Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1155: Super war pet

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Enticed, the light of confusion is displayed.

A power grid descends from the sky and directly binds the giant stone demon.

Can it be successful? !

To tell the truth, Luo Tianxin has no bottom.


If it is successful, this guy is his most powerful killer to break through the city, and when the wall is high, this guy can break it!

If it is not successful...


Luo Tian did not think about it. He only thought about the success of a move. He did not leave a path for himself. Once he did not succeed, he might be crushed into a patties, and he secretly prayed. "Cang, bless you!"


"Hey, hey..."

After the power grid wrapped the giant stone demon, it constantly sounded the sound of static electricity.

During this time.

The body of the giant stone demon is still pressing down.

Seeing that it was going to be pressed down, Luo Tian’s eyes narrowed and his heart sank. “I wipe, these are dead!”

It is also at this moment.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Root’’ to summon success!”

This is a wonderful system sound.

If you don't hear the tone again, Luo Tian will use the invincible battle of ‘Judge Angel’ Kyle in an instant, at least to save his life, but fortunately, he will not be used, otherwise it will be really wasted.


Luo Tian was very worried that the giant stone demon could not stop, and the mind immediately moved, and immediately ordered: "Give me all the surrounding monsters!"


The giant stone demon wants to resist, but for Luo Tian's command is like controlling his brain, no matter how he resists it is useless, the body is not under his control, Luo Tian's order, it will roll over, Two long stone arms slammed and slammed down, smashing a large piece of monster around him, and then slamming the two feet, shaking the wounded beast to the air, right With a slap in the arm, the monsters will be shot away in an instant.





Oh la la!

The system rang, and the sound was just like eating a dazzle, and it couldn’t stop.

Luo Tianyi's **** sat on the ground, his forehead oozing cold sweat, and his heart was stunned: "It's a good success, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with him, Nima... This guy is too strong."

"I just don't know..."

Luo Tian thought of unraveling the **** power of the blood of the four gods in his body. The last time he did not succeed was because the power of the blood spirit was not strong enough. The level of this giant stone demon was at the sixth-order peak. I don’t know if he would kill him. Can not explode the power of the bleeding spirit, if it bursts out, can you unlock the seal of the blood of the four gods?

Yi Yumeng needs the blood of the four gods.

Luo Tian promised her.

He wants to unravel the blood seal of the body earlier, so that if he goes to Yunxiao City, he can also give her a big gift.




The giant stone demon is mad and rampant, killing the surrounding monsters one by one. After a few minutes, the name floating on top of it becomes green, and the pets are upgraded. This is what Luo Tian can see. Others can't see it at all.


No amount of city.

On the wall, Yin is ruthless!

Two eyes licked like eggs, and suddenly looked at the giant stone demon in the distance, the heart was puzzled, said: "What happened in the end? How can the giant stone demon not press down? Kill, what happened? Can anyone tell me?"

Deng Wumu's face is also a secret change, and the heart can't help but secretly: "Is this the practice of Luo Tianxin's cultivation? Is the war pet that he can summon is not the fire unicorn? How can the sixth-order monster be summoned, even if it is a witch? Can't the surgeon do it?"

He did not say!

He did not dare to say.


Once he said it, Yin will definitely take him out. After all, he didn’t tell too much about Luo Tian’s information, and his understanding of Luo Tian only stayed half a month ago, and it happened within half a month. what?

Is there any adventure in Luo Tian?

He really doesn't know.

I also want to know very much.


"Ha ha ha..."

"If this sixth-order stone demon continues to kill, then the city of mass will not be too dangerous."

"What is this kid's head?"

"Why didn't the giant stone demon keep pressing? What did he do?"

"Is it impossible for him to communicate with the monsters?"


The guards and the warriors on the wall did not know how Luo Tian did it.

Even the two directors of Yunxiao College are a glimpse of them. They have seen all kinds of magical exercises, but they have never seen such strange exercises, and they cannot understand them with common sense.

Chen Dongfeng looked at the distance and muttered to himself: "I don't know if this kid has participated in the assessment of Yunxiao College. If I participated, then we will come to Wuliangcheng this time."

"I just heard that he came out of the Wuliang Mountains and is a family that fled. Since they are fleeing families, they certainly don't have time to participate in the first round of selection. They don't know how his talents are. If they reach the super class, Then, without having to participate in any selection, you can become a student of Yunxiao College directly. At that time, we will get a contribution of 100 points, hahahaha..."

Chen Dongfeng was also excited, and the contribution value of 100 points was absolutely rich for them.


They looked at Yin’s anger and anger, and they secretly sank and said: “Now don’t be too happy, we don’t know if he is dead or alive now, maybe he has been killed by the giant stone demon? The demon's move is indeed abnormal, but no one can be sure that it is the order of the kid?"

The hearts of the two of them suddenly fell to the end.

"Chen Lao, is it better for us?"

The sound just fell.

Yin Wuliang immediately said: "No one is allowed to leave the city without my order~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise, don't blame me."

Chen Dongfeng glanced at him with a sigh of relief. "Yin is infinite, you should not be too arrogant. You can see what the current mass city is like. If you look at your teacher's face, we have already..."

Yin was very rude and interrupted his words: "What happened to you? Just because you two still want to move me? Don't forget that this is my place, even if you are a dragon, you have to give me a plate, 哼!"

"Knowing my teacher's identity will shut me up, and then dare to say something out of the city, I will be rude!"

Do not give them two and a half face.

Chen Dongfeng's face is very ugly, and his fists are tight. If someone is not pulling around, he will have to rush to go up with Yin.

Yin Wuliang eyes stared into the distance, said: "I don't believe that the ten barrels of the beast soul only attracts a sixth-order monster..." R1148

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