Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1156: The siege war begins

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The medicinal properties of the beast is still spreading.

There are more and more monsters in the army.

The giant stone demon attacks the monsters, and the monsters naturally attack the giant stone demon.


Corresponding to the fourth-order, the third-order attack of these low-level monsters is completely scratching and it has no effect.

With the giant stone demon Luo Tian is very easy.


He is not idle, summoning the fire unicorn, killing the monster is the best way to absorb the vitality, the ancient tree is a bottomless pit, you must prepare an unlimited amount of energy to cultivate it.

Compared to before.

The fire unicorn attack has improved a lot.

The amount of blood is also a little more.

Luo Tian holds the Yitian sword, the left side is the fire unicorn, the right side is the giant stone demon, the two sharp and incomparable war pets are rampant, just like the crabs, walking is quite domineering, and wherever they go, except the monster The body is the body of the demon.


There are too many monsters, and more can’t be killed.

Luo Tian is very excited, but ... his heart is also secretly worried.

These low-level monsters do not pose a threat to him, but energy consumption is his physical strength. This kind of thing in the body is not restored by your upgrade. It takes time to rest and needs food to fill your stomach to recover.

"This is not the way to go."

Luo Tian will kill a third-order monster to the second, and the Yitian sword will move immediately. Then a sword stabs to another **** monster, and then looks at more and more monsters around. This is the first time that Luo Tian is jealous. There are too many monsters.


"I have to find a place to take a break, otherwise I have to be exhausted in this way." Luo Tianxin secretly said, locked in one direction, and sent a message to the fire unicorn and the giant stone demon. "Give me a clean way to the left."




The two super-pets are just as quick as the autumn wind sweeping the leaves.

Luo Tian maintains physical strength, followed closely.

After half an hour.

Luo Tian came to a concave mountain pass, surrounded by huge stones, is a natural danger.

"It is necessary to restore physical strength as soon as possible."

If he kills one night, his physical strength can't keep up, then tomorrow's siege will definitely not show the strongest strength.


"You two gave me all the monsters to be attracted, and the two of you gave me non-stop killing!"

The command is passed on.

Luo Tian walked to a corner and immediately sat up with his knees. On the way, he smashed a few pieces of **** monster meat, and he did not care about raw meat. He ate it like that, and swallowed the blood of the monster. .

The blood of the beast has a very rich complement.

Can quickly replenish physical strength.


Physical strength is recovering.

The war pet continues to be killed.

Experience, vitality is also slowly rising.

Time is slowly losing!


There is a trace of white fish in the east.

This marks the beginning of a new day.

The city of mass is intact.

Even a monster has not been close, because they have not been close to them and have been solved by two super-pets.

This also gives Bai Lingling their time to recover.

Plus those remedies made by Luo Tian refining.

In one night, their physical strength and vitality have recovered.


On the wall.

Yin is more and more unhappy, he is more and more unclear, and the ten barrels of the beasts have not even rushed to the city under the limitless masses, all of which have been crushed by two monsters. What is the situation?

The warriors on the wall.

Those guards.

Even the people who have slowly stabilized in the city are talking about what happened outside the city.

Who is protecting them?

Anyway, they know that this is definitely not something that the infinite city owners do, because they are all very clear that the infinite citylors ordered the igniting of the beasts, which is to disregard their lives.

In their hearts, they hate this city owner very much.


The flaming red sun slowly rises.

The realization becomes clear.

The medicinal nature of the beast spirit is slowly dissipated, and the monsters are getting less and less.

Yin Wuliang stood on the wall, his eyes continued to search, could not see Luo Tian's figure, his mouth gently sneaked, said: "I thought you were so powerful, not dead, hahaha... ”

Deng Wumu is also happy to laugh.

Around the body of the monster, did not see Luo Tian.

He must have died.

It is impossible to be alive.

He didn't show up again in the middle of the night. Obviously, he is definitely not in this world.

Chen Dongfeng sighed heavily and smiled bitterly: "How good a seedling is, it is no such thing. It is a pity."


"Chen Lao, let's go, we didn't sleep for one night. Today we have a good rest and we should do something tomorrow."

"Well, let's go!"



I don’t know who said it on the wall, saying: "Look, there are people coming towards us."

The sound fell.

The walls were suddenly quiet and all looked at them.

Because too far, I can't see who the person is.


Just a person, no monsters, no war pets.

Yin was sneer and said: "It’s just a passerby!"

In his heart, Luo Tian is absolutely impossible to live, even if he can not survive.

The figure is getting closer.

The man flashed red light in the morning sun, as if he was wearing a red dress.


A pleasant voice came from the wall, "It is him!"


All the white disciples brushed up and stood up, standing in a row, with gaze and adoration, with gratitude, and their warfare in the body began to burn slowly, and a new day arrived.

The siege war is about to begin!

"not dead!"

"It's Luo Tian!"

Deng Wumu couldn't believe his eyes. He stretched his neck and looked out at the head. He looked at the figure on the avenue. He wanted to get rid of the people who dreamed of it. The Deng family’s heart was so bad that he could not wait to eat Luo Tian’s flesh and drink him. The blood, the bite of the teeth creaked, "How come still not dead?!"

Yin is also angry with himself.

I feel like I am insulted.

So many monsters have not killed Luo Tian. How many lives does this kid have?

However, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yin Wuliang's color has also become gloomy, with a fist and a grip, the joints are loud, and the cold voice screams: "If I were you, I would definitely have how far I ran, absolutely. I won't come back, I don't think you will come to die!"

Luo Tian walked down to the city, did not look at Yin infinite, looked at the sound with the vitality, and said loudly: "Yin Wuquan, you are so vicious, attracting countless monsters, for the sake of your own desire to abandon the people in the city, you are not worthy of This city owner."

Yin couldn't help but feel funny, saying: "I don't deserve to be this city owner. Do you want to be a successor?"

Luo Tian mouth corner, said: "Exactly! From today on, you are no longer the city owner of the Immaculate City."

Yin suddenly laughed and said: "Are you talking about your dreams? Really not self-reliant..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Luo Tian shouted: "White disciples listen to orders, prepare to attack the city!" R1148

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