Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1140: , squat, hoe,...

Inside the temple.

The Hulk continues to wreak havoc and arrogant.

The King of the Broken Soul King climbed the ground and could no longer make the nine-yang powers. He could only avoid it.


The backlog of anger in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

Constantly looking for opportunities.


The defensive power of the big green man is too strong, and he is not given a chance at all. Even if there is a chance, his attack can not cause fatal injury at all. What kind of monster is this guy?


"Run your sister!"

Luo Tian kept snarling.

If you don't run, the King of the Souls has already been blasted.

However, this guy is completely afraid of confrontation, constant dodging, and the infinite hall is too big, he has enough space to move.

"There is only ten seconds left!"

"The blood of the King of the Souls is only about one tenth."

Luo Tian looked at the blood trough on the top of the King of the Spirit of the Soul, and secretly calculated it in his heart. He also couldn’t help but say: "Big, give your mind to me!"


This is the response from the Hulk.

Luo Tian can't wait to slap him.

This section of the bones is still so capricious, if Luo Tian has this kind of anti-day power, what the **** is the soul of the soul, what the strength of the realm of the Holy Spirit has long been labeled as a mud!

"your sister!"


The Hulk lost two moves.


The King of the Soul Spirit is more and more proficient, completely attacking the scope of the Wild Giant, and his speed, the easier it is to move, and he can still use the aftershock to hurt him, but now even a little damage can not be hit.

This makes Luo Tian more anxious.

Can't help but drink again: "I know that you are angry, you see him is not good, I am the same, but you can't do it, as long as you give me a second, I must teach him to be a man, let him kneel to you. If you make a mistake, you can sing a conquest."

Really can't be dragged anymore!

Luo Tian’s heart is extremely anxious.

But the Hulk is like a cow, and it is still a cow in anger, and it keeps smashing, and it doesn't stop talking.

The King of the Soul Spirit jumped gently and jumped to the other side, sneer, and said: "I have seen you through it, and you want to kill me with this strength, don't dream, now it is my turn to fight back."

Disdain, contempt, arrogant.

These expressions make the Hulk even more angry, completely a mad cow.

He wants to tear the King of the Soul, and wants him to squat and sing.


Luo Tian has already died. "The next time you are not willing to do so, no... you can't use the Hulk to change your card when you have no choice. This guy is completely a mad cow, it is useless."

It is also at this moment.

The Hulk suddenly said: "Can you really let him sing and sing to conquer?"

Luo Tian’s heart suddenly shook and immediately said: “As long as you give me the rest of the time, I must let him kneel down and sing and conquer!”

"it is good!"

"I will give you control of my body." The Hulk had a thought.


"Control the body of the Hulk!"

"Whether to accept?"


There are only a few seconds left.

Luo Tianlai couldn’t say anything. After controlling the body of the Hulk, his heart was even more heavy. "The power is too strong!"

Every capillary has a pure physical force that destroys the earth. This power is something that Luo Tian has never felt before, but... his body has reached the limit, and the power of Jiuyang Shentong has made his body I was greatly hurt, but he did not show it. Controlling the body of the Hulk, Luo Tian naturally felt the kind of intense pain.

"Give me death!"


Luo Tian deliberately jumped, and like the beginning, the battle axe went on.

The King of the Souls has escaped early, and in a moment a powerful, just-to-native force spurts out from his palms. This is a half-life if it is not dead. This is for him. Absolutely hit.


He has seen the Hulk.

There is no time to react at his speed.


What he didn't know was that it is another person who manipulates this body now.

Luo Tian had long been a good sorcerer and the king would take a chance to attack. The double fists were just a posture and there was no strength at all, but he fell twice as fast as before, and suddenly hit the ground and the body directly went to the infinite hall. The beam of the house, then clenched in a fist, shouted: "Your Majesty, Shantou, sing conquer!"




The double fists hit the top of the head of the King of the Souls, and directly hit him on the ground, and then they punched again. The head of the King of the Souls slammed on the ground, and the sound of '砰' bounced. .

Your Majesty, did it.

Shantou also did it.

Only the singer conquered!

Luo Tian’s body side, heavy pressure, "Oh..."

The King of the Soul Spirit directly spewed out a black blood.

The Hulk exclaimed with excitement in Luo Tian’s consciousness, saying: “Silly! Hahaha... Kid, you are really good, next time I will let you control my body, but the premise is sure to be cool!”

"Ha ha ha..."

This combo broke out the stupidity of the Hulk.


Luo Tian did not go happy.

There is no trace of happiness.

It stands to reason.

Three heavy blows were enough to kill the King of the Soul, but the system did not sound a voice. Obviously, he was not dead yet, but his blood volume had already bottomed out. Why is this, Luo Tian could not understand.

Also at this moment.

The five minutes that the Hulk turned into a card was over.


Luo Tian reverted to his body, and the green giant’s refreshing laughter sounded in his mind.

It is also at this moment.

The Soul Sword, suspended in midair, flashed a strange light.

This light is very familiar with Luo Tian!

The power of the heavenly election flashes.

The light fell on the body of the King of the Souls, and a silver light was released from the surface of the body. Then the King of the Souls, who had already died, suddenly sat up and turned to stare at Luo Tian, ​​who was recovering from the status quo. He sighed and said: "Dog stuff Give me life!"

"I rely!"

"Resurrection in place!"

"Do you have a letter to Chunchun?"

Luo Tian's face was shocked, and he did not expect that the King of the Souls would resurrect in an instant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the strength of his body was much stronger than before, with the power of heaven.

Also at this time.

Luo Tian's eyes lifted, staring at the Soul Sword suspended in midair, cold and cold: "It's your ghost, then kill you!"


"Transform the card, give it to me!"

A change card is flashing in my mind, and Raytheon turns into a card.

Holding a Thor hammer!

Violent, out of the void, trampled...


The new week has started again, and the old cow is asking for a ticket!

Today, I was kicked off fifty votes. Brothers, are we really worse than others? Ask for the firepower of the brothers, tomorrow the old cow will do their best to write more, ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! 1148

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