it was not a common practice, but a magical power, and any strong person in the same realm of the Holy Spirit. I didn't dare to fight with him. Once I met the Jedi, I had to become disabled. But this guy was hurt a little, and he was also angered.

This Nima...

It’s too scary.


After all, the King of the Souls is the King of the Soul.

It’s not a practice for more than 10,000 years.

In the face of the Hulk once again, he can't take care of the image of the spirit king, directly lazy and rolling, and the wolf is directly avoiding.

But even so.

His body is still subject to strong shocks.

The body is still suffering from pain.

From the top of his head, there was another damage value of more than 100,000 points. It was only a shock that could cause such terrible damage. Luo Tianxiao opened his mouth. "Nima, this is the Hulk, is he? It’s called 牛逼!!!”

Too strong.

The strong who completely killed the realm of the Holy Spirit.

Luo Tian began to worry that the Hulk was not an opponent, but did not expect this guy to completely exceed his expectations.


Powerful is powerful, that is, this guy's consciousness is completely uncontrolled by Luo Tian. It is a madman to fight up, and his speed is a strong weakness.

“Not very arrogant?”

"How do you run like a dog?"

"The battle axe is heavy!"




The Hulk is like a fly swatter chasing a small fly and shooting in the dead. Where does he fly, where the Tomahawk is heavy, where he is, there is no chance to gasp, and there is only a chance to escape. .


A little Luo Tian is getting more and more worried.

The time for the Hulk to change into a card is running out.

Can't solve his words again, then...

Must be resolved as soon as possible!


At the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Niu Haishan a group of grievances anxiously waiting outside the hall.

They didn't do it according to Luo Tian's words. They didn't leave. They were waiting, waiting for Luo Tian's return. At the same time, they were also prepared. As long as Luo Tian failed, they would step into the field of the infinite hall together and fly together.

"The movement is too big. What happened inside?"

"What exactly is it?"

"It's like having a monster killed in it. I feel that the infinite hall has to be demolished."

"Two elders, can our soul be freed?"

Niu Haishan shook his head, he did not know, his eyes staring at the infinite hall, the double fists secretly clenched, said: "Luo Tian, ​​you must be successful, as long as you succeed, I will know everything I know. Tell you!" R1148

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